2 min read

20 mph Bill Survey

20 mph Bill Survey

We have blogged before about our support for the 20 mph bill currently going through Scottish Parliament. The committee have just launched a call for evidence which includes this short online survey that will allow you to add your support for a 20mph speed limit as standard on urban “restricted” roads. There is the option to be as quick as two clicks to complete this one so if you have half a minute please give it a go.

Read on for why we believe 20mph is a good thing.

Your survival rate from being hit by a car driving at 20mph (90% chance of survival) vs 30mph (40% chance of survival) is significantly increased.

(courtesy of Vision Zero Network)

Areas that have already brought in 20mph measures have seen a 33% increase in numbers of people walking. We believe this is due to reduction in traffic speeds leading to reduction in noise, pollution, danger perception, and therefore a far greater sense of place. People wish to be in places with lower traffic speeds.

(courtesy of Living Streets)

Fuel consumption is greatly reduced. For a full breakdown of how see Bristol Cycling Campaigns article 7 Reasons Why Einstein Would Support 20 mph.

(courtesy of Bristol Cycling Campaign)

It saves lives. London streets saw a 42% reduction in deaths and serious injuries following the introduction of 20mph limits.

(courtesy of Space for Cycling / London Cycling Campaign)

It saves money and is better for the environment. 42 litres of fuel can be saved every year by accelerating to 20 mph instead of to 30 mph.

(courtesy of Bristol Cycling Campaign, again, thanks!)

Some background to the process and timeline the bill will take through Scottish Parliament can be seen here as well as info on how you can provide more detailed comments if you would like to. The deadline for completing the survey and for other evidence submissions is 28th January 2019.