About GoBike

About GoBike
GoBike forming a human cycle lane on University Avenue

GoBike was formed in the 1980s as the Glasgow Cycling Campaign and produced a Bike Plan for a Better Glasgow.

Ever since, GoBike has campaigned for better infrastructure, policy, and political support for cycling. Using a bike should be a safe, efficient, clean and healthy mode of active travel, open to everyone. We support high quality designs to make public spaces accessible. Everyone should be able to choose active travel – whether walking, wheeling or cycling.

We campaign on the street for change, engage the media, and bring our expertise to council consultations.

Recent victories include securing segregated cycle lanes on Byers Road and influencing the Spaces for People programme.

GoBike are a voluntary, member-led organisation. Funding comes entirely from our members by donation.

Our objectives were last formally updated at our 2017 AGM and are as follows:

GoBike Objectives

  • We will campaign for a cycling network designed and constructed to current best practices.
  • We will work with partners at a pan-Scotland level for improved cycling design standards.
  • We will engage with decision makers to prioritise investment to create an environment conducive to active travel.
  • We will promote evidence-based decision making in support of active travel.
  • We will be a trusted, credible organisation, growing our membership and encourage members to be engaged in our campaigns.
  • We will promote a positive image of cycling and actively counter negative perceptions.
  • We will work with other groups with aligned objectives.

GoBike Infrastructure Strategy

Our strategic position will be reactive according to the details of the designs we are provided with. We will fit within the following general framework:

  • We will advocate for infrastructure that is direct, connected, convenient, and safe for use by an unaccompanied 8 year old.
  • Where infrastructure or planned infrastructure falls short of this standard, we will raise it with the authority concerned. We aim to agree a proposal that we are able to publicly support.
  • Whilst we will always push for the best possible quality infrastructure, occasionally, compromise now can lead to better results later. However, the compromise must not negatively impact on the current cycling environment.
  • We will aim wherever possible to be involved in infrastructure planning at an early enough stage to positively influence the outcomes.
  • We will support and encourage members local to projects requiring attention to become actively involved in the consultation processes. We will help set-up and engage with hyper-local campaigns in support of quality infrastructure.

GoBike Engagement Strategy

  • We will work hard to build and engage positively in good communication and working relationships with councillors, designers, consultants and cycling officers. Also, with the police and procurator fiscal, while also endeavouring to hold them to account when necessary.
  • We will encourage our members to engage with councillors, designers, consultants and cycling officers where appropriate. We will provide guidance on how to do that, and on the type of approach most likely to succeed.
  • We will respect confidentiality and discretion where it is requested, and recognise that good working relationships depend on trust.
  • We will make it clear when we do not agree with suggestions or ideas from external partners or other members. However, we will aim to do that constructively and respectfully. We will also respect that our members are volunteers from a wide ranging skillset, who are giving their time to do what they can for our campaigning. Good relationships require honesty and compromise will sometimes be required.

We will share the outcome of engagement with our members where possible.