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Blog: An infrastructure emergency: implementing temporary cycle facilities during lockdown

Blog: An infrastructure emergency: implementing temporary cycle facilities during lockdown

One of our committee members Ali McCay, has written a new post for the Urban Big Data Centre. This sets out clearly how we can go about creating temporary cycle facilities during lockdown, and outlines exactly why there is an urgent need for creating spaces for people to walk cycle and wheel during the Covid-19 crisis.

There are some great points in his blog. In particular on what will happen to pollution and congestion if we don’t implement space for distancing now. Ali has also included some translated guidance and examples on how to implement it from Germany.

Read the blog here:

GoBike continues to stress the importance of implementing measures that will enable #spacefordistancing now. We call on the councils within our area to quickly take up the funding and support available from the Spaces for People initiative.

Please write to your councillors now to let them know that you support the Space for People scheme, and highlight to them areas in your community that would benefit from these temporary measures. You can find your councillors by going to the GoBike home page and scrolling down to “CAMPAIGN FOR CYCLING” on the right hand side.

We must act now or we will soon see not only a devastating return to unsustainable levels of pollution, congestion and road danger, but a situation worsened by an initial avoidance of public transport. The crisis we are in at the moment has given us a positive opportunity to take steps to avoid the even bigger climate crisis we still have on our horizon. We have a chance to make things better – let’s use it.