4 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 12, Community activity around Kelvinhall, proposed buildouts and speed cushions impeding cycling near Glasgow Green

We now have the first traffic regulation order for the proposals put forward by Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council; this is a very pro-active community council, working hard to improve the area and keep residents informed, (see 1.5), and this is your last chance to comment on the notorious Byres Road proposals, so please read on.


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. Byres Road, Glasgow, closes tomorrow, 27 June
  2. Greendyke Street, traffic calming, closes 29 June
  3. Argyle Street Avenue, closes 13 July
  4. Woodside Parking and cycle access, closes 13 July
  5. Bunhouse Road and Benalder Street, new cycle lanes, closes 27 July
  6. Connecting Woodside, ongoing

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

Empty section this time, but there will be more in the pipeline for Argyle Street, Woodside and around Yorkhill and Kelvingrove.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. Collegelands Barras Meatmarket: the GoBike submission
  2. Yoker to Knightswood Cycle Route: the GCC reply
  3. Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill parking: the GoBike submission

Current Consultations – in date order for responses

1.1 Byres Road, Glasgow, closes tomorrow, 27 June

Here’s the link for anyone who hasn’t yet responded to these appalling plans to change the look of Byres Road and not improve the cycling environment: https://www.glasgowconsult.co.uk/KMS/dmart.aspx?strTab=PublicDMartCurrent&NoIP=1

1.2 Greendyke Street, Glasgow, traffic calming, closes this Friday, 29 June

All the details were in the last Digest (see: Digest 11 ) and our letter of objection is here: GoBike Greendyke Street Traffic Calming 210617  We don’t consider that buildouts, which push bikes out into the centre of the road, and speed cushions are the way to provide a good cycling environment.

1.3 **NEW** Argyle Street Avenue, Glasgow, current on-line consultation closes 13 July

If you saw our recent Consultation extra, you will be aware that there has been some on-street consultation recently for the outline proposals for the Argyle Street Avenue, from Anderston Cross right through to Trongate and Glasgow Cross.  West of Glasgow Central Station it is proposed that the current 4 traffic lanes are reduced to 2, with a one-way cycle lane each side and there’s a similar arrangement proposed for Trongate.  There will be little change under the Hielanman’s Umbrella, but there is the possibility of buses being introduced to the current “pedestrian” precinct (it’s a core path, so cycling is allowed) – this is advocated by disability groups because of the current distance to bus stops and by some of the retailers.

There’s a very simple on-line consultation survey on the City Council website:  https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=22919  and we are aware that stakeholder consultation is now starting, with at least one local Community Council having been invited to an event.  When we hear more, we’ll let you know.

1.4 Glasgow Woodside Parking Controls, closes 13 July

We told you about these proposals last time (see: Digest 11 ) and we will be replying with approval.  We know that many residents across the city are plagued by random, uncontrolled parking and steps need to be taken to control it; parked cars are taking up the space where our cycle lanes should be.

We are also pleased that cycling will be maintained on North Woodside Road and we are looking forward to the proposals for Connecting Woodside, (see 1.6).

1.5 **NEW** Bunhouse Road, segregated cycle lane, closes 27 July



This proposed Traffic Regulation order covers not just the replacement of the current shared footway cycle route outside Kelvinhall but introduces a new one on Benalder Street.



It has come about through the efforts, as we said in the introduction, of Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council, to improve their area and let their residents walk, cycle and enjoy their locality.

Here is the text of the e-mail that we received from Glasgow City Council on 15 June:


The Glasgow City Council (Bunhouse Road) Order 201_

Further to my consultation of 11th May 2018 and in accordance with statutory procedures, I now enclose a copy of proposed order and plan showing the extent of the order.

The proposals are as follows: 

  1. Removal of metered parking on Bunhouse Road and extending ‘No waiting, no loading at any time’ restrictions on the West kerbline.
  2. Relocation of disabled parking on Bunhouse Road from West to East kerbline.
  3. Proposed segregated two-way cycleway on West footway of Bunhouse Road.
  4. Proposed two-way cycleway along east kerbline of Benalder Street at carriageway level.

Any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should send details of the grounds for their objection either in writing to Land and Environmental Services, Glasgow City Council, 231 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RX by Friday 27th July 2018 or by email to  liam.lochran@glasgow.gov.uk.  Objections should state the name and address of the objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which the objection is made.”

The documents they provided are: NoticeOfProposals-BunhouseRoad-190x85mm-RTO  KATR_Report_June2018  5116-SK003 Bunhouse Road Proposed TRO Sheet 1 of 2  5116-SK004 Bunhouse Road Proposed TRO Sheet 2 of 2  Statement of Reasons

Before we reply, we have asked the following questions of the City Council:

  1. Bunhouse Road: at the northern end, what are the crossing arrangements at Dumbarton Road?  It looks as if cycles will be separated from the current pedestrian and cycle crossing, with less potential for confusion but will the 2 crossings work in unison, will there be traffic lights etc?
  2. Benalder Street: it looks from the drawing as if the 2-way route on Benalder Street will be segregated from the car lanes but this is not confirmed in the information provided.  Could you clarify please?
  3. Ferry Road and Old Dumbarton Road: is this a new 2-way cycle route on the east/south side of these 2 streets and, if so, will this be the subject of a forthcoming TRO?

We will, hopefully, be able to publish the reply, and our response to these proposals in the next Digest.