4 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 15, 07 August 2018: Ever had a puncture on Broken Glass? The Deposit Return Scheme Survey may help

It’s been another quiet fortnight on the consultations front but we have a couple of interesting ones for you to respond to. These are the Scottish Government’s Deposit Return Scheme and a final push on Pavement Parking from Living Street. We also have a reminder about the Buchanan Wharf development that closes today, and don’t forget the Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes Consultation Event tomorrow.


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. Glasgow Buchanan Wharf development, closes today 07 August
  2. Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes Consultation Event, 08 August
  3. East Dunbartonshire, Lennoxtown Draft Place Consultation, closes 13 August
  4. UK Government, Department of Transport, Future of Mobility Call for Evidence, closes 10 September
  5. A Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland, closes 25 September

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations – nothing for you this time.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. Living Streets Pavement Parking, closes 28 September


Section 1: Current Consultations – in date order for responses or action

1.1 Buchanan Wharf, Glasgow, planning application, closes TODAY, 07 August

All the details for this development on Clyde Place, alongside the South West City Way, were in Digest 14  two weeks ago. If you have any comments do please get them in before you heat the milk for your cocoa this evening.

1.2 **NEW** Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes Consultation Event, TOMORROW 08 August

We mentioned this in our Consultation Extra last week.  Glasgow City Council are holding a consultation event tomorrow, Wednesday 08 August and here are the details from their website:

The North East Active Travel Routes consultation can be viewed via this link.

The closing date for consultation will be Wednesday 22 August.


A public drop in session will be held from 3pm to 7pm on Wednesday 8 August at Beatroute Arts Centre, 285 Wallacewell Road, G21 3RP.”



Do get there if you can and please respond to the consultation by 22 August.

1.3  East Dunbartonshire Council, Draft Lennoxtown Place Plan Consultation, closes 13 August

Lennoxtown beneath the Campsie Hills and the Crow Road


Details of this were in Digest 14 too. We think that the main street is wide enough for a segregated cycle lane and there should be improvements at the right turn for the Crow Road, which is currently a bit hairy. Our response is here: GoBike Lennoxtown Draft Place Plan comments 070818  If your cycling takes you out this way please respond to the on-line consultation by next Monday.




1.4  **NEW** UK Government, Department of Transport, Future of Mobility Call for Evidence, closes 10 September

As far as we can see this consultation applies to the whole of the UK – curious given the existence of Transport Scotland and the concern over devolved powers and Brexit (the first time that word has appeared in these Digests!) but do have a look and respond.  The consultation refers to “how we get around” and those of us who get around by bike and/or on foot need to make our voices heard.  Here’s the introduction from the website:

“Consultation description

This call for evidence seeks views and evidence from all those with an interest in how we get around.

It is split into 2 main parts.

Part 1 seeks views and evidence to inform our Future of Urban Mobility Strategy. It’s split into 3 sections:

  • the background against which changes to transport are occurring
  • our assessment of the emerging trends that will shape urban mobility in the next couple of decades
  • consideration of the approach government should take to help cities harness the opportunities and address any challenges presented by these trends

Part 2 looks beyond the urban context to inform our wider work on the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge. It asks how best government can support innovation across the country, with a focus on:

  • ‘mission-oriented’ policy-making
  • ensuring a regulatory framework that evolves with the times
  • resolving barriers to data sharing and use”

The website link is here and the direct link to the survey is here


1.5  A Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland, closes 25 September


Many of us have suffered from broken glass when out on a bike. The Deposit Return Scheme proposed by the Scottish Government will not only reduce this hazard but will reduce the amount of litter on our streets, in our parks and the amount of roadside rubbish we see when out cycling. It’s a long consultation, designed for response by industry bodies as well as members of the public, but you can choose which bits to answer and are sent a link pdf copy of your replies. Please do put your views in.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Living Streets’ Call for a ban on pavement parking ban in Scotland, closes 28 September.


AFTER A 10-YEAR FIGHT, SCOTLAND IS CLOSE TO OUTLAWING PAVEMENT PARKING. NOW WE MUST MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO LOOPHOLES.” This is the view of Living Streets, who want to make sure that there are no ambiguous loopholes in the bill currently under review in the Scottish Parliament. Many of you will have responded to earlier consultations on pavement parking, but now Living Streets are concerned about potential loopholes, such as delivery vehicles being able to park, albeit for a short time, on the pavement, ie the area for pedestrians (and if it’s redetermined, for people on bikes too). Please look at their website and use their draft to write to your MSP. They have done all the hard work for you, and it’s easy to tweak their letter to express your views.

That’s all for this fortnight. Thanks, and enjoy your cocoa!