15 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 19, 09 October 2018: Byres Road rethink, beyond Parkhead on the East City Way, and much more.

Many thanks to Iona for keeping you up-to-date so well while I was off on a big tour of Kenya – four weeks without getting on a bike – and what news there was. A massive rethink on Byres Road! Didn’t we all do well! That’s the power of lots of us letting people know our views, so please keep writing and answering those surveys. Let’s hope Byres Road does become as peaceful as this earlier publicity picture suggests, but with those all important segregated cycle lanes.


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. Glasgow, East City Way, closes TOMORROW, 10 October
  2. **NEW** Glasgow, Albert Drive Traffic Calming, closes 18 October
  3. **NEW** South West Scotland Transport Study, closes 16 November
  4. UK Government, Department of Transport, Open Consultation, New Cycling Offences, Causing Death or Serious Injury while Cycling, closes 05 November plus CyclingUK call to action

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

  1. East Renfrewshire

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. Byres Road
  2. Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West Parking Controls
  3. Clyde Place, Buchanan Wharf
  4. City Deal Quay Wall
  5. Scotstounhill – Jordanhill Parking Changes
  6. Mosspark Cardonald Parking Changes
  7. UK Road Safety Management Capacity Review, information from Brake, the Road Safety Charity
  8. London Road/Charlotte Street Junction
  9. Battlefield Design Working Group
  10. Glasgow North East Travel Routes
  11. Finnieston/Clyde Arc/Squinty Bridge, Temporary TRO to allow taxis
  12. George Square, Glasgow, today’s update.
  13. GoBike Ride, Govan, Paisley and Jura Street

Section 1: Current Consultations, in date order for responses

A bit of a lull on new consultations following a busy few weeks, but please make sure you respond to the ones of interest to you.

1.1  Glasgow, East City Way, closes TOMORROW, 10 October

We hope you managed to get along to the consultation event but if not, here’s a repeat of the consultation extra that came out last week:

The East City Way will ultimately be a 7km fully bidirectional segregated cycle lane running from Mount Vernon past Parkhead and the Chris Hoy Velodrome up to the existing lane on London Road. We have been really pleased to see more safe segregated cycle lanes being proposed for Glasgow, and especially glad to see this now happening in the under provided for area of the east end. Plans for segregated cycle lanes always need our support and so if you have a couple of minutes, please fill out a really quick response here.

The survey is very simple with only around four check boxes asking whether you are in favour of certain aspects of the plans. We have answered yes to all of those and have added that we feel that if traffic calming is added, that it should be in conjunction with making the area a 20 mph zone with associated enforcement.

We have also sent in this letter of support which also makes a couple of suggestions on how the current Mount Vernon junction might be improved for cycles crossing. We have also reiterated that while we would never object to bidirectional cycle lanes, and appreciate that gathering support for them is easier, we hope that uni-directional lanes are always considered as the first, safest, and best quality option.

Do please answer the quick survey!

1.2 **NEW** Glasgow, Albert Drive Traffic Calming, closes 18 October



We were sent this message on 27 September from the City Council:


 Dear Sir / Madam


The Council propose to consider the introduction of the above named Traffic Calming Scheme and I wish to establish the views of your organisation.

Background to the proposed Scheme

The scheme is aimed at improving road safety by reducing vehicle speeds.

Roads affected by the proposed Scheme

The list of roads affected by these proposals are:-


Details of the proposed Scheme

The proposed Scheme (as depicted on the attached plan) will comprise of:-

  • 7 sets of 4.5m long, 75mm high speed tables

Please provide any comments you wish to make on these proposals within 21 days.

In the meantime, should you require any further information or clarification on any points arising from the proposals, do not hesitate to contact my assistant Sandy Carle on 0141 287 8205.

Should the Council proceed with these proposals; I will write to you again and confirm this.

Yours faithfully

Andy Waddell

Head of Infrastructure and Environment, Land and Environmental Services”

The plan referred to is here: Pollokshields Traffic Calming plan

A local GoBike member has told us that the measures have been proposed to deter “boy racers”. In the past when boy racers were disturbing a central area of the city, it was proposed to break the circuit they drove in, but we are not aware of any such measure being proposed here. Could Albert Drive to the west of Shields Road be stopped up to cars but with access maintained for bikes? Could the wide road conducive to speeding be narrowed by installing bike lanes using orca-type separators or planters on each side of the road? That would stop the footway parking too, and parking bays on the outside of the bike lanes would further narrow the road. This western part of Albert Drive has a 30mph speed limit, which would become 20mph if Mark Ruskell’s 20mph bill is approved in the Scottish Parliament.

We have been made aware that a Safe Streets Pollokshields traffic project has had funding agreed for the area, and we would strongly support a longer term plan approach with the proposed holistic traffic calming plan, which would be more cost effective than putting in expensive speed tables now, and looking at the wider area later. In fact, we were actually told when we called the council department with our “cheap cycle lanes to narrow the street” suggestion, that there isn’t money to install orcas or planters. So why has the response been to install speed tables (even with a 0.5m gap at each side for a standard bicycle) rather than making Albert Drive active travel friendly? Our letter proposing a rethink is here: GoBike Albert Drive speed tables comments letter 091018

STOP PRESS: an improvement to the Traffic Calming plan.

On Friday Tricia spoke to the engineer who had designed the traffic calming layout and, although the above plan does not show it well, he had allowed a 0.5m gap near the kerbs to allow bikes to bypass the speed tables. Further to the discussion a new drawing has been issued to us today, Albert Drive TC amended detail and this gap has now been widened to 1.2m, which will allow not just a standard bike but cargo bikes and tricycles to avoid the speed tables. This is a big improvement, although we would still wish to see cycle lanes ….

1.3 **NEW** South West Scotland Transport Study, closes 16 November

This is a survey with a difference; it’s about travel connections in the south west and it is specifically aimed at people who live and work there. However, I’ve responded on a personal level on the grounds that this is an area that’s difficult to get to by public transport, if you wish to then tour by bike. Until there is a better train service or provision of buses with space for bikes, then this area is missing a significant tourist market. You might wish to respond too.

1.4 UK Government, Department of Transport, Open Consultation, New Cycling Offences, Causing Death or Serious Injury while Cycling, closes 05 November plus CyclingUK call to action

We introduced this in Digest17 item 1.8. Please do respond to this but also please look at the Cycling UK request to write to your MP. We need a full review of all road transport offences, rather than a kneejerk response on cycling only.

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

2.1 East Renfrewshire

We are hopeful that we will soon start to receive notification of East Renfrewshire consultations. Our co-convenor recently e-mailed a contact we have in the council to voice concerns from several of our members that recent removal of the urban clearway restrictions on the cycle lane on the A77, Ayr Road, could lead to vehicles being parked in the cycle lanes during commuting times, thus adding potential hazard to people’s commutes. We were aware that there had been some consultation on this, which we were not party to, but we have now formally asked to be added to the list of consultees.

If any of you out there in East Renfrewshire or other council regions within the Greater Glasgow areas do hear of consultations that might affect your cycling, please get in touch and let us know. We’ll see what we can do.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Byres Road

This is the big success story, is it not? There is to be a rethink further to Green Councillor, Christy Mearns’ (remember seeing her at the GoBike hustings prior to the City Council elections last year?) participation in last week’s council debate. Here’s the quote from her Facebook page:

At Neighbourhoods, Housing & Public Realm policy committee this week, I had an amendment passed which will ensure that, in response to overwhelming consultation responses, future Byres Road proposals will prioritise fully segregated cycle lanes for the entire road, and air quality monitoring will be done before new plans are finalised.

Any more proposals which do not make is safer for everyone to cycle would be a missed opportunity and would do nothing to improve air quality or make cycling more attractive.”

We’ll keep you updated on the future proposals.

3.2 Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West parking controls

We mentioned this last in Digest 14 when we responded to a reply from GCC about parking changes. Last month we received a long reply from them; we think we are making some slow progress in the overall plan of things, and we have acknowledged their response: HH&D GCC response 2 190918

3.3 Clyde Place, Buchanan Wharf planning application

Details of this planning application were in Digest 14 item 1.2. Our main concern when we replied was that the South West City Way would not be downgraded. We have now received a standard reply, with a link to the on-line conditions etc but no obvious mention of the cycle route: Buchanan Wharf response 011018

The response to the Traffic Regulation Order and the views received from the developers, given in Digest17 items 3.1 and 3.2 with their insistence that they did not wish to redevelop the area with the three-lane Clyde Place next to the site, should make an improvement to the area.

3.4 City Deal Quay Wall

Not a consultation, but some good news from Glasgow City Council’s website that they are to work with the owners of the river walls to improve their condition: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=23230  This will certainly improve things along the Clyde and who knows, we might even soon have a river front to be proud of.

3.5 Scotstoun / Jordanhill parking changes

We responded to proposed parking changes in this area back in April with this letter: GoBike Scotstoun Jordanhill Parking letter 030418  as reported in Digest 5, and we have now received this confirmation that work will go ahead:



I refer to your support of the above named Traffic Regulation Order and can advise that your support was reported and considered. The Council have decided under its scheme of delegated functions to proceed with the proposal as advertised.  

The Order was made on 28 September 2018 and an advert will be placed in the Evening Times on 5 October 2018 stating that the Traffic Regulation Order has been made.

I trust this is of assistance, however should you require any further information on the above named Order please contact my assistant …. “

We pointed out in our letter that it is a shame that instructions in the Highway Code, in this case not to park opposite or within 10m of a junction, need to be reinforced by a Traffic Regulation Order, paint on the road and street signs. Ah, if only we had more traffic wardens….

3.6 Mosspark / Cardonald parking changes

We responded to this consultation as reported in Digest 18 item 1.3, approving the introduction of parking restrictions but pointing out the need for monitoring and enforcement of parking. We received this reply from the Traffic and Road Safety section of Glasgow City Council on 13 September:



Thank you for your correspondence regarding the above named Traffic Regulation Order.

Just like any other new parking scheme the restrictions will be added to the Parking Enforcement schedule and patrolled accordingly.

Your support will be considered and included within the final report which informs of the outcome. Once a decision has been taken in regards to these proposals I shall write to you again and advise of the result.”

Aah, monitoring and enforcement …

3.7 UK Road Safety Management Capacity Review, information from Brake, the Road Safety Charity

Not necessarily a consultation, but here’s a link to a report, which Neil L pointed us to, http://www.brake.org.uk/media-centre/1843-report-finds-insufficient-government-leadership-and-funding-for-road-safety-over-past-decade which includes the finding “Road safety is not perceived as core business by all responsible agencies.” I don’t think that will come to a surprise to many of us, but it does help to explain the lack of coordination by Local Authorities, who bring in 20mph speed limits, and Police Scotland, who aren’t resourced to control them, let alone parking changes, which are managed by the local authority itself.

3.8 Calton Barras London Road/Charlotte Street Junction

Over the last few years there has been local consultation on changes in the Calton Barras area of Glasgow and those of you who have visited the Barras will have seen the new paving to roads and footways. There are changes afoot for the Gallowgate and London Road and on Tuesday 2nd October Calton Community Council and GoBike were invited to see what is proposed for the junction of London Road with Charlotte Street. Currently there is a pedestrian crossing set back from London Road plus a cycle lane that runs along London Road, which also has a crossing. The intention is to combine these two crossings into one, and importantly, have it showing a green light. This will only change to red when a motor vehicle (and we hope also a bike) is detected travelling north on Charlotte Street (which is one-way northbound). Should there be a big flow of traffic on Charlotte Street someone walking or cycling will be able to press the crossing button to return the pedestrian signal to green.

If this works, and we hope it will, since the City Council’s intention is to prioritise active travel, it will have an obvious attraction to be used at other locations.

3.9 Battlefield Design Working Group

Further to the Battlefield Consultation event on 4th September that our co-convenor Iona attended and that she reported on in Digest 18 item 1.4, we have now been invited to join the Battlefield Design Working Group. We are delighted about this and look forward to being represented at the group’s first meeting later this month.

3.10 Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes

Last month in Digest 15 item 1.2 and in Digest 16 item 1.1 we reported on the exciting news of a cycle route from Balornock into the city centre. We responded to the consultation with this letter GoBike NE Active Travel Routes comments 190818 and we have now received this detailed reply dated 04 October:

I refer to your undernoted email and attached correspondence in response to the North East Active Travel Routes consultation and can advise as follows:

  1. Give way markings for side roads along Northgate Road will be behind the continuous cycle route. Coloured screed is proposed along the cycle route at side roads junctions to highlight the presence of the lane. Tightening of radii is proposed at Geddes Road junction to calm traffic and assist crossing. Adding a raised table to calm traffic further and assist pedestrians is an option for consideration as part of the remodelling of this junction, though it would not provide pedestrian priority. Raised tables are proposed in other locations along the extent of the proposed route, where appropriate. Dropped kerbs are already in place at side roads along Northgate Road.
  2. Zebra crossings are proposed on Wallacewell Road. Signalised crossings on Broomfield Road are proposed due to the relative positions of the school/mini-roundabout.
  3. There is scope for possible future widening, in places, if required, although some sections are constrained due to overall road width.
  4. There are no reductions in cycle lane width on the Northgate Road and Stobhill Hospital link sections, but some localised narrowing is required at bus stops elsewhere along route due to cross-sectional road profile geometry.
  5. There are no plans for continuous cyclist access over existing bridge as part of the currently proposed phases. Resources for the feasibility study into bridge upgrade/replacement over the railway are still to be allocated, but it is intended that the study be completed during this phase of works and that any potential upgrade/replacement would then be a separate follow-on phase of works.
  6. The existing pedestrian route width will be retained (approx. 2 m along Turner Road and 3 m along Cobden Road). A separated, delineated 3 m bi-directional route along both sections is proposed for cyclists.
  7. The Sighthill TRA includes a signalised crossing at the western end of Cobden Path. The crossing will be toucanised, providing continuous travel by cyclists and pedestrians.
  8. The proposed specification for the Sighthill TRA Cycling Village is published at https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/sighthill.
  9. Cycle provision from Baird Street and Kyle Street into the City Centre is covered by the City Centre Transport Strategy, published at https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=18276.”

We will be writing in to thank the author for this detailed response. If any of you out there need any clarification do please get in touch at consultations@gobike.org

3.11 Glasgow City Council, Finnieston  (aka Clyde Arc, aka Squinty) Bridge, temporary TRO to allow taxis to use the Fastlink bus and cycle lane


We last reported on this Temporary Traffic Regulation Order in Digest17 item 3.7 and before that in Digest 14 and Digest 11 We have now had confirmation, on 4th September, that the TRO has been approved. Here’s the message we were sent:

I refer to your objection to the above named Traffic Regulation Order and can advise that your objection was reported and considered. However, the Council have decided under its scheme of delegated functions to proceed with the proposal as advertised

The Order was made on 16 August 2018 and an advert was placed in the Evening Times on 21 August 2018 stating that the Traffic Regulation Order has been made.

I realise that this may not be the outcome you wished for, however, this Order is purely experimental and will last no longer than 18 months. If the trial is deemed to be successful the process of amending the permanent Traffic Regulation Order will be started, allowing all parties to lodge objections. At that time the additional works in and around the Scottish Events Campus may be underway, with one of the planned outcomes being to reduce the congestion at the north end of the Finnieston Bridge, reducing waiting time for all users, but I am, at present, unable to provide you with definitive details of the planned works.

Should you require any further information on the above named Order please contact my assistant …”

What we aren’t told is how the City Council will measure whether the measure of allowing all taxis to use the bus and cycle lanes, is successful, so when we thank them for this reply we will be asking that question.

3.12 George Square, Glasgow, today’s update

Just in today, a message from the Council Leader, Susan Aitken:

Dear Tricia

Thank you for getting in touch and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Your comments and response has been added to the thousands of responses we have received to the George Square consultations.

Officers are currently in the process of reading and summarising the comments and hope to produce a report in the near future. I hope this is of assistance to you.

Regards Cllr Aitken”

We had reported on this earlier in Digest17 item 1.4


3.13 Sunday’s GoBike ride, Cycling in Govan, towards the Airport and Jura Street.

The highlight of our ride on Sunday, the refurbished fountain in Fountain Gardens in Paisley – always something to delight on a GoBike ride! Well done to Andy Preece our ride leader, for finding not only this but the Paisley Horseshoe.

On Sunday’s GoBike ride, braving the wind and rain, eight intrepid souls set off from Bell’s Bridge to Kilmacolm. On the way, we cycled along Summertown Road in Govan, the subject of consultation some years ago. Travelling west there is now a shared footway on the south, which crosses to the north side, made very unsatisfactory with streetworks, before going on road as far as Broomloan Road. We then made our way through Elder Park before crossing the main road, the A739, via the underpass, to travel south over the motorway to Cardonald. As we bumped down kerbs from a very narrow footway to cross Shieldhall Road, one of our group commented that “It beggars belief  how bad the facilities are.” This, the QEUH, is a jewel in the crown of the NHS, but we have never had a positive response when we have asked for good quality cycle and active travel provision.

In Paisley, we saw signs leading towards the airport, but we were not overwhelmed by the cycle facilities we saw.

The intention on our return journey was to look at the cycle lanes on Jura Street, just off Paisley Road West, opposite Bellahouston Park, but nothing has yet been done, despite the consultation being held in March this year. This was a bit of a disappointment but we look forward to an overall Paisley Road West scheme!

Lots of feedback there, the dialogue continues!