15 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 - East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph

Consultation Digest Issue 24, 18 December 2018 - East Dunbartonshire news / the River Clyde / default urban 20mph

This fortnight we have two new consultations in from East Dunbartonshire, plus high level previews of two Strategic Development Frameworks (SDFs) for Glasgow (the River Clyde corridor and Govan - Partick), as well as an update on campaigning for a 20mph default speed limit in our towns and cities.


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. Glasgow City Centre Traffic Management Order Bus Priority, closes this Friday, 21 December
  2. **NEW** Glasgow, Maxwell Drive and Bruce Road, Traffic Calming, closes Friday 04 January 2019, but views accepted until 11 January
  3. **NEW** East Dunbartonshire Proposed Traffic Calming Measures - Newdyke Road, Kirkintilloch, closes Friday 04 January 2018
  4. **NEW** East Dunbartonshire Proposed No Waiting & No Loading At Any Time Restrictions on Westerhill Road, Bishopriggs, closes 28 January 2019
  5. The Scottish Parliament, Restricted Roads (20 mph Speed Limit) Bill Survey, closes 28 January 2019
  6. **NEW** Scottish Law Commission Automated Vehicles consultation closes 08 February 2019
  7. **NEW** Glasgow Strategic Development Frameworks for the River Clyde and Govan Partick closes 08 February 2019
  8. East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan, closes 11 February 2019

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

  1. Glasgow Battlefield, news of the website and next Design Group meeting
  2. East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan, Transport Options Report Stakeholder Workshop Thursday 24 January 2019 - 10am-12noon

Section 3: Consultation Feedback and other information

  1. Living Streets, the Pedestrian Pound Report
  2. Without consultation! Glasgow City Council Minor Cycle Works, upgrade to shared path North Street / Piccadilly Street
  3. Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes
  4. Glasgow Elmbank Street one-way - interest from Blythswood & Broomielaw Community Council

Section 1: Current Consultations, in date order for responses

1.1 Glasgow City Centre Traffic Management Order Bus Priority, ie Oswald Street and Union Street, closes this FRIDAY, 21 DECEMBER

Please do write in about this. All the details were in our last two digests, 22 and 23, which you may read here. It's important that we get good active travel infrastructure everywhere in the city, not just on the super designated avenues.

1.2 Glasgow City Council, Maxwell Drive and Bruce Road, Traffic Calming Scheme 2018, closes 04 January, but views will be accepted until 11 January

On Friday 14 December we received this email from the City Council:

"Dear Sir / Madam


The Council propose to consider the introduction of the above named Traffic Calming Scheme and I wish to establish the views of your organisation.

Background to the proposed Scheme

The scheme is aimed at improving road safety by reducing vehicle speeds.

Roads affected by the proposed Scheme

The list of roads affected by these proposals are:-


Details of the proposed Scheme

The proposed Scheme (as depicted on the attached plan) will comprise of:-

  • 6 sets of 4.5m long, 75mm high speed tables


Details of the proposed Scheme

The proposed Scheme (as depicted on the attached plan) will comprise of:-

  • 5 sets of 4.5m long, 75mm high speed tables

Please provide any comments you wish to make on these proposals within 21 days.

In the meantime, should you require any further information or clarification on any points arising from the proposals, do not hesitate to contact my assistant Scott Downie on 0141 287 9351.

Should the Council proceed with these proposals; I will write to you again and confirm this.

Yours faithfully

Andy Waddell, Head of Infrastructure and Environment, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability"

We haven't got long to get this back, 21 days, which means 04 January! However, in a  phone conversation on Monday 17 December Scott Downie confirmed that, given the number of public holidays coming up, views would be accepted until 11 January (and possibly after that). In comparison to Albert Drive, which we responded to back in October, see Digest 19 Item 1.2, cycle lanes are in evidence here, although for Bruce Road, there is reference to an "existing 750mm paved channel for cyclists". This is only half the width given as the "absolute minimum" in Cycling by Design. In the phone conversation yesterday Scott also offered to have a look at the 750mm width to see if he could increase it to allow for cycles generally, ie including tricycles. If changes are to be carried out to the road to reduce speeding by "boy racers", then surely cycling facilities can also be brought up to a good standard?

The three drawings provided by the Council are here: Bruce Road speed table spec Maxwell Drive speed table details Plan for Maxwell Drive and Bruce Road

This is not a Traffic Regulation Order; Scott Downie yesterday stated that one is not required for traffic calming. It is a notification that work is proposed and thus a standard consultation is carried out

If you know the area do please get your views into:  LandServices.Mailroom@glasgow.gov.uk

1.3 East Dunbartonshire Council, Proposed Traffic Calming Measures - Newdyke Road, Kirkintilloch

We first reported on something very similar to this back in August in Consultation Digest 16 item 1.3. The roads outside Hillhead Primary School are subject to a 30 mph speed limit but drivers exceed this. We  supported the introduction of traffic calming measures with this letter: GoBike Newdyke Road speed tables Letter 300817

We have now received this letter and information, again by snail mail (and it got a bit lost in our system!): Newdyke Road 2 . The letter refers to a previous letter of 5 November, which we do not have, but it looks as if the consultation has been reissued because a speed cushion on Newdyke Avenue had been ignored - oops. The proposal is now to remove this speed cushion; its function being overtaken by the larger speed table at the junction (see the drawing included in the information).

We will be writing a similar letter to the one of 30 August to maintain our support of this traffic calming measure.

1.4 East Dunbartonshire Council, Proposed No Waiting and No Loading at any time Restrictions on Westerhill Road, Bishopriggs, closes 28 January 2019

Here is all the information we have received, 08 December, from East Dunbartonshire Council by post (we'll follow up on this to see if we can get details electronically in future) including the plan: Westerhill Road

This view on GoogleEarth shows industrial units on the south side of this section of road with cars parked 2 wheels on the footway, 2 wheels on the road all the way along. This obviously prevents effective use of the footway by anyone trying to walk, use a wheelchair or push a pram and there is the risk of "dooring" for anyone who is cycling along here on the road. Our reply will be to support the proposal and support the potential for increased active travel. If you know the area and have any comments do get them to the Council and do please let us know at consultations@gobike.org so we can submit a well-informed response.

1.5 The Scottish Parliament, Restricted Road (20 mph Speed Limit) Bill Survey, closes 28 January 2019

We have been telling you about this bill in our two previous Digests 22 and 23 and we now have this extra bit of guidance for if you are contacting the MSPs specifically on the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee (John Mason (Shettleston), Richard Lyle (Uddingston & Bellshill)  Jamie Greene (West of Scotland Region)) or the Cabinet Ministers who might have the final say,  (Nicola Sturgeon (Glasgow Southside), Humza Yousaf (Glasgow Region), Derek Mackay (Renfrewshire North & West) and Aileen Campbell (Clydesdale)).

  1. Consistency - from town to town across Scotland, drivers will expect to drive at 20 not 30 unless there is signage that allows them to drive at speeds in excess of 20.
  2. Consistency - within towns, drivers will expect to drive at 20 unless there is signage that allows them to drive at speeds in excess of this. Currently there is a lack of consistency, with some proactive communities aiming to protect their schools and their local residential areas with a 20mph limit. There is an increasing number of city areas where local authorities are imposing a 20mph limit to make places more people-friendly and to encourage active travel.
  3. Reduction in signage - as urban speeds go up and down there is signage at each change in speed and this will be reduced if the default speed is 20mph. Local communities will see the benefits of a lower speed limit and will resist moves to increase a limit to 30mph.
  4. Reduction in pollution - as motor traffic moves at a lower, but importantly, more consistent speed, vehicle emissions will be reduced as there is less requirement to accelerate away from traffic lights. See link, (a), below
  5. Reduced danger to pedestrians - it is widely recognised that a vehicle travelling at 20mph is less likely to kill or seriously injure a pedestrian with whom it collides, than if it is travelling at 30mph or more.
  6. An improved environment for cycling - the speed differential between a motor vehicle and a bicycle is reduced from a factor of 3 or 4 to a factor of 2 or less. Bicycles can regularly travel at 10-12mph and more people will feel confident of cycling on road alongside motor traffic moving at no more than 20mph.
  7. A reduction in motor traffic within towns - drivers will tend to use the outer ring roads where speed limits are 30mph or higher rather than a more direct route through an urban centre.
  8. A reduction in congestion - as more drivers avoid urban centres and those who do travel within urban areas move at a more consistent speed, with less need to overtake etc.
  9. Improved compliance, monitoring and enforcement of the speed limit - a consistent speed limit of 20mph, rather than one that changes across an urban area, will encourage compliance by drivers and ease any monitoring and compliance to be done by the authorities. See note (b) below.
  10. Reduction in the requirement for "traffic calming" - local authorities are finding it necessary to install traffic calming measures, usually speed tables or cushions, to reduce motor traffic speeds to no more than 20mph. This expensive practice will not be so regularly required with a default speed of 20mph (Note that traffic calming can cost in the region of £60k vs £1k per km for speed limit signage).

(a) - see point 4 above - this link from a contribution to the Guardian newspaper provides interesting reading, including this quote:

"Research in Germany has shown that the greater the speed of vehicles in built-up areas, the higher is the incidence of acceleration, deceleration, and braking, all of which increase air pollution. German research indicates that traffic calming reduces idle times by 15%, gear changing by 12%, brake use by 14%, and gasoline use by 12% (Newman and Kenworthy 1992, 39–40). This slower and calmer style of driving reduces emissions, as demonstrated by an evaluation in Buxtehude, Germany. Table E-1 shows the relative change in emissions and fuel use when the speed limit is cut from 50kmh (31mph) to 30kmh (19mph) for two different driving styles. Even aggressive driving under the slower speed limit produces lower emissions (but higher fuel use) than under the higher speed limit, although calm driving produces greater reductions for most emissions and net fuel savings (Newman and Kenworthy 1992, 39 –40)."

The AA have carried out tests, see this article, to support a view that lower speed limits raise fuel consumption and hence pollution, although there is no mention of the reduced acceleration and braking when driving at a steady speed of 20. However the overriding concerns should be to reduce the severity of accidents and to encourage the switch to active travel. This article, "Speed reduction methods to promote road safety and save lives" gives a good summary of what can be done.

(b) - see point 9 above - Enforcement is an issue, but, like smoking and drink driving, the public mood must change. However, some enforcement will be needed and, given the other benefits - fewer and less-severe accidents, for example, Police Scotland and/or our Local Authorities should be funded accordingly.

Do remember the MSP briefing that Mark Ruskell sent to us,  SaferStreetsMSPbrief and please contact your MSP, particularly if they are mentioned above, to ask them to support this Bill.

1.6 Scottish Law Commission, Automated Vehicles Consultation, closes 08 February.

GoBike member, Derek MS, alerted us to this one, see this link and here's the introduction from the News Release:

"The Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission are launching the first of a series of public consultations about crucial legal reforms which will ensure the country is prepared for the introduction of automated vehicles.
This is an early milestone in a three-year review to examine any legal obstacles to the widespread introduction of self-driving vehicles and highlight the need for regulatory reforms.
The work will be crucial in examining how current driving laws – designed with traditional motoring in mind – can support the next generation of vehicles.
The consultation will ask a series of questions to examine the types of changes that may be required to ensure the country is ready for the introduction of automated vehicles. This includes questions on if and how road rules should be adapted for automated vehicles, who would be responsible for accidents and how to ensure safety for passengers and the wider public.
The review is part of the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge set out in the Government’s Industrial Strategy."

There's no obvious mention of how these vehicles will interact with cycles, pedestrians and other non-motorised road users, so we will be thinking about our response.

1.7 Glasgow Strategic Development Frameworks for the River Clyde and Govan Partick closes 08 February 2019

Here's the message we received earlier this month, just too late for our last Digest, from Glasgow City Council:

"Help shape the future of the River Clyde and Govan-Partick

As part of the implementation of the City Development Plan, ‘Strategic Development Frameworks’ (SDFs) are being prepared for 6 areas of major spatial change across the city. These SDFs are key instruments for implementing the Council’s strategic priorities, linking spatial planning and placemaking objectives with the priorities of communities.

The Council are now consulting on draft versions of the River Clyde SDF and the Govan-Partick SDF.. These SDF documents along with an introductory document providing further information with regard to the background and

Updates on the progress of the preparation and adoption process for the SDFs will be provided on the Council Development Plan webpage.

The Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  For more information about this please see our privacy statement.

All comments should be submitted by 4pm on 8th February 2019.  In the interim, if you have any questions or want further information please contact SDFconsultation@glasgow.gov.uk.

Best regards

Spatial Strategy Team

Planning & Building Standards, Development & Regeneration Services, Glasgow City Council, SDFconsultation@glasgow.gov.uk "

The link to the consultations is here and the River Corridor Strategic Development Framework is here.  The Govan and Partick Strategic Development Framework is on this third link here.

Please get your views in if you live, work or travel in these areas and help us to develop our response either by an email to consultations@gobike.org or on the GoBike Slack Consultations channel.


East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan, closes 11 February 2019

Don't forget to get your feedback in for this important consultation. Get your support in for an extension to the Bears Way, south to the Glasgow boundary on Maryhill Road. Plus other strategic routes are needed in East Dunbartonshire. There were details of the drop-in sessions in our previous Digest, No 23, see here . There's news of the Transport Options Report, the first stage of the Local Transport Strategy here on the EDC website. Do have a look at it; all the drop-in sessions are listed too.

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations


Glasgow Battlefield, news of the website and next Design Group meeting

Progress continues with the redevelopment of Battlefield. There's a blog on this website showing the display boards from the drop-in event on 15 November along with photos from the day. The next meeting of the Battlefield Street Design Working Group, which includes GoBike, will be held on Tuesday 15 January. Further public events will be announced in due course.


East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan, Transport Options Report Stakeholder Workshop Thursday 24 January 2019 - 10am-12noon

We have been invited by East Dunbartonshire Council "to a stakeholder workshop we are holding on the Transport Options Report on Thursday 24 January 2019 - 10am-12noon. If you or any members of your organisation can join us at the workshop, please let me know by Monday 14 January 2019."

This is, of course, in conjunction with Item 1.8 above. If you are a GoBike member who lives in East Dunbartonshire and would like to be one of our representatives at this event please email our co-convenors to let them know at convenor@gobike.org by Monday 07 January at the latest.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback and other information

3.1 Living Streets, the Pedestrian Pound Report

Earlier this month, 07 December, we got this message:

"Today we launched our updated Pedestrian Pound report which puts forward the business case for walking. Funded by Transport for Scotland, it looks at 20 case studies across the UK which show how making high streets better for walking can boost footfall and sales. The report finds shoppers arriving on foot spend up to six times more than those who arrive by car.

Read our full report here

High streets and town centres that are walkable, accessible and offer a diverse range of retail, culinary and cultural activities have a bright future.

Read our Pedestrian Pound report here and use it to inspire your local council to invest in your walking environment.

Many thanks for your support.

Stuart Hay
Living Streets Scotland"

Clearly walking, and cycling, are the way to go, so do use this report to strengthen your arguments for an improved active travel environment. We have added it to our ever growing Evidence pages on our website.


Without consultation! Glasgow City Council Minor Cycle Works, upgrade to shared path North Street / Piccadilly Street

Yes, that's right, Glasgow City Council carry out minor works to cycle routes in response to individual requests and the new improved raised table across the exit from North Street to Piccadilly Street is one of them. It's just at the turn off from the northbound carriageway of North Street into Piccadilly Street (outlined in red above) and concern had been expressed that vehicles were crossing the shared path too quickly. The path now continues at grade. There aren't any road markings to announce this change to drivers as yet, but GoBike have asked that the council ensure these are added.

If you would like something to be added to Glasgow City Council's Minor Cycle Works Contract do email in to either: sustainabletransport@glasgow.gov.uk or LandServices.Mailroom@glasgow.gov.uk and then hope that it gets on the list.

And here's further evidence that these small things get done, see: https://twitter.com/erniemarples/status/1074598863552565248?s=12 Well done not only to Glasgow City Council but to the people who report these small suggestions for improvments. It's the small things that can make all the difference.

3.3 Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes

Just received yesterday - clearing the decks for the holidays - is this message from Glasgow City Council:

"Dear Ms Fort,

I write further to previous correspondence regarding the North East Active Travel Routes (NEATR) project and can advise as follows:

The findings of the consultation have been reviewed and were recently published in a report available via glasgow.gov.uk/neatr.

A summary is presented below:

  • Improvements to active travel and sustainable transport must come by supplying the conditions for encouraging positive choices that are either missing or currently unattractive.
  • Enabling people’s choices by introducing enhanced infrastructure is critical to achieving these aims.
  • The NEATR design proposals aim to reflect those priorities.
  • A variety of individuals and organisations with a wide range of opinions made representations to the consultation.
  • Support for most aspects of the proposal were found amongst nearly all user groups.
  • Where written comments raised concerns, specific responses have been provided.
  • Following on from this consultation, a detailed design is being compiled, taking into account the scope for improvements made evident as a result of this review.
  • The design is expected to be concluded by the end of 2018, with tenders sought subsequently.
  • Construction is expected to take place in 2019.

I trust this is of assistance; should you require any further information, please contact Wesley Wright on 0141 287 9478.

Tam McKee, Asst Group Manager (Sustainable Transport), Land and Environmental Services"

You might remember that back in August in Digest 16 we encouraged you to support these ambitious plans for the north east of the city, so we look forward to seeing the results.

3.4 Glasgow Elmbank Street one-way - interest from Blythswood & Broomielaw Community Council

You may remember that for some time now we have been campaigning to ensure that two-way cycle traffic is allowed on that part of Elmbank Street between Bath Street and Sauchiehall Street? Here's the e-mail correspondence: Sauchiehall Elmbank email chain 2017-8 which we published in November in Digest 22 . GoBike has now heard back from the local Blythswood & Broomielaw Community Council, who might be able to help us. We will keep you informed, but if you live in Ward 10 Anderston/City please do ask your City Councillors what is the position here.

So that's it for this Digest and for 2018. We'll be back in January but, when you are writing your letter to Santa, do remember to ask for a few good quality cycle routes - and let's hope we all have a Happy New Year.