12 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 45, 15 October 2019: Commuter parking, Byres Road delay, speed cameras and a GoBike member's petition feature in this issue.

Commuter parking continues to be of concern, not just in leafy Hillhead but in Dalmarnock.  We feature a petition to keep NCN 75 through Glasgow Green open during events - it needs your signature - plus a conversation about George Square, and, in feedback, we learn how speed cameras may not be installed by local authorities alone. Do please read on.


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. Glasgow (Belmont) (Traffic Management) Order 2005 (Variation No 2) Order 201_- Consultation, Parking, closes TODAY, 15 October
  2. East Dunbartonshire, Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Killermont Avenue, Rannoch Drive and Woodvale Avenue, parking/loading restrictions, closes 21 October
  3. Consultation on Scotland's National Transport Strategy, closes 23 October
  4. **NEW - ish** Keep National Cycle Route 75 Open During Public Events in Glasgow Green petition, closes 28 October
  5. **NEW** Glasgow, George Square - is it time for change, closes 30 October
  6. **NEW** Glasgow, Dalmarnock West, Commuter Parking Restrictions, closes 01 November
  7. East Dunbartonshire Draft Local Transport Strategy, closes 12 November

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

  1. Glasgow, Byres Road: delay in issuing TROs
  2. Active Travel Event for Everyone event in Edinburgh, 19 October

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. East Dunbartonshire Council: LDP Newsletter No. 53
  2. Glasgow, Glencairn Drive Traffic Calming - and we learn about Speed Cameras

Current Consultations, in date order for response

1.1 Glasgow (Belmont) (Traffic Management) Order 2005 (Variation No 2) Order 201_- Consultation, Parking, closes TODAY, 15 October

This consultation featured in our last Digest, Issue 44, Item 1.6 and is proposed in order to prohibit unsafe and obstructive parking in this residential area. We missed the absence of the formal TRO when we first published the information received; this appears to be a recent change of policy with GCC, ie to gauge opinion before going to the expense and formality of a Traffic Regulation Order. Here's the GoBike letter of support. If you wish to join us in our view please get your comments in quick - consultation closes today.

1.2 East Dunbartonshire, Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Killermont Avenue, Rannoch Drive and Woodvale Avenue, parking/loading restrictions, closes 21 October

More parking restrictions, here in the leafy suburbs of Bearsden, all around the car salesroom and near the access to residential areas and the golf club. All the details were in Digest 43, Item 1.7 and here's the GoBike letter of support for the proposal.

1.3 Consultation on Scotland's National Transport Strategy, closes 23 October

This is now the sixth appearance of this consultation in our Digests and our response will be submitted before the deadline. Responses will help set government strategy for the next 20 years so it’s important that views of the active travel community are heard.
Here’s the link to the government website and consultation details.

Our in-house expert on these long (and winding) documents will be attending the Active Travel Event for Everyone event in Edinburgh on 19 October (see Item 2.2 below) where some discussion on the Strategy is promised, before  completing the GoBike response. However, we do understand that it's a woolly document with few, if any, specific objectives.
Our friends in Cycling UK Scotland (and many of us are CUK members) have analysed the document and have issued a guide for completing the on-line questions, which is very handy. Here's the link to the page on their website, scroll down to see the link to the suggested responses - and then make them your own; it's easy to improve when you have a basic guide!
Not only that but Cycling UK Scotland have sent this message to their members, which gives you the option of a very short, barely 2-minute email submission - and you can adapt it to suit:

"Thank you for reaching  out to your MSPs to fix the law on parking in a cycle lane. We are  hugely disappointed that MSPs squandered the opportunity and voted  against the law change, despite more than 6,000 emails being sent by  supporters like you.

We will continue to push  for this law change and for safer cycling on our roads. We really value  your support and willingness to take action. That’s why we want to  highlight another opportunity, this time to put cycling at the heart of Scottish transport.

The Scottish Government wants to hear your ideas for its new National Transport Strategy.  This Strategy will set the agenda for Scottish transport for the next  20 years, so it’s critical that as many of us as possible have our say before the 23 October deadline.

To help you have your say in the consultation process we have designed a simple online form  which will create a personalised and unique response which you can  edit. The more detailed and personal your response is, the more  effective it will be.

Help us seize this opportunity to get cycling up the agenda in Scotland. Have your say before the deadline of 23 October."

Do please fill in this short response form.

1.4 **NEW - ish** Keep National Cycle Route 75 Open During Public Events in Glasgow Green petition, closes 28 October

Covered in our post of 27 September, but new to the Digest, is this latest petition from GoBike and Cycling UK member, Bob Downie,
The National Cycle Route 75 through Glasgow Green is one of the busiest in the city, used by commuters, shoppers, tourists and learners - and also William, from the Glasgow Humane Society, last seen with a life belt on each handlebar of this bike, as he cycled along by the river to put them back in place.

If you haven't already, do please sign this petition to keep this important route open at all times possible.

1.5 **NEW** Glasgow, George Square - is it time for change, closes 30 October

GoBike member, Rachel, alerted us to this on-line opinion poll/conversation concerning George Square.

"Between the 4th and 30th of October a citywide conversation will raise the question: George Square, is it time for change?

While George Square is a familiar landmark, the way it’s used has been shaped by generations of Glaswegians. Now it’s our turn! Let’s find out what place George Square has in Glasgow today and how it should be used in the future.

We’ll never know unless we talk honestly about how we think and feel, and also listen to what our fellow Glaswegians have to say.So let’s start talking! Here’s how to join the conversation:

You can also join us on Facebook , Twitter or Instagram"

There are lots of environmentally friendly, active-travel friendly suggestions already - do support or add your own view.

1.6 **NEW** Glasgow, Dalmarnock West, Commuter Parking Restrictions, closes 01 November

In a new departure, noted in Item 1.1 above, by Glasgow City Council we have been sent a plan only of streets to the west of Dalmarnock Station where it is hoped to ban all-day parking. Depending on the response a Traffic Regulation Order will be issued to prevent the "pretty chaotic" (to quote a City Council employee) on-street parking
Here's the email we received from Glasgow City Council on 04 October:

"Date: 04 October 2019 at 15:55
Subject: FW: The Glasgow City Council (Dalmarnock-West) (Traffic Regulation) Order 201_ - Consultation

Dear Sir / Madam
The Council propose to consider the introduction of the above named Traffic Regulation Order and I wish to establish the preliminary views of your organisation prior to the publication of these proposals.

Background to the proposed Order
These proposals will prevent all day commuter parking and improve road safety and pedestrian safety by prohibiting unsafe and obstructive parking practices.

Area affected by the proposed Order
The list of roads affected by these proposals are:-

Bonnar Street, Carstairs Street, Colvend Street, Dora Street, French Street, Martin Street, Norman Street, Reid Street, Rockcliffe Street, Solway Street, Strathclyde Street, Swanston Street, Webster Street, Unnamed Access Road.

Details of the proposed Order
The proposed Order (as depicted on the attached plans) will comprise of:-

·        No waiting at any time.

Please provide any comments you wish to make on these proposals within 28 days (reply by 1st November 2019).
In the meantime, should you require any further information or clarification on any points arising from the proposals, do not hesitate to contact my assistant (name and phone number removed by GoBike)
Should the Council proceed with these proposals; a copy of the Notice of the proposed Order will be forwarded to you intimating an opportunity to lodge any objections to the proposals.
Yours faithfully" etc

Here's the plan of the area proposed for this ban and you will notice that it extends from the station south to the river and along to the relatively new Police Scotland offices. Concerns have been expressed in the past about employees here parking on the cycle lane just across the river on Shawfield Road, so while GoBike will be supporting this restriction, we will express concerns about the possible knock-on effect for Shawfield Road.

Here's the GoBike letter of support, including a couple of concerns about parking on Shawfield/Glasgow Road and about the lack of a ramped access, rather than steps, from the Police Scotland premises to NCN 75. Below is a screenshot, which demonstrates the concern for Shawfield Road.

Shawfield Road/Glasgow Road, crossing the Glasgow/South Lanarkshire boundary. Spot the cycle lane?

Do please write in to support these proposals if you live, work or cycle in this area.

1.7 East Dunbartonshire Draft Local Transport Strategy, closes 12 November

Here's the email we received from Chris McGough, Land Planning Policy Officer, Transport, for East Dunbartonshire Council on 26 September?

"The Council has continued work to produce a new Local Transport Strategy and has produced a Draft which is now open for consultation until 12 November 2019. The Draft Strategy, background report, corresponding Environmental Report and online survey is available at the following web page: https://www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/draft-local-transport-strategy Any comments GoBike has at this stage would be welcome and would assist the Council in producing a final Strategy for publication and implementation. Please let me know if you have any queries."

Drop-in sessions are being held and unfortunately we have missed the first 2, but 3 more are to be held and you might wish to attend one of these:

  • Glazert Country House Hotel, Lennoxtown - Tuesday 22 October - 3pm-7pm
  • Fraser Centre, Milngavie - Thursday 24 October - 3pm-7pm
  • Kirkintilloch Leisure Centre - Wednesday 30 October - 3pm-7pm.

If you have any views on this document do please let us know at consultations@gobike.org and we will include them in our response.

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

2.1 Glasgow, Byres Road: delay in issuing TROs

Back at the end of August, and as we told you in Digest 42, Item 2.2, we were led to expect the issue of 3 Traffic Regulation Orders for Byres Road during September. The one we are particularly interested in is the second:

" Byres Road- Traffic Management and Parking Controls
This order will facilitate the proposed public realm improvements in Byres Road, including footway widening and new cycle lanes. The Order will propose a reduction in on-street car parking bays, the introduction of protected cycle lanes, additional disabled parking, the removal of the left-turn filter lane at the junction of Byres Road and Great Western Road and the introduction of a one-way arrangement on Byres Road and Church Street south of the Church Street junction.  The location of bus stops, loading bays and taxi ranks will be largely unchanged by the Order, although a new daytime taxi rank is proposed at Church Street to complement the University redevelopment works."

Nothing was heard, so despite no news being good news, we contacted the City Council at the beginning of this month to find out that things are slightly behind programme due to internal issues but "The initial TRO  consultation process will start next week with limited circulation to a  number of consultees (Emergency Services,  SPT etc.)  The public consultation is now likely to start in November  and wind up just before Christmas."
As soon as we hear we will let you know and we'll be on the case.

2.2  Active Travel Event for Everyone event in Edinburgh, 19 October

Don't forget this event that takes place on Saturday. Here's the link to the eventbrite booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/active-travel-for-everyone-tickets-73548851595?aff=ebdssbeac
It's a free event, looking at issues that divide and unite the active travel community. Do go if you can.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1  East Dunbartonshire Council: LDP Newsletter No. 53

Here's the latest update, September 2019, from East Dunbartonshire, that we received just after the last newsletter was issued on 24 September.

3.2 Glasgow, Glencairn Drive Traffic Calming - and we learn about Speed Cameras

In Digest 43, Item 1.2, we gave all the details for the proposals for speed reduction on Glencairn Drive, near Maxwell Park and we submitted this letter of objection - not to the intention to reduce speed but the manner in which it was proposed to be done.

On 10 October this reply came in:

Dear Ms Fort
Thank you for your response to the Traffic Calming proposals on Glencairn Drive.

I  can advise that the smallest proposed gap between the kerbline and  adjacent cushion is 0.8m,  not 0.55m as stated. As well as this, the gap between the middle  cushions is 1 metre, which should provide more than enough space for  cyclists to pass whilst keeping them in the middle of their respective  lane, without having to gravitate to the middle of  the carriageway in order to travel to pass the middle cushions.

Regarding  your request for the installation of chicanes, planters and cycle  bypasses, I can advise that this location did not meet  the usual criteria used for traffic calming.  However we were aware of  speeding concerns at this location and used additional funding for this  project to reduce vehicle speeds and make the street safer for all road  users.  As such, there is a limited budget  for this scheme, which is taken into account together with other  factors when designing the layout.

I  can also advise that the introduction of speed cameras lies outwith the  remit of Glasgow City Council and that the responsibility  for the installation of speed cameras lies with Safety Cameras  Scotland, therefore any request for a speed camera to be installed at a  location should be made to them directly at http://www.safetycameras.gov.scot/contact/.

I  trust the above information is of assistance, however, should you  require any further information please contact (name and phone number removed by GoBike)."

There are 4 factors of interest in this reply:

  1. The selective response to the points raised in the GoBike letter, with some completely ignored.
  2. The correctness, or otherwise, of one of the drawings issued with the TRO, see screenshot below of a section of one drawing.
  3. The curious budgetting procedures of GCC.
  4. The fascinating website for Safety Cameras Scotland,  http://www.safetycameras.gov.scot/ which details terrifying reports of drivers doing almost double the speed limit but then goes on to give advice to these poor drivers, with little relative thought to the victims of any incident or the crime committed. That said perhaps GoBike should run a campaign to get more speed cameras installed? Do let us know what you think - email consultations@gobike.org
Glencairn Drive west end, showing 0.55m gap at kerb

A reply was sent on 11 October, attaching both the screenshot view at the top of this item and a copy of the GCC drawing from which the drawing immediately above is taken.

"Dear Mr Brady,
Thank you for replying to our letter of 17 September and your response to some of the points made therein. For your reference I attach one of the drawings issued as part of this TRO, which clearly shows a gap of 0.55m between cushion and kerb. The GoBike       response was based on this drawing. Will you please issue the correct version of the drawing?
I also attach a screenshot showing a view of the road that shows the setts in the gutter, which do not form an acceptable cycling surface. However, I note your comment about the space between the middle cushions and we have to hope that people will be confident enough to use this gap when they are cycling on this road.

It is unfortunate, in our view, that the City Council does not take a more global view when there are concerns expressed about speeding. Rather than maintain this wide road, and others, as one primarily for motor vehicles we would prefer a move towards       streets for people. It is also a curious policy that you continue to spend public money to restrain motor drivers who choose to break speed limits, rather than requesting that speed cameras be installed. Thank you, though for the clarification on speed cameras and the link to the relevant website.
We maintain our support for the reduction of dangerous speeds but object to the proposed method of achieving your aims at this location.

Tricia Fort for Consultations, GoBike, Strathclyde Cycle Campaign, www.gobike.org"

That's it for now, but do respond to as many of the requests for support as you can. Your next Digest is scheduled for 29 October.