12 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 47, 12 November 2019: Good News and Bad News from Glasgow City Council

Consultation Digest Issue 47, 12 November 2019: Good News and Bad News from Glasgow City Council
Photo : Bob Downie
Glasgow City Council have now placed GoBike on the Stage One List of Statutory Consultees. This means that we are provided with details of proposals that the City Council is considering for a future Traffic Regulation Order, but, if the reaction at this first stage is not supportive the Council might not proceed with it.
This is very good news for GoBike but if does mean that we have to review our ways of working. We are not allowed to publicise the proposals until they proceed to the formal TRO stage and we are now working on a process for effective Stage One review.

So that is the good news from Glasgow City Council and the bad news is contained within Item 3.1, a Parking and One-Way Street issue, but do read on for our list of contents and the wide range of issues that we bring to you in this issue:


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. East Dunbartonshire, Draft Local Transport Strategy, closes TODAY, 12 November
  2. Glasgow, Queen Margaret Drive cycle lanes, closes 15 November
  3. Glasgow, Belmont Traffic Management Order 2005 Variation No.2) 20__ – Publication of Proposals, closes 29 November
  4. East Dunbartonshire, Proposed Traffic Regulation Order – A81 Milngavie Road & A81 Maryhill Road Redetermination of passage to be by Pedal Cycle and foot only, closes 02 December
  5. **NEW** East Renfrewshire, Local Development Plan 2, closes 13 December
  6. **NEW** East Dunbartonshire, Proposed Traffic Regulation Order and road humps – Maxwell Avenue Area, Bearsden, closes 16 December
  7. Law Commission Highly Automated Road Passenger Services, HARPS, public consultation, closes 16 January 2020

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

  1. Glasgow, University of Glasgow Campus Development Programme – public meeting, TOMORROW 13 November
  2. East Dunbartonshire Active Transport Networking Event, 26 November
  3. CyclingUK: “Why the Highway Code should be rewritten ” Forthcoming consultation from the UK Government

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. Glasgow, Mount Florida, Parking and One-Way, with no contraflow, discussion
  2. Glasgow, Council Hearing for GoBike member, Bob Downie’s petition to keep National Cycle Route 75 through Glasgow Green open during events
  3. Glasgow, City Centre, Candleriggs, Traffic Management Order, 2010, Variation 20

Section 1: Current Consultations

1.1 East Dunbartonshire, Draft Local Transport Strategy, closes TODAY, 12 November

This consultation was previously noted in Digest 45, Item 1.7 and Digest 46, Item 1.6. We hope that some of you managed to get along to one of the consultation events that have been held and have responded to the consultation? Here’s the GoBike response drawn up with grateful thanks to GoBike member Dave for his review.

1.2 Glasgow, Queen Margaret Drive cycle lanes, closes 15 November

Details of this consultation were in our last issue, Digest 46, Item 1.7 and our response was in that issue too – we were quick off the mark!
Please do write in if you have views on this proposal, particularly if you support it! It’s important that support for active travel schemes is voiced, to try to drown out the I-need-my-car-to-go-anywhere lobby. It will only take a minute or two to email land@glasgow.gov.uk to say that you fully support the GoBike response.

1.3 Glasgow, Belmont Traffic Management Order 2005 Variation No.2) 20__ – Publication of Proposals, closes 29 November

If you are thinking that you have seen this in our Digests before, then you are absolutely correct. We were sent details under the Stage One Consultees List and inadvertently, because we had not been told of our new status, we published the consultation details as usual.

Here’s the email that the City Council sent to us on 01 November:

Dear Sir or Madam,


Further to my consultation email of 17
TH September 2019 regarding the above named Traffic Regulation Order, and in accordance with statutory procedures, I now enclose a copy of the press notice of the proposed Order, relevant map, statement of reasons, detailed report.

Details of the proposals will also be available on the Glasgow City Council website at

As stated in the attached documentation, any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should send details of the grounds for objection in writing to Kevin Hamilton Head of Roads Neighbourhoods and Sustainability or by e-mail to land@glasgow.gov.uk by 29th November 2019.

Yours faithfully,
” etc

Here are the documents listed in the above message: Press Notice, Plan, Statement of Reasons and the Report.

GoBike supported the proposals when we were told about them earlier and we submitted this letter on 15 October. Obstructive and indiscriminate parking of motor vehicles is not something that GoBike can support and we will be repeating our message of support for this TRO.

1.4 East Dunbartonshire, Proposed Traffic Regulation Order – A81 Milngavie Road & A81 Maryhill Road Redetermination of passage to be by Pedal Cycle and foot only, closes 02 December

All the details for this proposal were in Digest 46, Item 1.8 and we have heard from one of our members, John, who commutes through this area. He tells us “I use this route when I cycle to work. It is more pleasant than the main road, if slower.” Another GoBike member, Dave, declines to use it because it is slower, so doesn’t this just prove the case for good cycle infrastructure?

Here’s our letter of response.

1.5 **NEW** East Renfrewshire, Local Development Plan 2, closes 13 December

We heard about this from GoBike member, Meredith and we are still doing some investigation, so if you have any concerns do let us know at consultations@gobike.org Here’s the link to the document and consultation details

1.6 **NEW** East Dunbartonshire, Proposed Traffic Regulation Order and road humps – Maxwell Avenue Area, Bearsden, closes 16 December

Here’s the email that we received on 08 November from East Dunbartonshire and, again, you might think you have seen this before! We responded to what was apparently the Stage 1 consultation back in January as reported in Digest 27, Item 3.4

The Council is promoting a Traffic Regulation Order which would introduce a 20 mph speed limit zone in the Maxwell Avenue area of Bearsden and five round top road humps on Maxwell Avenue.
Enclosed are copies of the draft Order, plan and Statement of Reasons for the Traffic Order and the Plan of the location of the humps, together with copies of the Notices that are to appear in the Milngavie & Bearsden Herald which is published on 15 November 2019.
Should you wish to comment on the proposal you must do so in writing by Monday, 16 December 2019. Your comments should be sent to Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer, Legal Services, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, G66 1TJ.

(See attached file: 191104 Maxwell Ave Area proposed 20 mph zone.pdf)
(See attached file: 191107 Maxwell Avenue – Notice & Plan.pdf)

It’s unfortunate that we weren’t clearly informed of this distinction, but we did generally approve the proposals, with one concern, we would prefer to see more than a 750mm gap either end of the the speed tables to allow clear passage for all cycles. While we don’t like speed tables we will not be objecting to this scheme.

1.7 Law Commission Highly Automated Road Passenger Services, HARPS, public consultation, closes 16 January 2020

Details of this UK Government consultation were published in Digest 46, Item 1.9 and repeated here is the last part of the email we received:

We invite you to respond to the paper by 16 January 2020. We have set up an online portal for submitting responses but welcome input in any format. If you have ideas for consultation events or would like a meeting please get in touch.

The consultation paper, summary and details for how to respond are available on our project page at https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/automated-vehicles/ 

Yours sincerely,

Automated Vehicles Team – Law Commissions

GoBike will be reviewing the document but if you do have any views on these automated vehicles do please let us know at consultations@gobike.org

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

2.1 Glasgow, University of Glasgow Campus Development Programme – public meeting, TOMORROW 13 November

This meeting was publicised in our last Digest, Digest 46, Item 2.2 and here is a further copy of the email that was sent out:

From: Internal Communications <communications@glasgow.ac.uk>
Date: 22 October 2019 at 12:50:48 BST
To: Internal Communications <communications@glasgow.ac.uk>
Subject:University of Glasgow Campus Development Programme – public meeting

The University of Glasgow will hold a public meeting on Wednesday 13 November to update about progress on its Campus Development Programme.

The event will be held in the 
Wolfson Medical Building (Gannochy Room), from 18:30 – 20:00. You can register to attend through Eventbrite.

The meeting is open to the public and will focus on the ongoing and upcoming work taking place on the Gilmorehill campus, particularly on the site of the former Western Infirmary.

The agenda includes presentations from University project managers, as well as construction partners.

We intend to update on the following areas, however there will also be the opportunity for questions.

  1. Infrastructure on University Avenue, University Place, and future demolitions along Church Street;
  2. Construction update for the James McCune Smith Learning Hub and the Research Hub;
  3. Overview of planning and final design for the Clarice Pears Building (Institute of Health & Wellbeing);
  4. Planning and anticipated programme for the Adam Smith Business School and landscaping for the Southern Gateway;
  5. A look inside the James McCune Smith Learning Hub, the Research Hub, including community facilities;
  6. Community benefits;
  7. Q&A.

Due to a busy agenda, please note the event will start at 18:30 prompt. Refreshments are available in the Atrium of the Wolfson Medical School Building from 18:00.

Tickets are not required, however attendees are encouraged to 
register, so that we have an indication of numbers. 

For those who have attended these meeting before, the Gannochy Room is next to the lecture theatre where the sessions are usually held.

Please direct queries to campus-development@glasgow.ac.uk

Do get to the meeting if you have an interest in what’s happening at the University.

2.2 East Dunbartonshire Active Transport Networking Event, 26 November

GoBike received this invitation from CyclingUK on 31 October:

Cycling UK would like to invite you to their Community Cycling and Active Transport Networking Event

It would be great if you could join us from
4pm – 6pm on Tuesday 26th November at Hillhead Community Centre
169 Meiklehill Road, Kirkintilloch, G66 2JT

You can register for this FREE event at the following link:


This event is for anyone with an interest in walking and cycling in East Dunbartonshire.  We hope to bring together representatives from East Dunbartonshire Council, Cycling UK,  local grassroots cycling groups, community cycling organisations, organisations that hosted Big Bike Revival events and Cycling UK affiliated and Member groups.  Our aim is to discuss cycling and walking provision in the area and look at improving infrastructure and opportunities.  

Attendees can expect:

– A warm welcome with refreshments.
– Introduction from Cycling UK
– Speakers from East Dunbartonshire Council and local cycling organisations
– Potential new local cycling opportunities
– Interactive sessions to share knowledge and ideas
– Opportunities to network and get involved

Please share with your friends and networks, as well as any walking and/or paths groups who might be interested in shared initiatives. 

I look forward to seeing you there!

If you are unable to make it to the event but would like to take part in future events and discussions then please feel free to drop me a line
Many thanks and best regards


Eileen Hamill
Development Officer – Big Bike Revival Glasgow and West of Scotland
Cycling UK

This is a great opportunity for GoBike members to find out what is happening in East Dunbartonshire, so do get along if you can.

2.3 CyclingUK: “Why the Highway Code should be rewritten ” Forthcoming consultation from the UK Government

All those of us who are Cycling UK members probably received the weekly “Cycle Clips” email on Friday 08 November and within it is this article about a forthcoming review of the HIghway Code:

Many people have the view that the Highway Code is largely irrelevant and with 307 rules plus annexes, it’s just too long, nobody reads it once they’ve passed their test and few people know the rules. Cycling UK Head of Campaigns Duncan Dollimore explains why the Highway Code needs to be rewritten so that it helps to protect vulnerable road users and can promote active travel.

Find out more

It is to be hoped that this review takes place soon and is well informed by the active travel movement.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Glasgow, Mount Florida, Parking and One-Way, with no contraflow, discussion

This conversation, by email, with Glasgow City Council, has been going on for some time and centres on 2 issues. One is the FACT that one-way streets with no cycle contraflow cut down access/permeability for cycle traffic, and secondly, the FALLACY that businesses need their customers to be able to park their motor vehicle right outside their premises. The initial details were in Digest 39, Item 1.4 and in Digest 44, Item 3.1 we published an exchange of views between the City Council and ourselves.

Here’s the latest in the discussion, an email that we received on 30 October and our reply of 11 November. We do hope that after this quite frank exchange of views we will be able to speak to people at the City Council and come to some agreement on future proposals.

3.2 Glasgow, Council Hearing for GoBike member, Bob Downie’s petition to keep National Cycle Route 75 through Glasgow Green open during events

105 people supported Bob Downie’s petition (click on “Search and view all petitions”) to keep the cycle route by the Clyde through Glasgow Green open during events and it is now to be considered by the Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement City Policy Committee on Thursday 14 November. This is good news indeed, and Tricia from GoBike and Jim from Cycling UK will be going along to support Bob to keep this important cycle route open as much as possible.

The photo above was taken on 04 November, the day before the 05 November Fireworks and shows that not only can the cycle and walking route be kept open while that event was prepared, but can be open while the Fair was in action, and the benches can be kept in use.

Let’s hope we get a good result on Thursday – we’ll let you know.

3.3 Glasgow, City Centre, Candleriggs, Traffic Management Order, 2010, Variation 20

Back in 2017 Glasgow City Coucil published proposals for traffic alterations for Candleriggs in the Merchant City. Here’s a copy of the Report that we were sent at the time:

The Council proposes to amend the current road layout on Candleriggs to support the development of the site bounded by Candleriggs, Trongate, Hutcheson Street and Wilson Street in the Merchant City area of the city centre.
The site of the former Goldbergs site has been unoccupied since 1990 and several buildings have been demolished as they had become unsafe.
The development of the site was approved for planning in April 2016, and will provide retail, student, lease, residential and hotel accommodation along with new attractive pedestrian access routes through the development linking the city centre.
The order will close Candleriggs to all traffic other than pedal cycles between Wilson Street and Bell Street, reverse the current eastbound one way operation of Bell Street between Albion Street and Candleriggs and remove the current prohibition of vehicles between 11pm and 9am on Candleriggs. This will provide access to the development from Albion Street while restricting through traffic and encourage sustainable transport in the city centre.”

Here’s the plan that was submitted at the time.

GoBike submitted this letter of support on 11 November 2017, to the proposals, drafted by GoBike member Peter, who lives nearby and who is a member of the Merchant City & Trongate Community Council.
We have no record of a response to our specific requests, but on 07 November 2019 we received this confirmation that the proposed changes are approved:

Dear Sir/Madam


I refer to your support of the above named Traffic Regulation Order and can advise that your support was reported and considered. The Council have decided under its scheme of delegated functions to proceed with the proposal as advertised.

The Order was made on 25
th October 2019 and an advert was placed in the Evening Times on Wednesday 30th October stating that the Traffic Regulation Order has been made.
Should you require any further information on the above named Order please contact my assistant (name and phone number removed by GoBike).

Yours sincerely
“, etc

A move in the right direction!

Back in 2 weeks with more!