10 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 57, 31 March 2020: Cycling on quiet streets - time to see where the cycle lanes should be!

Consultation Digest Issue 57, 31 March 2020: Cycling on quiet streets - time to see where the cycle lanes should be!
Photo : Tricia Fort

Automatic responses from Glasgow City Council on the submission of consultations tell us: “Please note that normal office processes and procedures have been impacted by the developing Covid-19 situation.” Thus, while we have information for you today, it is reducing quickly.

The feature photograph for this Digest and the similar photo in Section 2 were both taken at 06:55 on Friday 27 March on a daily exercise ride. You will perhaps recognise the location, on Paisley Road West, heading west away from the Kingston Bridge, but not the level of traffic. On a normal Friday morning, even at such an early hour, there would be far more than one bus and a couple of bikes on this major arterial route into Glasgow – a route deemed too busy to have segregated cycle lanes!


Section 1: Current Consultations
  1. Glasgow, George Square, Motor Traffic Restrictions, Experimental TRO, closes 03 April
  2. Glasgow, Hutchesontown (New Gorbals) Parking Controls, closes 13 April
  3. North Lanarkshire **NEW** Proposed New Road, Airdrie, online consultation, closes 30 April
Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

Nothing that we are aware of, but do look where cycle lanes should exist!

Section 3: Consultation Feedback
  1. Glasgow, North Kelvin and North Woodside, Traffic Management and Parking Controls, GoBike submission
  2. Glasgow, South Car Club Order 2020, approved
  3. East Renfrewshire, Aurs Road Upgrade and Realignment Project – Materials & Finish Query, GoBike response
  4. Glasgow, Blythswood District Regeneration Framework, GoBike submission
  5. Glasgow, Craighall Road and Port Dundas, new cycle lane under construction

Section 1: Current Consultations, in date order for responses

1.1 Glasgow, George Square, Motor Traffic Restrictions, Experimental TRO, closes 03 April

Not as many people out on the grass today, but the consultation to cut motor traffic and hence pollution is open until Friday, so please do put a short response in – a quick note just saying that you support the GoBike response will do.

We featured this consultation first in Digest 56, Item 1.4 and here’s the letter we submitted in general support of the proposals on 24 March. The letter refers to Stage One consultation, to which we responded with this letter on 28 February. This is quite definitely a move in the right direction and we hope that everyone who supports active travel and a pleasanter city will support it.

1.2 Glasgow, Hutchesontown (New Gorbals) Parking Controls, closes 13 April

We published the details of this initial consultation in Digest 56, Item 1.5 and we encourage everyone who lives, works, shops or otherwise visits this area to look at the proposals online. Unfortunately, because of Covid 19 restrictions, the Gorbals Library, shown on the left on the photo above, is now closed, but all the documents are available online and in Digest 56.

It’s important that we respond positively to this consultation at this very early stage. Responses now will influence the forthcoming Traffic Regulation Order so views on restricting parking and allowing contraflow cycling are critical. GoBike is delighted that contraflow cycling is included, in the east of the area, and if there is anyone out there who has any qualms on cycling to face oncoming traffic do please read our recent blog on the topic.

1.3 North Lanarkshire **NEW** Proposed New Road, Airdrie, online consultation, closes 30 April

In Digest 56, Item 2.1, two weeks ago, we informed you of drop-in consultation events to explain the reason and the options for this proposed new road. At that time there was no mention of online information and feedback option, but further to the cancellation of the consultation events, we received this news on 27 March

East Airdrie Link Road project

Unfortunately we had to cancel the East Airdrie Link Road public events scheduled earlier this month due to the Covid-19 crisis.

You can still find out about the East Airdrie Link Road options on our web site, and your opportunity to give us your feedback using an online form has been extended to 30 April 2020.

You will also have a further opportunity to see our developing plans and give us your feedback later this year.

If you live, work or cycle in North Lanarkshire do please have a look at the proposals and respond.

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

We have no news of any consultations coming over the horizon, apart from the promise of more details from North Lanarkshire, see Item 1.3 above, but we are hearing lots of reports that the horizon may now be seen quite clearly given the reduction in pollution from motor vehicles.

So do please use what chances you have to look at what is out there, or what isn’t out there, in the way of cycling provision so that when we are over this pandemic we can all respond critically to consultations and campaign vigorously to get our space to travel. This photo shows that the normally busy Paisley Road West in Glasgow has plenty of room for cycle lanes – if motor traffic is controlled.

Do note, though, that North Lanarkshire Council have sent out details of changes to council services, including this note:

Country Parks 

Vehicle access and car parking is closed at Palacerigg, Drumpellier and Strathclyde Country parks.”

However, one has to wonder how effective that is, given this photo that appeared over the weekend and was featured in the Herald on 30 March.

So while there is less motor traffic generally and main roads are a pleasure to cycle on do take care near parked and parking vehicles and watch out for the rogue speed merchant testing out how far down the accelerator pedal will go.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Glasgow, North Kelvin and North Woodside, Traffic Management and Parking Controls, GoBike submission

We first featured this consultation as Item 1.5 in Digest 55 and we have now submitted this response on 24 March. This proposal is, overall, a big improvement for the area but we are disappointed that there is not more contraflow cycling, that reverse-out angled , or perpendicular to the kerb, motor parking is allowed and that more bike parking is not included. We made the same points in our response at Stage One and we will keep making these points for future consultations. Active travel must be recognised.

3.2 Glasgow, South Car Club Order 2020, approved

On 10 February GoBike submitted this detailed response to proposals for Car Club parking and charging points on the South Side of the city and we reported that in Digest 54, Item 3.8. Also in that Digest we reported on prompt feedback from the City Council supporting their stance and finally, on 17 March we received this email:


Dear Sir\Madam


I am writing to notify you that the above named Traffic Regulation Order was made on 16th March 2020 to introduce car club and electric parking on Albert Avenue, Allison Street, Kenmure Street, Paisley Road West and Torrisdale Street.

An advert will be placed in the Evening Times on Wednesday 18th March 2020 stating that the Traffic Regulation Order has been made. The advert advises that any person who wishes to question the validity of the Order or of any provision contained in it on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, or on the grounds that any requirement of the Act, or of any instrument made under it, has not been complied with in relation to the Order may, within six weeks from 16th March 2020, apply to the Court of Sessions for this purpose.

All those who objected to or supported the proposals will now be written to and advised of the decision.

Please find attached a copy of the plans for your information.

I trust this is of assistance, however should you require any further information on the above named Order please contact my assistant (name and phone number removed by GoBike).

Yours faithfully

The final plans are here: Allison Street, Paisley Road West, Torrisdale, Kenmure and Albert Drive.

So there we have it: on-street charging points, even where cycle lanes are, in our view, required.

East Renfrewshire, Aurs Road Upgrade and Realignment Project – Materials & Finish Query, GoBike response

Back in Digest 41, Item 3.3 there was a report back from an information session held on 13 August 2019 about the proposed upgrade and realignment of Aurs Road. GoBike member, Bob, was one of the people who attended.

On 19 March we received this email from the consultant working for East Renfrewshire Council:

Dear Stakeholder,

You may recall that in August 2019, Stantec (formerly Peter Brett Associates) undertook a consultation event with you and/ or a representative, in respect of the Aurs Road Upgrade Realignment Project on behalf of East Renfrewshire Council.

The project has progressed somewhat over the past few months and we are keen to obtain your views on the materials being proposed for the cycle path, before the design work progresses any further.

  • The cycle path element of the route will be surfaced in black ashphalt with red chips, in keeping with current preferences for equivalent schemes being delivered elsewhere. An indication of this is provided below (right);
  • The boardwalk element of the route will be surfaced in Kellen paving, akin to that shown in the image on the left below, albeit colour combinations and orientation/ pattern are being considered in further detail;  and
  • Please note that at entry and exit points to the areas of the route where the cycle and walk route run parallel to each other, longitudinal tactiles will be provided for cyclists and transverse tactiles will be provided for walkers, to demarque entry/ exit into areas where there is no physical or at grade separation of the routes.

We would welcome your thoughts on the proposed materials for the cycle path and if you have any further thoughts or considerations. We are unable to share more detailed plans at the present time, but trust the below is ample to inform a view. If you need to discuss any aspect of the proposed materials, please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below: we’d be more than happy to discuss further.”

GoBike replied on 24 March with this letter. There is reference in the letter to a presentation that Bob gave to the GoBike AGM last November. This was primarily about the South City Way but included the surfacing to be used. Many of you attended the AGM but in case you didn’t or need a refresher, here’s a copy of the presentation.

It’s good to be asked our views on such matters! Would that all councils did the same.

3.4 Glasgow, Blythswood District Regeneration Framework, GoBike submission

Apologies, this one escaped our notice and hasn’t been featured in our Digests before now, but our expert on long documents, Brenda, has been working on a response for some time. Here it is, sent in on 26 March, the day before consultation closed. Do please read it; she makes great play of how quiet and pleasant our streets currently are. We need every attempt to be made to reclaim our streets from the ubiquitous motor vehicle.

We haven’t given you a nudge to look at the consultation document and it has now disappeared from the City Council’s website, so here it is, should you care to take a look. It’s split into 5, so that we could get it all on here, with lots of photographs for you to view the area:

Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4 and Section 5.

3.5 Glasgow, Craighall Road and Port Dundas, new cycle lane under construction
Looking east on North Canal Bank Street

Round about 1 year ago and reported in Digest 32, Item 1.1 was news of parking changes at Speirs Wharf to allow construction of a new cycle lane. Here’s the text of the letter of response we sent in on 15 April 2019:

Thank you for your email of 22 March and the opportunity to comment on the proposals for parking restrictions at Speirs Wharf to allow improvements for people walking and cycling.

GoBike supports this proposal.

We would also be very keen to see the plans for the cycle lane that is proposed for this location and hope that may be arranged.

Did we get to see the plans? No, we didn’t, but committee member, Brenda, cycled up to Speirs Wharf the other day and chanced upon the construction shown on the photos above and below:

Looking west on North Canal Bank Street, towards Speirs Wharf

The cycle lanes, between the footway and the roadway, will run along past the new water sports centre at Port Dundas.

This demonstrates how limited consultation is. GoBike and community representatives were involved in discussions for the extension of the South City Way through Battlefield and whether there should be two 1-way cycle lanes or one 2-way lane. Yet in this, the new route featured in the GoBike ride of 02 February, on Keppochhill Road, see Digest 53, Item 3.3, the South West City Way extension along St Andrew’s Drive and others, there is no discussion and one 2-way route is constructed.

Yes, we are pleased to see new cycle lanes, but where is the overall plan? How does this cycle route on North Canal Bank Street link to any other cycle infrastructure? At the east end there is the massive enclosure of whatever is being done in Sighthill and at the west end is the (normally) busy, and narrow Craighall Road, the arterial route from Milngavie via Balmore Road, down to the M8, Cowcaddens and Townhead. If you find the overall plan for the city, do tell us!


We have no idea what will arrive over the next 2 weeks, but we will keep you updated with whatever we get.
Do stay safe and do keep healthy. Try and get out on your bike if you can.