13 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 62, 09 June 2020: Your views are needed!

Consultation Digest Issue 62, 09 June 2020: Your views are needed!

Lots and lots of requests for your views in this issue but, before you get your fingers tapping on that keyboard scoot to our very last item for details of how Glasgow got its first community-led pop-up bike lane - a good news story to start and end with.

Yes, we have  requests for your views from the Scottish Government to Glasgow and East Renfrewshire councils and cycling organisations, so do please get those fingers clicking.
The majority have no closing dates but don't delay, get your views in before the cars come back and your temperature rises.


Section 1: Current Consultations
  1. Scottish Government - Just Transition Commission, closes 30 June
  2. **NEW** Glasgow, Pollok Country Park - Planning Application, closes 06 July
  3. Scottish Parliament EHRi Committee, Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Equalities and Human Rights
  4. Scottish Parliament, EEFW Commitee, COVID-19 - Impact on Scotland's businesses, workers and economy
  5. **NEW** Glasgow, Woodside, Urban Realm seek views on Public Realm Improvements
  6. **NEW** East Renfrewshire, Spaces for People Commonplace Map, looking for your views
  7. **NEW** Scottish Green Party, Street Space for Glasgow - Join our campaign, tell us your ideas
  8. **NEW** Cycling UK in Scotland, Using the Widen My Path mapping tool to call for Space for Distancing measures
  9. **NEW** Glasgow City Council Spaces for People - Glasgow Commonplace map
Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

We've drawn a blank again.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback
  1. Sustrans, Spaces to Move tool
  2. Glasgow City Development Plan - Update
  3. Glasgow, On Bikes: how did they get that cycle lane on Langdale Street?

Section 1: Current Consultations

1.1 Scottish Government - Just Transition Commission, closes 30 June

This consultation first featured in Digest 60, Item 1.1 and here's some information from the Government website:

The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets)(Scotland) Act 2019 recently passed by the Scottish Parliament contains some of the most ambitious statutory emission reduction targets in the world.

The Just Transition Commission has been established to provide Scottish Ministers with practical, realistic, and affordable recommendations for action that will:

  • maximise the economic and social opportunities that the move to a net-zero economy by 2045 offers
  • build on Scotland’s existing strengths and assets
  • understand and mitigate risks that could arise in relation to regional cohesion, equalities, poverty (including fuel poverty), and a sustainable and inclusive labour market

If you follow the link you will be able to respond to the call for evidence – since most of us have a bit more time at the moment do put your thoughts about maintaining road space for cycling, reducing emissions, etc in the boxes. Please do it for the sake of your health and the nation’s health. There are only about 6 questions, each with a box for your thoughts, so do get them in.

1.2 **NEW** Glasgow Pollok Country Park - Planning Application, closes 06 July

This email arrived yesterday, 08 June; we haven't had time to digest it yet but if you have any views please do respond yourself to the application but also let GoBike know by either emailing consultations@gobike.org or, if you are an active GoBike member, use the Slack Consultations channel.


Following an extensive period of public engagement, Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Life have submitted a planning application for an Active Travel Management Plan in Pollok Country Park. This Plan improves access to and within the park by promoting public transport and pedestrian links, modifying private car access and vehicular routes within the park, and improving connectivity to local areas.

The application is now available to view here (Reference Number 20/01352/FUL): https://publicaccess.glasgow.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=QAZZ49EXIKO00&activeTab=summary

A copy of the engagement feedback and responses will be available to view via the above link shortly.

If you have any questions about the application please get in touch.

Kind Regards,

Glasgow City Council/Glasgow Life"

1.3 Scottish Parliament EHRi Committee, Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Equalities and Human Rights, closes 01 January 2021

This open-ended survey was first covered in Digest 60, Item 1.2 and here's a quote from the Parliament's website:

"This inquiry seeks to identify the evidence that some groups of people are experiencing disproportionately negative impacts of the coronavirus, and by some of the measures taken to deal with it.

The inquiry will look at the measures the Scottish Government and other public bodies, including regulatory and oversight bodies, can take to help. It will also examine measures taken by public bodies and the impacts they may have on equality and human rights.

We want to hear your views on:

  • which equality groups are being disproportionately negatively affected by the coronavirus, and by some of the measures taken to deal with it
  • what equality and human rights impacts there have been
  • what the Scottish Government can change or improve to mitigate against these impacts"

There is no doubt that the very people who suffer from the lack of an effective travel system are the ones who will be suffering from Covid-19. It is significant that many people have adopted the cycle as a means of transport during the pandemic and many more would walk and cycle if our streets were less congested by motor vehicles and the air were cleaner.
There are only 5 questions, each with a box for your thoughts, so please get them down in print.

Here's the link to start the survey.

1.4 Scottish Parliament, EEFW Commitee, COVID-19 - Impact on Scotland's businesses, workers and economy

This is the 3rd nation-wide survey that is being aired here for the 3rd time, previously in Digest 60, Item 1.3 and Digest 61, Item 1.5, and it applies specifically to businesses, workers and the economy - which basically affects all of us. Here's a quote from the Parliament's website:

"The Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee is here and ready to listen to your views at this challenging time. We are keen to hear from you on the impact of COVID-19 on businesses, workers and the economy in Scotland."

Views are invited by email, so it's an open page for you to give your views. If you are involved in active travel, it's particularly important to give your views - we are at the bottom of the pile just now, so any progress must be up!

1.5 **NEW** Glasgow, Woodside, Urban Realm seek views on Public Realm Improvements

GoBike member, Brenda, alerted us to this news from Urban Realm. Here are some words from their newsletter:

Queens Cross Housing Association has opened a consultative website relaying its plans for a series of environmental improvements to the Woodside area of Glasgow to stimulate discussion around the future public realm.
Conducted in parallel with plans by Sustrans to introduce an active travel network the Woodside Making Places initiative seeks to unify streets, parks and playgrounds as a single connected habitat of routes and spaces.
Indicative designs have been brought forward by landscape architects Raeburn Farquhar Bowen to show how key areas such as St George's in the Fields; North Woodside Pool and the M8 motorway can be made to function as one with new planting, community gardens, cycle routes and a civic space at the junction of North Woodside and St Georges Roads.

This appears to link in, or even overlap, the Avenues Programme for the Underline route linking Great Western Road with Cambridge Street. However, this current Urban Realm consultation is about the overall public realm whereas the Avenues Programme is more active travel focussed.

The newsletter goes on to say:

"Feedback on these approaches is being sought remotely with interested parties invited to share their thoughts directly. All input received will help inform a planning application which is expected to be formally submitted in August, with phase one construction following by spring 2021."

Note that the designs are actually on the Queen's Cross HA website. There is a link from the Urban Realm newsletter, but it is not obvious. It is the link in the fourth paragraph which says 'share their thoughts'. This takes you to the QXHA Woodside Making Places site. You then have to click on 'The Design' (top right) and this takes you to the detailed designs for each micro-community. You click on the relevant photographs.

So please enter your views as soon as you can.

1.6 **NEW** East Renfrewshire, Spaces for People Commonplace Map, looking for your views

GoBike member, Duncan, alerted us first to this initiative from East Renfrewshire and then on 04 June we received this email from the Local Authority:

"Subject: East Renfrewshire Council Transport Response to COVID-19

Dear Stakeholders,

The situation resulting from COVID-19 is unprecedented has resulted in profound changes to travel patterns and how people use streets and spaces in East Renfrewshire. In response to the emergency East Renfrewshire Council have recently approved a Transport Response to COVID-19, which outlines a dynamic and phased approach to help residents adapt and renew to the current emergency, as well as help mitigate virus transmission and a possible 'second surge'.

We have recently launched an interactive map in order to provide further information on measures contained in the Transport Response to COVID-19 . This platform will give residents and stakeholders the opportunity to find out more about the Transport Response, proposed plans and the opportunity to provide feedback on specific measures across the area

Spaces for People in East Renfrewshire

East Renfrewshire Council have secured funding through the Sustrans and Transport Scotland ‘Spaces for People’ programme to identify temporary response measures that help residents practice physical distancing and to move around safely in public spaces during the COVID-19 emergency. This is in order to limit virus transmission and to enable residents to safely walk, cycle and wheel for essential journeys and exercise.

As part of this emergency response we looking for your views on issues and opportunities to improve safe physical distancing when walking, cycling and wheeling in your area. For more information and how you can help us identify areas where measures are required please visit  https://erspacesforpeoplemap.commonplace.is  

We hope this information is of use and please feel free to distribute to colleagues, contacts and social networks.

Kind regards

John Shelton – Senior Strategy Officer (Roads & Transportation)

Angus Collins – Partnership Officer (Corporate and Community Services)"

If, for any reason, you walk or cycle in East Renfrewshire, do please contribute to the map.

1.7 **NEW** Scottish Green Party, Street Space for Glasgow - Join our campaign, tell us your ideas

GoBike has no political affiliation, although several of our members are in political parties and here's a message from the Green Party on a topic close to our collective heart:

The links were removed to get that message in but they are all here. Do have a look - at least this is politicians looking for our views!

1.8 **NEW** Cycling UK in Scotland, Using the Widen My Path mapping tool to call for Space for Distancing measures

It's important that our views are heard if we wish to make any gains for active travel out of this awful pandemic.

Cycling UK in Scotland is looking for your views, with this email that we received on 05 June:

"Dear campaigners, groups and supporters

Apologies for the mass mailing and to anyone who is already using the Widen My Path tool.

This is a quick update about how we are using the Widen My Path campaign’s mapping tool in the next phase of our campaigning at Cycling UK in Scotland.

The number of Scottish councils applying to the Space for People fund is growing and we hope to see many more measures being put in place soon. At CUK we are now asking our members and supporters to use the Widen My Path campaign tool to 1) show there is still a need for all councils to provide space for distancing and 2) show where measure would be most helpful. Our campaign webpage also helps supporters to contact their councillors to let them know they have used the tool.

Some councils are already consulting on where measures would be most helpful so we will be asked them to use the responses in the Widen My Path map in conjunction with any other mapping tools or decision-making processes.

It would be great to get lots of ideas uploaded onto the Widen My Path map so if you are part of a local campaign please do encourage your group members, and their friends and relations, to use it either directly at https://www.widenmypath.com/  or through our CUK webpage where people can also send a message to their councillors.


Jim Densham
Campaigns and Policy Manager - Scotland, Cycling UK in Scotland"

We need to make our voices heard so please contribute to this campaign.

1.9 Glasgow City Council Spaces for People - Glasgow Commonplace map

Glasgow City Council are working closely with Sustrans to provide Space For People, and have created their own CommonPlace map for this:

Here’s a link to the Spaces for People – Glasgow Commonplace map, a project initiated, and information supplied, by Sustrans Scotland, Transport Scotland and Glasgow City Council

We in GoBike would like thank everyone for all your great ideas on our Streets for All Glasgow Commonplace site, developed in conjunction with Glasgow Eco Trust and On Bikes. We are hoping to work closely with Glasgow City Council and Sustrans Scotland to make sure these ideas contribute to the new #SpacesForPeople Commonplace from the City Council.

Our Streets For All Glasgow commonplace is still active and we still wish for folk to pass comments on it that are outside of Space For People, so that we can use this as data in the longer term to push for change.

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

We've drawn a blank again, but there is plenty in Section 1 to keep you busy.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Sustrans, Spaces to Move tool, looking for feedback

Adam Kesby in Sustrans Scotland  wrote to us on 29 May with this email:

"As ever thanks for your bulletins/digests – really useful in my work to get folks to politicise and advocate for their interest in cycling.

At present I am pushing the Spaces to Move tool – it’s UK-wide, trying to gather feedback on the temporary schemes:

Here’s Sustrans' tweet about it: https://twitter.com/sustrans/status/1258298042668716032

Although not a formal monitoring tool – we are using it to collate responses to schemes – and I thought it would be of interest to you and your network! It’s not just for Spaces for People funded initiatives."

That's a nice, short email giving GoBike both praise and information! If you have any feedback do please submit it.

3.2 Glasgow City Development Plan - Update

Two of our members told us about this email that was issued by the City Council on 01 June:

Subject: Glasgow City Development Plan - Update (OFFICIAL)  


Dear Sir/Madam

Work has commenced on the production of Glasgow City Development Plan 2 and we wish to give you an update to our position at this time.

It is anticipated that the timescale for the production of the next LDP will emerge during the course of 2020 and will reflect changes to the planning system which are emerging through planning reforms.  Detailed production of CDP 2 has been delayed until revised Development Planning Regulations have been produced in order to allow the new plan to align with emerging NPF4 policy priorities, the strategic context set out by the indicative Regional Spatial Strategy and other relevant strategies and outputs.

The timetable will be reflected in future updates of the Development Plan Scheme.

Early City Development Plan 2 activities have included:

  • Early engagement with key statutory and non-statutory agencies to explore common challenges and opportunities;
  • Preparatory work on a comprehensive community engagement exercise, which will use the National Place Standard as the basis for communities to input towards new Plan priorities;
  • General background research to aid the new Plan preparation process. A series of Background Papers will be published online in due course;
  • An early public Call for Sites exercise aimed at identifying potential new sites for development, alternative use or protection (January 2019). All submissions received will be retained and reviewed and there will be further opportunity to submit new sites, given the time period that has elapsed since the original Call for Sites exercise. All sites put forward will be subject to strategic environmental assessment and a wider planning assessment as part of the plan preparation process.
  • The adoption of Glasgow's Open Space Strategy

Regular updates will be prepared and published on the Council’s website to keep you informed of progress on City Development Plan 2 https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/article/17278/News-and-Timetables

Development Plan Team
Glasgow City Council
231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX

3.3 Glasgow, On Bikes: how did they get that cycle lane on Langdale Street?

This short cycle lane is a major success story for On Bikes and the local community in Blackhill. Local people got together to discuss how to make Langdale Street safer for children to get to school, people  to get to work and for anyone who wishes to cycle.

Watch this super wee video to see Glasgow's Lord Provost cycle the route and pronounce his support. Way to go, Blackhill!

Originally, as seen in the video, the lane was marked out with old tyres, painted white with flowers from a major DIY store in them. Glasgow City Council then painted the lane at the junctions, put a white line along the route and protected it with cones. Unfortunately, the cones have now been removed - let's hope it's an administrative error - and cars are back parking there!
However, the City Council have promised to install physical separation - let's hope it's put in soon - and to look at the provision of a cycle lane on the other side of the street.

This is a wonderful example of Glasgow City Council listening to the community and supporting them to improve their neighbourhood. Democracy in action.

That's quite a bundle of requests for your views. Please don't disappoint them all; get your fingers clicking now!