5 min read

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 126, 22 December 2022

Causeyside St split screen visual

It’s all repeats…?

It’s the time of year the BBC dusts down Christmas specials like The Morecambe & Wise Show. This slightly delayed Digest has its own selection box of repeats. Second stage consultations from South Ayrshire, Renfrewshire and North Lanarkshire plus a new city strategy.

Also, there are a few TROs from East Dunbartonshire and Glasgow (for West End parking and more school streets).

It’s been a busy year for consultations so thanks to all those, past and present, who’ve worked on them behind the scenes.

1: Current Consultations

  1. Loans to Troon, Phase 3 (deadline extended)
  2. Sustainable Procurement Strategy 2023 – 2027: Phase 2
  3. Causeyside Street Regeneration – Stage 2
  4. East Airdrie Link Road – Stage 2

2: Consultation Feedback

  1. Glasgow Uni campus redevelopment – December 2022 newsletter

3: Proposed Traffic Calming/Traffic Regulation Orders

  1. East Dunbartonshire TROs
  2. Glasgow City TROs

1: Current Consultations
(in date order for responses)

1.1: Loans to Troon, Phase 3 (deadline extended)

Loans to Troon phases map
Map of the three phases of Loans to Troon route

Organisation: Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA).
Subject: Another outing for this path and 2-way cycletrack built in Troon. It’s to be extended to the village of Loans, South Ayrshire. This consultation has two options about which way to take the Buchan Rd path. Both are residential streets with on-street car parking – Lochlea Ave or North Dr (which leads to an existing path to Loans). A previous consultation had detailed plans for one-way streets. Instead, this one has a map with plenty of comments (many of them negative – some seem to be from the same person on 10/10/22). Also, there’s a detailed survey.
Featured: Digest 120, Item 1.9.
Website links: Loans to Troon consultation/survey and ARA consultation page.
Deadline: 31 December 2022. 

1.2: Sustainable Procurement Strategy 2023 – 2027: Phase 2

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Strategy about how GCC will buy goods and services. Not strictly cycling-related but one for GoBike members who are interested in sustainability; especially use/re-use of materials. This consultation could be a chance to affect future infrastructure decisons. Most of the survey asks if you agree/disagree with their goals but there’s a space for general comments on page 12.
Website links: Sustainable Procurement Strategy survey.
Deadline: 9 January 2023.

1.3: Causeyside Street Regeneration – Stage 2

Splitscreen visual of plans for Causeyside St at St Mirren St, Paisley
Comparing current (left) and proposed (right) looking north onto St Mirren Street

Council: Renfrewshire.
Subject: Continuing regeneration project for Causeyside St/St Mirren St and Canal St in Paisley town centre. The former two streets get a bi-directional segregated cycle lane. The latter just gets a bus lane on its northern side (eastbound). The new bike lane will use space taken from hatching, traffic islands, etc. The page is at pains to point out there’s no loss of car parking or loading. Not much seems to have changed since the first consultation in July. There are a few planter boxes but no street trees. However, there are more detailed plans (see images at foot of page – links to PDFs above each). Respond by email to ei@renfrewshire.gov.uk.
Featured: Digest 115, Item 1.2.
Website links: Causeyside St regeneration link.
Deadline: Sunday 15 January 2023.

1.4: East Airdrie Link Road – Stage 2

Council: North Lanarkshire.
Subject: Further consultation on Stage 2 of this proposed trunk road (previously the Airdrie Bypass). It’s a City Deal project as part of the Pan-Lanarkshire Orbital Transport Corridor (joining the M80, M8 and M74 via Ravenscraig/Motherwell). The council have chosen a route option for EALR and are showing their working. You get to comment on it but many of the decisions have already been taken. That includes the active travel provision – a shared pavement. The road is linked to the replacement Monklands Hospital, due to be built at Wester Moffat (within a decade or so).
Featured: Digest 88, Item 1.6.
Website links: Stage 2 options.
Deadline: 23 January 2023.

Section 2: Consultation Feedback

2.1: Glasgow Uni campus redevelopment – December 2022 newsletter

Organisation: Glasgow Uni.
Subject: Ongoing construction work at the main campus. Apparently, the new Institute of Health and Wellbeing building is almost finished. Some work, like lining disabled bays, has been delayed by the weather.
Website links: Campus redevelopment newsletter – December 2022 (PDF) and News page.

3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

3.1: East Dunbartonhire TROs

East Dunbartonshire Council logo

Areas: Bishopbriggs and Clachan of Campsie.
Subject: Two orders were made on 16 Dec 2022. One for the Clachan of Campsie bus turning circle. The other for the speed limit change on B819 Crosshill Road, near Bishopbriggs (near the new crematorium).
Website links: East Dunbartonshire TROs (at foot of Roadworks page).

3.2: Glasgow City Traffic Calming/TROs

Glasgow City Council logo

Areas: City-wide.
Subject: TROs:
Hillhead Order 2022 – (Traffic Management and Parking Controls) – dates back to a consultation in January 2020 (Digest 52, Item 1.11). The order covers the area east of Byres Rd and was made on 14 December 2022. However, it won’t come into effect until 4 September 2023. This being the West End, there have been plenty of comments. GCC have kept most of the neighbourhood parking restrictions. However, they have dropped some of the proposals from the original TRO plan. Including a No Entry from Gt George St into Hillhead St, parking restrictions on University Gardens and the ‘Pedestrian & Cycle Zone’ on Ashton Lane. The council claims the latter will still exist but with loading to businesses at any time. So, pretty much like it is now?
School Streets, Glasgow Order – more School Streets coming to ten primary schools (and Newhills Secondary). As with the previous 19 schools, this order would introduce parking restrictions on nearby streets around the start and end of the school day.

It’s been a tricky time for GoBike recently so let’s hope for better in 2023. Merry Christmas and a Guid New Year to all.

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