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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 128, 02 February 2023

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 128, 02 February 2023

In the shadow of the bridge…

February sees an increase in number and scale of consultations. This (delayed) Digest  includes four District Regeneration Frameworks and four projects from South Lanarkshire.

Tragically, January ended with the death of Emma Burke Newman, after being hit by a truck driver while cycling near the Broomielaw/George V bridge junction in Glasgow. Her local councillor Jon Molyneux paid tribute to Emma at a meeting to discuss a 20mph limit for the city. GoBike would like to offer sincere condolences to Emma's family and friends.

View down Broomielaw towards the casino and bridges in May 2020
View down Broomielaw to casino/bridge, showing original Spaces for People lane (May 2020)

The road past the casino is part of the Spaces for People 1-way route along the Clyde. The council mentioned safety at the George V bridge junction in an online meeting with GoBike in 2020. The original May 2020 route used cones but had a gap for the Central Station bridge works. The cones were replaced with ‘soft segregation’ later in 2020 but some sections of the Zebras/‘orcas’ near the bridge have since been removed. Restrictions on the route were made permanent by a Traffic Regulation Order for City Centre – Riverside/Merchant City in Sept 2022. However, no further segregation has been added near the casino (unlike the traffic islands and ongoing work at the Jamaica St junction). Tragic events like this underline how important it is to have continuous protected routes, especially at junctions.

Forthcoming consultations

Glasgow Liveable Neighbourhoods programme

There's a new dedicated website for the next two LN projects: Yoker to Whiteinch and Royston to Hogganfield. An early ‘pop-up’ event in Whiteinch has already passed but there are due to be more in the near future. See: www.my-gln.scot.

1: Current Consultations

  1. Cambuslang and Rutherglen bike share survey
  2. Leadhills Village Active Travel project
  3. Clydesdale Active Travel Studies
  4. North East Districts: Townhead, Cowcaddens, Learning Quarter and Merchant City DRF
  5. NCN74 Uddingston to Bothwell realignment

2: Consultation Feedback

  1. Glasgow Uni campus redevelopment – December 2022 newsletter
  2. East Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan Newsletter 70
  3. Update on Progressing Beyond the Liveable Neighbourhood Longlist

3: Proposed Traffic Calming/Traffic Regulation Orders

  1. East Dunbartonshire TROs
  2. Glasgow City TROs
  3. North Lanarkshire TROs

1: Current Consultations
(in date order for responses)

1.1: Cambuslang and Rutherglen bike share survey

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: Survey about feasibility of a bike share scheme for Cambuslang and Rutherglen. Shawfield and Cuningar Woodland Park on the northern fringes of Rutherglen are just across the Clyde from the Glasgow City area. So, it’s an obvious candidate for extending Glasgow’s current OVO/Nextbike scheme. This has been talked about by South Lanarkshire Council before and there has already been some consultation on it. In the meantime, new Nextbike stations in the East End and Southside mean Rutherglen already looks like a gap in the existing network. Hopefully we’re closer to a scheme actually happening this time. The survey is aimed at those in the Cam/glen area but may be relevant to people in the Southside and East End of the city.
Website links: Cambuslang/Rutherglen bike share survey.
Deadline: 10 February 2023.

1.2: Leadhills Village Active Travel project

Leadhills Active Travel plans on map
Leadhills Active Travel plans for 20mph limit

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: Leadhills is a small rural village near South Lanarkshire's border with Dumfries & Galloway. The project plans include 20mph speed limits and slight changes to junctions. Also, lots of coloured surfacing, including some being used instead of proper pavements. Village streets are obviously narrower than towns and cities but it seems like a missed opportunity. The Make Your Way project already has plans for a shared path to Wanlockhead in D&G.
Website links: Leadhills AT survey.
Deadline: 12 February 2023.

1.3: Clydesdale Active Travel Studies

Map of Clydesdale split into north-west, north-east and south
Map of Clydesdale areas (click to enlarge)

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: Leadhills is also covered by this wider consultation – it's in the southern part of Clydesdale. There are also north-west and north-east areas to divide up this large rural area. Like previous studies in South Lanarkshire's towns, there's a consultation map to comment on. Some areas have new active travel infrastructure, including Carstairs, with other routes like Leadhills–Wanlockhead to follow. This is a chance to look at gaps like Make Your Way's NCN74–Douglas path, which missed out on funding. The map and surveys will inform reports and active travel network maps for each area.
Website links: Clydesdale Placecheck map (all areas), Northwest Clydesdale Active Travel Feasibility Study, Northeast Clydesdale Active Travel Feasibility Study, South Clydesdale Active Travel Feasibility Study.
Deadline: 24 February 2023.

1.4: North East Districts: Townhead, Cowcaddens, Learning Quarter and Merchant City DRF

North-East DRFs themes map
North-East DRFs – map of themes (click to enlarge)

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: District Regeneration Frameworks for four areas in the north-east of the city centre. These were developed by teams of European and local consultants after previous consultation in late 2020. Each document has a comprehensive plan for its area (50+ pages). These include some fairly radical changes, especially around the M8. Also, there is a refreshing focus on opening up active travel routes through current barriers (improving permeability). However, these may be challenging to deliver. So, a show of support in the consultation should help make the case stronger.
Website links: North-East Districts survey, North-East Districts Combined Regeneration Handbook, Cowcaddens Regeneration Handbook, ‘Learning Quarter’ Regeneration Handbook, Merchant City Regeneration Handbook, Townhead Regeneration Handbook.
Deadline: 3 March 2023.

1.5: NCN74 Uddingston to Bothwell realignment

Langside Rd looking towards Laighlands Rd at edge of Bothwell
The foot of Langside Rd, Bothwell – hopefully, the road surface will be improved!

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: A long-awaited consultation about plans to divert a section of NCN74 at Strathclyde Park. The current route loops up the (steep) Furlongs, onto Bothwell Rd, up alongside the East Kilbride Expressway to Glasgow Rd, down Station Rd in Blantyre to the pedestrian bridge and up to Station Rd in Bothwell. The proposals would change this to a much more direct route from the Raith Interchange, up the steep, pot-holed Langside Rd and across the busy Hamilton Rd on the way to Station Rd. There's a potential alternative to SLC's plans (slightly longer but less steep/busy) by turning right onto Laighlands Rd/Bothwellpark Rd then across to Olifard Ave/Appledore Cres. Also, there's the question of conflict with pedestrians past Strathclyde Park loch. Elsewhere, the survey has two options to transform the approach to Uddingston train station and some other welcome junction improvements.
Website links: Uddingston to Bothwell survey.
Deadline: 6 March 2023.

2: Consultation Feedback

2.1: Glasgow Uni campus redevelopment – December 2022 newsletter

Organisation: Glasgow Uni.
Subject: Ongoing construction work at the main campus. The Institute of Health and Wellbeing building is now complete. Apparently it was done to the BREEAM 2014 certification mark, which should mean there's plenty of bike parking. Work continues on the Adam Smith Business School. Also, there's a survey for residents who live near the site.
Website links: Campus Redevelopment newsletter – January 2023 (PDF).

2.2: East Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan Newsletter 70

Council: East Dunbartonshire.
Subject: Updates on the Circular Economy Strategy consultation, LDP2 Action Programme, Planning Guidance, Active Travel Strategy and National Planning Framework 4. NPF4 applies from the middle of February. It includes a few interesting developments like an ‘infrastructure first’ approach, instead of the current lag to (maybe) get bike paths added to an estate using a Section 75 order.
Website links: LDP Newsletter 70 - January 2023 (PDF), Draft Circular Economy Strategy Consultation (ends 3 February 2023).

2.3: Update on Progressing Beyond the Liveable Neighbourhood Longlist

Organisation: Dennistoun Community Council.
Subject: A response from Glasgow City Council to a community council in  the East End. DCC say it's: in response to queries regarding the Liveable Neighbourhoods project, the Inner East Strategic Development Framework the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund, and Citizens’ Panels participatory funding arrangements. The questions went to the Director of GCC Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability.
Website links: Dennistoun Community Council post.

3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

3.1: East Dunbartonshire TROs

East Dunbartonshire Council logo

Areas: Bishopbriggs and Milton of Campsie.
Subject: Orders about parking restrictions and speed limits.
Website links: East Dunbartonshire TROs (now on their own page!).

3.2: Glasgow City Traffic Calming/TROs

Glasgow City Council logo

Areas: City-wide.
Subject: TROs: Laggan Rd filter is out for consultation until 24 February 2023.
Orders have been made for Carmunnock Rd and Carmunnock Rd/Letherby Rd (on 20 January – coming into effect on 1 April 2023). Also, for East City Way phases 6 and 7 (on 25 January – coming into effect 19 March 2023). Construction has already  started on London Rd.
Traffic calming: Three current schemes for Greenfield Avenue/Inveresk St, Waulkglen Road and Boghall Road.
Website links: Glasgow City Proposed TROs, Glasgow City Proposed Traffic Calming Schemes.

3.3: North Lanarkshire TROs

North Lanarkshire Council logo

Areas: Hareshaw village (between Newhouse and Newmains).
Subject: Orders to add a roundabout, traffic calming, 20mph zone and a pavement at the bridge on Greenhill Road, Hareshaw. Deadline: 15 February 2023.
Website links: North Lanarkshire Live Consultations.