7 min read

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 139, 13 July 2023

Girvan to Grangeston route options map (Section C)

Packing up.

This issue goes out just ahead of the Glasgow Fair with consultations for Dennistoun, Calton and Pollok about to pack up for the holidays. Another for the national park ends soon and an Ayrshire seaside resort is looking to plan active travel routes. Dropping in at the last minute is a new strategy about BMX and skating in Glasgow.

(new consultations in bold)

1: Current Consultations

  1. Duke Street & John Knox Street Avenues Plus project
  2. Your Citizen Voice – Ideas in Calton/Pollok
  3. Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Partnership Plan
  4. HMP Glasgow planning application
  5. Girvan to Grangeston Active Travel Route
  6. Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy
  7. Drumchapel Local Development Framework – Draft

2: Consultation Feedback

  1. Glasgow Uni Campus Newsletter – June 2023

3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

  1. East Dunbartonshire TROs
  2. Glasgow City TROs and Traffic Calming
  3. North Lanarkshire TROs

Section 1: Current Consultations
(in date order for responses)

1.1: Duke Street & John Knox Street Avenues Plus project

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: This Avenues Plus project was awarded Sustrans funding in July 2019. It’s about 1km long between George St and Bellgrove St. It doesn’t include the busy area where pedestrian Cameron Eaglesham was recently killed by a lorry driver. The original 2019 visual showed 1-way lanes on Duke St at the High St junction. However, the latest consultation images have a choice between 2-way lanes either on the southern side of Duke St (option 1) or northern side (option 2). John Knox St plans only reach Wishart St (at Necropolis). At public events on 15 June, consultants preferred option 1 for its connection to George St and Meatmarket development. However, option 2 would have more links with Dennistoun around Duke St Park at Ark Lane (but no link to The Drives via Westcraigs). Both options would have delays from signalised pedestrian crossings across the cycleway (to help visually impaired people).
Website links: GCC Consultation page and consultant’s site.
Deadline: 13 July 2023.

1.2: Your Citizen Voice – Ideas in Calton/Pollok

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: A pilot project to “co-design” infrastructure improvements in two neighbourhoods – Calton in the East End and Pollok in the Southside. This process would decide how to spend money allocated to each area. This funding previously came to Local Area Partnerships with a lot of question marks about how it would be spent. There are various options, many to do with basic maintenance. The best category for cycling suggestions is probably road safety. The lessons from these areas may well be applied to other wards in the city.
Website links: YCV – Calton and Calton surveyYCV – Pollok and Pollok survey.
Deadline: 14 July 2023.

1.3: Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Partnership Plan

Organisation: Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park.
Area: The park ranges from Loch Eck and Loch Goil in the west to Loch Earn and Callander in the east. Also, from Killin and Crianlarich in the north to Balloch in the south (but it misses out Helensburgh and Gare Loch).
Subject: A wide-ranging five year plan for the park. It includes a section on ‘Low Carbon Travel for Everyone’. Cycle routes and active travel are mentioned briefly but most of the section is about buses. That may make sense, considering the size of the park, but it’s still a bit disappointing. There’s already a cycle route from Balloch up the west side of Loch Lomond (and there were plans for an active travel route to Inverarnan as part of A82 works). Active travel paths were extended along the River Goil in 2021 and there seems to be plenty of scope for more.
Website links: Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Commonplace site.
Deadline: 19 July 2023.

1.4: HMP Glasgow planning application

Organisation: Scottish Prison Service.
Area: Part of former Provan gasworks site between Royston Road and M8 Junction 13.
Subject: A replacement for the current Barlinnie Prison (across the motorway in Riddrie). The road entrance to the new prison on Royston Rd will mean the 2-way cycleway would be amended. There’s a shared path along the front of the prison (with staff bike parking). The most interesting bit (apart from the gasworks blast zone!) is the proposed shared path on its western boundary. It would go from Royston Rd, on an old bridge near Germiston allotments, heading south towards Blochairn Rd. This is close to the pedestrian bridge to Alexandra Park (with its Bike Hub).
Website links: HMP Glasgow planning application (including site plan).
Deadline: 24 Jul 2023.

1.5: Girvan to Grangeston Active Travel Route

Aerial map view of Girvan to Grangestone project boundary
Aerial map view of the project area

Council: South Ayrshire (via Ayrshire Roads Alliance).
Area: Coastal town of Girvan – the area to the north seems to be Grangeston (without an ‘e’) but it’s the Grangestone Industrial Estate.
Subject: Stage 1 of a Places for Everyone project looking at initial route options. Proposed routes go between the industrial estate, community hospital, train station, Girvan town centre and quay. Each section has between two and four options for feedback. Stage 1 results will feed into Stage 2: Concept Design in the autumn.
Website links: Girvan to Grangeston consultation page, Girvan storymap (route plans), Girvan flyer (Easy Read) and Girvan survey.
Deadline: 30 Jul 2023.

1.6: Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy

Politicians and council staff posing alongside kids with BMX bikes/skateboards
Politicians/council staff getting down with the BMX and skater kids

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: A draft strategy no doubt timed to coincide with the UCI World Championships coming to Glasgow. “The City Council has published a draft Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy, which is under the Active Travel Strategy and is part of the wider strategic approach of the Glasgow Transport Strategy, in creating a step change in how we move around the city. Cycling, BMX, skateboarding and other wheeled urban sports can play an important role in getting people active and improving their health and wellbeing. This can lead to an increase in active travel (walking, wheeling or cycling) for everyday journeys, helping the city’s transition to net-zero.” This should be music to the ears of the team behind the Devon St Skatepark (formerly GUS M74).
Website links: Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy draft and CUSS survey.
Deadline: 21 Aug 2023.

1.7: Drumchapel Local Development Framework – Draft

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Consultation to “inform the final Local Development Framework (LDF) for Drumchapel, a document which will recommend coordinated short, medium and long-term activity to deliver the area’s future development and regeneration. Some examples of the development types the LDF considers include housing, facilities, shops, public spaces, transport infrastructure, parks and play areas. Information from engagement with the local community from late 2021 until the autumn of 2022 assisted in the development of the current draft Drumchapel LDF. The final version of the LDF will help address regeneration challenges and… development opportunities.”
Featured: Digest 102, 1.12.
Website links: Drumchapel LDF page and LDF survey.
Deadline: 5 Sept 2023.

Section 2: Consultation Feedback

2.1: Glasgow Uni Campus Newsletter – June 2023

Aerial view looking west towards Byres Rd and Church St
View of uni buildings looking west towards Church St/Byres Rd (via Multiplex)

Organisation: Multiplex.
Subject: The new campus development is nearing completion. The business school building is being fitted out and hard landscaping done around it. Also, the new campus held its first Dr Bike event for Bike Week. Hopefully the first of many with the protected cycle lanes also under construction on Byres Road.
Website links: Campus Newsletter June 2023.

Section 3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

3.1: East Dunbartonshire TROs

East Dunbartonshire Council logo

Areas: Kirkintilloch.
Subject: A TRO about raised road tables on Union St, Kirkie – deadline: 14 July 2023.
A series of TROs about Canniesburn Toll roundabout are changing pavements to shared path, creating car parking spaces and a raised road table at the shops. Also, they’re altering the speed limit on part of the Switchback Road. EDC shared the plans with us at Stage 1 and GoBike responded with different examples they could use to reduce conflict between people walking and cycling. However, they seem to have ignored our suggestions (and ditched previous plans for segregation). Deadline: 25 July 2023.
Website links: East Dunbartonshire TROs.

3.2: Glasgow City TROs and Traffic Calming

Glasgow City Council logo

Subject: TROs to stop up Raeberry St and bring restrictions on Mount Street/Simpson Street come into effect on 21 July.
Website links: Glasgow City Proposed TROs and Glasgow City Proposed Traffic Calming Schemes.

3.3: North Lanarkshire TROs

North Lanarkshire Council logo

Areas: Motherwell and Airdrie.
Subject: A TRO for loading restrictions on the new unnamed access road to Motherwell train station. Also, a TRO about adding a puffin crossing on A73 Carlisle Road, Airdrie. However, the order seems to have the wrong measurement for its position south of Brownsburn Rd (should 25m be 2.5m?). Deadline: 19 July 2023.
Website links: North Lanarkshire Live Consultations.