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Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 141, 10 August 2023

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 141, 10 August 2023

At a crossroads?

As cycling competitions continue, grumbling goes on about temporary closures and restrictions. However, there's a spotlight on permanent issues for active travel at junctions around the city. Most poignantly, there's a fresh look at Broomielaw/Clyde St in memory of Emma Burke Newman. However, in Pollok there's another rehash of a redesign (with a public event TODAY at 1pm).

There are two South Lanarkshire consultations, one from Ayrshire then the rest are all about Glasgow. One has fine words about urban sport (despite being called CUSS!). Meanwhile, in the East End, a new sporting venue could safeguard a local landmark. Will these count towards the legacy of the 2023 World Championships (and how will that compare to 2014)?

(new consultations in bold)

1: Current Consultations

  1. Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy (Glasgow)
  2. Hairmyres Transport Interchange
  3. South Lanarkshire Local Transport Strategy
  4. Drumchapel Local Development Framework – Draft
  5. Pollok Roundabout Replacement
  6. Doon Valley Trail
  7. Waiting to Happen (junctions consultation)

2: Consultation Feedback

  1. Meat Market sheds regeneration

3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

  1. East Dunbartonshire TROs
  2. Glasgow City TROs and Traffic Calming
  3. North Lanarkshire TROs

Section 1: Current Consultations
(in date order for responses)

1.1: Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy (Glasgow)

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: A draft strategy no doubt timed to coincide with the UCI World Championships coming to Glasgow. Apparently, it ties in with the Active Travel Strategy and Glasgow Transport Strategy. While this isn’t transport, venues like skateparks can become trip generators for the next generation. GCC say: Cycling, BMX, skateboarding and other wheeled urban sports can play an important role in getting people active and improving their health and wellbeing. This can lead to an increase in active travel (walking, wheeling or cycling) for everyday journeys, helping the city’s transition to net-zero.” This should be music to the ears of the teams behind Clyde Cycle Park and the Devon St Skatepark (formerly GUS M74).
Website links: Cycling & Urban Sports Strategy draft and CUSS survey.
Deadline: 21 August 2023.

1.2: Hairmyres Transport Interchange

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: The first plans for the new Hairmyres train station in East Kilbride. It’s due to be moved a few hundred metres west, to Redwood Drive, where there’s more space for access and park & ride. The new location has an old stone footbridge which is being demolished. SLC say: “There is also provision of connections to the wider active travel networks as well as a new active travel bridge over the upgraded rail line and secure cycle storage at the station building areas.” That sounds promising but there’s no sign of any segregated bike lanes on Redwood Dr or Eaglesham Rd yet (although they are included in EK’s Active Travel Network plan). Also, there’s no link to the north-east towards K-Woodlands or Peel Park industrial estate. The plans are a Proposal of Application Notice from SLC for consultation (like a draft, ahead of a final plan).
Website links: Hairmyres Transport Interchange webpage and Hairmyres TI survey (3 pages).
Deadline: 25 August 2023.

1.3: South Lanarkshire Local Transport Strategy

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: SLC’s previous 10-year Local Transport Strategy came out in 2013. They say: The new strategy will set the future direction for the council’s approach to the development and upkeep of the transport infrastructure and policy within the area. The strategy will also set out how the council will contribute to the delivery of the obligations set out in the National and Regional Transport Strategies and other key policy drivers. Policies would include active travel and sustainability. SLC have AT network maps for all its towns but also built dual carriageways in recent years. Locals protested against the Cathkin Relief Road in Cambuslang and received compensation. East Kilbride has had the questionable dualling of Greenhills Rd and proposals for Stewartfield Way plus upgrades due to Hairmyres and East Kilbride train stations. The Clydesdale STAG covers roads, active travel, bus and rail proposals, including two potential station re-openings (Law and Symington).
Website links: Local Transport Strategy 2024-2034 webpage and LTS 2024-2034 survey (quite long).
Deadline: 1 Sept 2023.

1.4: Drumchapel Local Development Framework – Draft

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Consultation to “inform the final Local Development Framework (LDF) for Drumchapel, a document which will recommend coordinated short, medium and long-term activity to deliver the area’s future development and regeneration. Some examples of the development types the LDF considers include housing, facilities, shops, public spaces, transport infrastructure, parks and play areas. Information from engagement with the local community from late 2021 until the autumn of 2022 assisted in the development of the current draft Drumchapel LDF. The final version of the LDF will help address regeneration challenges and… development opportunities.”
Featured: Digest 102, 1.12.
Website links: Drumchapel LDF page and LDF survey.
Deadline: 5 Sept 2023.

1.5: Pollok Roundabout Replacement

Visual of Pollok roundabout junction replacement – added labels show it's 9 lanes with multiple crossings
Council visual of junction plans – GoBike added labels to count lanes and crossings

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Replacement for Pollok roundabout (Peat Road, Barrhead Rd and Braidcraft Rd). It's a collision blackspot and barrier to active travel near Silverburn shopping centre. The consultation mentions safety and active travel. However, the aims are all about reducing journey times for cars and buses (design funded by SPT). The proposal would replace the current three-ring circus of a roundabout with an even more complex signal-controlled double junction (add your own clown joke!). The plan has nine lanes on Barrhead Rd and would require six crossings to get from one side to the other. If each had a 2-minute wait (optimistic), plus the walk in the middle, it may take 15 minutes or more for pedestrians to cross the road(s). There's no segregated cycling infrastructure, possibly as plans date from 2016, before updated Cycling by Design guidance.
Information Day: TODAY from 1–7 pm at Pollok Civic Realm, Cowglen Road.
Website links: Pollok Roundabout plans and Pollok Roundabout survey.
Deadline: 21 September 2023.

1.6: Doon Valley Trail

Doon Valley Trail map screenshot
Consultation map (click to enlarge)

Organisation: Ayrshire Roads Alliance.
Subject: An active travel route between the southern outskirts of Ayr, South Ayrshire (near Ailsa Hospital) and Loch Doon, East Ayrshire. ARA say: “The project is currently at Phase 1 (Preparation & Brief), which includes the identification of a project Study Area and the key Constraints and Opportunities located within. The purpose of this public consultation is to inform the public of the project and to invite feedback on the project Study Area, the Constraints and Opportunities located within and any other features that the Design Team should consider.” Unfortunately, the three public events already took place in early August (in Dalrymple, Patna and Dalmellington). However, there's an interactive map to comment on and an email address for comments.
Website links: Doon Valley Trail public consultation page and Doon Valley interactive map.
Deadline: No obvious deadline.

1.7: Waiting to Happen (junctions consultation)

Clutha junction diagram has coloured arrows to show different movements
Clutha junction diagram – colour-coded arrows show cycle movements on paths/road

Company: New Practice (architecture practice).
Subject: Community engagement by the practice where Emma Burke Newman worked. She was killed by an HGV driver while cycling at the George V bridge/Broomielaw junction, near the casino, in February 2023. This consultation is about that junction and two others – Gorbals St at the Clutha Vaults pub and Albert Bridge/Clyde St (by the High Court). NA say: “These junctions are our focus of study as they feel like incidents-waiting-to-happen, and one is the site of Emma's death.” Diagrams show movements around each junction (and include the council's plans for the South City Way extension at the Clutha). New Practice carried out previous consultations like George Square and have applied their knowledge to make a user friendly page. “We want to hear your experiences when walking, wheeling, scooting, or as a driver to help inform solutions specific to these locations and create systems for a safer city for us all.”
Website links: Waiting to Happen consultation page.
Deadline: No obvious deadline (but New Practice say they'll review the submissions and present to councillors).

Section 2: Consultation Feedback

2.1: Meat Market sheds regeneration

Meatmarket sheds with rail underneath and new flats in background
Sheds with rail line underneath and new Meatmarket flats in background

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: News that GCC have approved a pre-lease of 25 years for the historic sheds near Bellgrove St. It's with the new Meat Market Heritage Trust (which includes members of Milnbank Housing Association). The Trust plans to develop a community sports hub, office space and a park at the site. The area between the flats and sheds is already due to have new paths and a playpark as part of the current 251-flat Meatmarket development. If the Trust can attract funding then the new plans should extend that area between Bellgrove St and Melbourne St/Armour St. On the other side of the railway at Gallowgate there are 254 new homes under construction for ‘Calton Village’ (between Melbourne St and Barrack St). The developments should make the area between Morrisons and Reidvale St more vibrant and more permeable (if not as directly as in pre-2008 plans).
Website links: Meat Market sheds article (Glasgow Times).

Section 3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

3.1: East Dunbartonshire TROs

East Dunbartonshire Council logo

Subject: Clachan of Campsie waiting restrictions (yellow lines). Deadline: 22 August 2023.
Website links: East Dunbartonshire TROs.

3.2: Glasgow City TROs and Traffic Calming

Glasgow City Council logo

Subject: TROs for further School Streets (seven locations).
Website links: Glasgow City Proposed TROs and Glasgow City Proposed Traffic Calming Schemes.

3.3: North Lanarkshire TROs

North Lanarkshire Council logo

Areas: Cumbernauld.
Subject: Roadside, Cumbernauld – Installation of Environmental Improvements (Roadside is the name of a street in the north-east of the town). The improvements are mostly speed cushions and traffic islands.
Website links: North Lanarkshire Live Consultations.