3 min read

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 148, 16 November 2023

Oban town centre North Active Travel Project virtual exhibition screenshot

Looking ahead…

Another shorter Digest for now while GoBike looks at a new way of producing these. There are both longer term strategies and more local consultations in this issue. Also, an update from Glasgow about more ups and downs for the Avenues programme.

1.1: Oban Town Centre North Active Travel

Council: Argyll & Bute
Subject: Early stages of project to explore opportunities for new active travel improvements around The Corran Esplanade and George Street in Oban. 
Website links: Oban Town Centre North Active Travel webpageOban North AT boardsOban North AT ‘virtual exhibition’ and Oban North AT survey (one page).
Deadline: 30 November 2023.

1.2: City Centre Strategy

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: City Centre Strategy (CCS) 2024-2030 “brings together the “Big Moves” that will transform Glasgow’s city centre in the short to medium term.” Redevelopments include both Buchanan Galleries and the St Enoch Centre, major housing developments along the Clyde, further Avenues and recommendations from the District Regeneration Frameworks (DRFs).
Website links: City Centre Strategy document (PDF, 7.6MB) and CCS survey.
Featured: Digest 128, 1.4 (DRFs).
Deadline: 3 December 2023.

1.3: East Kilbride South Neighbourhood Planning 2023

Council: South Lanarkshire
Subject: Local planning project about a wide range of issues including transport and public spaces. Intended for residents of the southern part of East Kilbride – doesn’t mention neighbourhoods but presumably Greenhills, Whitehills, Mossneuk, etc.
Website links: EK South Neighbourhood Planning webpage and EK South Neighbourhood Planning survey.
Deadline: 30 December 2023.

1.4: Funding information sessions across East Renfrewshire

Council: East Renfrewshire.
Subject: Community engagement about place-based funding for regeneration, including active travel and public realm (amongst other things like shop front improvement, digital connectivity, etc.). Sessions have already taken place in Clarkston and Barrhead. They continue throughout November in Newton Mearns, Neilston, Thornliebank and Giffnock. Eaglesham’s session is in early 2024.
Website links: East Ren Funding information sessions webpage.
Deadline: January 2024.

1.5: My Neighbourhood, My City – Place Standard Survey

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Survey for the new City Development Plan (Glasgow’s land-use plan), which will decide where new homes, schools, businesses and open spaces should be located. The Place Standard tool gathers rates different factors about a neighbourhood to identify issues. Responses will inform the Evidence Report for the plan.
Website links: MNMC Place Standard survey (and City Development Plan 2 web hub).
Deadline: 1 February 2024.

1.6: School Street Trial, Hurlford

Organisation: Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA).
Subject: School Streets trial in Academy Street and Union Street, Hurlford. Temporary bollards and reduction in parking spaces directly in front of Hurlford Primary School.
Website links: Hurlford School Streets webpage and (very short) School Streets survey.
Deadline: No obvious deadline.

1.7: North East Active Travel Routes (NEATR) UPDATED

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Updated plans for protected cycle lanes using width on Wallacewell Rd, Northgate Rd, Broomfield Rd, Balornock Rd and Red Road. Also, kerbs protection at junctions and some interesting crossings (including to a school).
Featured: Digest 15, 1.1.
Website links: NEATR Storymap.
Deadline: No obvious deadline (previous consultation took place in 2018 so this new process may just be for info).

1.8: East Kilbride town centre: A new vision

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: Redevelopment demolishing Centre West for housing, with a new north-south street put next to it. Other demolitions would create space for a new town square and car parking by the Queensway trunk road.
Website links: EK consultation boards and EK questionnaire.
Deadline: No obvious deadline but events finished late September.

1.9: Waiting to Happen (junctions consultation)

Company: New Practice (architecture practice the late Emma Burke Newman worked with).
Subject: Community engagement about junctions on Clyde St – Gorbals St at the Clutha Vaults pub, Albert Bridge (by the High Court) and George V bridge/Broomielaw (by the casino).
Featured: Digest 141, 1.7.
Website links: Waiting to Happen consultation page.
Deadline: No obvious deadline (but New Practice say they’ll review the submissions and present to councillors).

Section 2: Consultation Feedback

2.1: Avenues update

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Latest update on the Avenues programme is a very mixed bag. On one hand, there’s an increased pace of development in some areas. On the other, there’s a question mark over whether City Deal funding will cover many of the Avenues that are already planned. Some are under review, including Cathedral Street, Hope Street, Glassford Street, Elmbank Street/Elmbank Crescent and possibly others like George Street.
Website links: GCC Avenues Programme Update 2023 and Re:Glasgow article on Avenues.

Section 3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

3.1: East Dunbartonshire TROs

Website links: East Dunbartonshire TROs.

3.2: Glasgow City TROs & Traffic Calming

Website links: Glasgow City Proposed TROs and Glasgow City Proposed Traffic Calming Schemes.

3.3: North Lanarkshire TROs

Website links: North Lanarkshire Live Consultations.