5 min read

Consultation Digest (Local) Issue 150, 14 December 2023

Paisley Abbey from the south east (Cotton St)

Stitching it together…

Plans for a few Paisley landmarks to connect with more green space. Glasgow has guidance on green belt, delivery, place and a few Development Frameworks. East Dunbartonshire gathers evidence at events for its Local Development Plan 3. Also, neighbourhood plans in East Kilbride and school streets in East Ayrshire.

The new look Digest is still coming together as well – hopefully in the New Year.

Image: ‘Paisley Abbey from the south east’, taken from Cotton Street where there are plans to remove slip roads.
© User:Colin / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

Section 1: Current Consultations
(in date order for responses)

1.1: Paisley town centre junction improvements

Council: Renfrewshire.
Subject: Changes to remove filter lanes at junctions at either end of Gauze St, Paisley. One by Paisley Abbey and the other on Glasgow Rd (A726) by St Mirin’s RC Cathedral. Both plans would add crossings, increase space for walking and, to an extent, cycling. They’re within the area of Paisley First, the town centre Business Improvement District (BID) who shot down plans for segregated cycleways on nearby Causeyside St. So, these slight improvements may still need support.
Website links: Paisley town centre junction improvements pageGlasgow Rd junction plan and Gauze St/Cotton St junction plan. Respond by email: ei@renfrewshire.gov.uk.
Deadline: 22 December 2023.

1.2: East Kilbride South Neighbourhood Planning 2023

Council: South Lanarkshire.
Subject: Local planning project about a wide range of issues including transport and public spaces. Intended for residents of the southern part of East Kilbride – doesn’t mention neighbourhoods but presumably Greenhills, Whitehills, Mossneuk, etc.
Website links: EK South Neighbourhood Planning webpage and EK South Neighbourhood Planning survey.
Deadline: 30 December 2023.

1.3: Supplementary Guidance SG6: Green Belt and Green Network

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: A side salad served with the City Development Plan. Detailed guidance on… “development in the Green Belt, the enhancement of the green network, the protection of open space… provision of open space to support new development, …the role of contributions from new development in delivering… different types of open space.” Includes scoring tables and maps of city greenspace provision.
Website links: SG6 consultation draft and SG6 survey.
Deadline: 18 January 2024.

1.4: Supplementary Guidance SG12: Delivering Development

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: A side dish served with the City Development Plan (probably chips). “Further detailed guidance, including the mechanisms the Council will use to secure contributions to deliver the Clyde Fastlink project, a public transport scheme intended to enhance public transport access along the Clyde Waterfront.” Includes tables categorising different sizes of development and financial contributions for each type. There are no maps but it’s probably the same route via the Squinty Bridge to Govan as in TROs from several years ago. There are currently developments proposed and being built along the route around Central Quay and Yorkhill.
Website links: SG12 consultation draft and SG12 survey.
Deadline: 18 January 2024.

1.5: Local Development Plan 3 Evidence and Data Gathering (EDC)

Council: East Dunbartonshire.
Subject: EDC is consulting about an Evidence Report for LDP3. They need “the views of residents, businesses, groups and organisations. The report will focus on the broad concepts that will shape the plan and not, at this stage, the merits of individual sites. Key issues include… Sustainable transport.” Public drop-in sessions have already started in various locations – these run between late November and mid-January.
Website links: LDP3 Evidence Report consultation webpage and LDP3 online survey.
Deadline: 31 January 2024 (5pm).

1.6: My Neighbourhood, My City – Place Standard Survey

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: Survey for the new City Development Plan (Glasgow’s land-use plan), which will decide where new homes, schools, businesses and open spaces should be located. The Place Standard tool gathers rates different factors about a neighbourhood to identify issues. Responses will inform the Evidence Report for the plan.
Website links: MNMC Place Standard survey (and City Development Plan 2 web hub).
Deadline: 1 February 2024.

1.7: Greater Easterhouse Strategic Development Framework

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: “The SDF for Greater Easterhouse identifies key issues and opportunities in the area, and sets the vision and framework for future development in line with the spatial policies of the City Development Plan and the National Planning Framework 4.”
Website links: Greater Easterhouse SDF page and Greater Easterhouse SDF survey.
Deadline: 5 February 2024.

1.8: Greater Pollok Local Development Framework

Council: Glasgow City.
Subject: “The Vision for Greater Pollok includes… movement and travel infrastructure, town centres, local shopping, facilities, housing, and economic development areas green spaces and initiatives which tackle climate change. Following extensive community engagement, which ended in September 2022, the Draft Greater Pollok LDF document is now complete.”
Website links: Greater Pollok LDF page and Greater Pollok LDF survey.
Deadline: 5 February 2024.

1.9: School Street Trial, Hurlford

Organisation: Ayrshire Roads Alliance (ARA).
Subject: School Streets trial in Academy Street and Union Street, Hurlford (East Ayrshire). Temporary bollards and reduction in parking spaces directly in front of Hurlford Primary School.
Website links: Hurlford School Streets webpage and (very short) School Streets survey.
Deadline: No obvious deadline.

Section 2: Consultation Feedback

2.1: Pavement parking and enforcement

Subject: Without wanting to step on the toes of our National Consultation Digest, new powers over pavement parking are due to come into force by early 2024. City of Edinburgh Council announced they’d use new pavement parking powers from January 2024. In Glasgow, councillor Angus Millar responded to a question about pavement parking: “Glasgow intends to begin limited enforcement of dropped kerbs and double parking upon completion of the necessary update to our back office system, which is currently targeted for March 2024.”
Most councils in Strathclyde have already got Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) powers, where they’ve taken over parking enforcement from police. According to Transport Scotland’s DPE map, only North Ayrshire and West Dunbartonshire don’t have DPE already.
Website links: GCC question on pavement parking (Glasgow Times) and report on measures in Transport Bill (2018 – SPICe).

Section 3: Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders

3.1: Glasgow City TROs & Traffic Calming

Website links: Glasgow City Proposed TROs and Glasgow City Proposed Traffic Calming Schemes. TRO for Wallacewell Road and NEATR (deadline: 15 December 2023). Parking restrictions for Yorkhill and Toryglen St. Temporary TRO for South City Way, Victoria Bridge to Trongate works (ongoing at Clutha junction).

3.2: North Lanarkshire TROs

Website links: North Lanarkshire Live Consultations. A752/Townhead Road speed limits and penalties for abuse of off-street car parking.

GoBike got onto a better footing in 2023 but, like many others, still isn’t back to where it was pre-pandemic. A few more people are stepping back so we still need volunteers. Thanks to everyone who’s contributed in 2023 – let’s hope things improve further in 2024.

Merry Christmas and a Guid Hogmanay – see you in the New Year.

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