2 min read

Consultation Extra! Connecting Woodside, public consultation event, Tuesday 26 June at Woodside Library, St George's Road, Glasgow

Consultation Extra! Connecting Woodside, public consultation event, Tuesday 26 June at Woodside Library, St George's Road, Glasgow

It seems that the Woodside mini-Holland project has grown, with a 20mph mandatory speed limit already planned for the area, parking restrictions also proposed and a proposed "prohibition of driving ((Except Pedal Cycles) at North Woodside Road". See the planned new-look Woodside Road near the junction with Maryhill Road in the photo.

There's now to be an exhibition of the "Connecting Woodside" plans for the area, as per this message we have received from Glasgow City Council:

"Date: Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 10:41 AM +0100
Subject: Connecting Woodside online Consultation and event (OFFICIAL)


Good day

You may be aware of Glasgow City Council’s bid for funding to Transport Scotland’s Community Links Plus competition with the Woodside Mini Holland bid. http://www.sustrans.org.uk/scotland/communities/community-links-plus-design-competition. The competition was seeking exemplar projects that promote walking, cycling and public space.

Glasgow City Council submitted the project bid last year and were up against 37 other national bids. Woodside Mini-Holland was announced as a winner in November 2017. The project is now known as ‘Connecting Woodside’.

To follow up consultation undertaken throughout the last year GCC and Sustrans will be holding a public walk-in engagement event with a supplementary online consultation to gather further comments on specific sections of the project.

The public engagement event will focus on specific sections of the project; mainly:

  • Garscube Road
  • North Woodside Road crossing at Maryhill Road

We are proposing a number of changes to improve the environment for cyclists, pedestrians, local residents and businesses. New designs could see the implementation of:

  • New pedestrian crossings
  • Segregated cycle lanes
  • Reallocation of road space.
  • Junction redesign at Garscube Road / Possil Rd Cross and Garscube Rd/Firhill
  • Crossing reallocation and public space treatment on North Woodside Road at Maryhill Road

A public drop in session will be held on:

Tuesday 26th June


Woodside Library, St. George’s Road

G3 6JQ

Information and an online survey will be available from the 19th June for a period of 4 weeks. The online consultation tool will be available at: www.glasgow.gov.uk/connectingwoodside. Please enter as many comments on the map as you would like e.g.  ‘I would like a crossing here as it is difficult to cross’. The website will remain open for comments, however the closing date for consultation responses will be the 17th July.

Consultation materials for project can be found here: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=42014&p=0 "

It all looks very exciting so do please look at the plans, get yourself along next Tuesday if you can and  respond to the on-line consultation.