1 min read

Consultation Extra: Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes consultation event, Wednesday 08 August, 3pm to 7pm

Consultation Extra: Glasgow North East Active Travel Routes consultation event, Wednesday 08 August, 3pm to 7pm

We have recently been informed by one of our members - thanks very much Neil L - of this forthcoming consultation by Glasgow City Council:

"The North East Active Travel Routes consultation can be viewed via this link.

The closing date for consultation will be Wednesday 22 August.

A public drop in session will be held from 3pm to 7pm on Wednesday 8 August at Beatroute Arts Centre, 285 Wallacewell Road, G21 3RP."

Do get along to the event if you can; there'll be a reminder in next week's Consultations Digest, and do have a look at the information on-line, using the link above or at: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=23027 and https://glasgowgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=97d5df94a910461fb5d450db4863448a