2 min read

Consultation Extra: Renfrewshire Cycle Path Consultation Events are ON! Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 February - DO PLEASE ATTEND if you can.

Consultation Extra: Renfrewshire Cycle Path Consultation Events are ON! Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 February - DO PLEASE ATTEND if you can.

Despite the disgraceful attempts of at least one Renfrewshire Councillor, we can now confirm that the Consultation Events for the much needed cycle lanes from Renfrew Town Centre east to the Glasgow boundary will go ahead tomorrow and Wednesday.

Over the weekend you might have seen this Councillor's tweets repeated on social media. We now have confirmation from the design consultants that the events will go ahead.
The events are:
Tuesday 26 February Renfrew High School Gym Hall, 6pm - 10pm
Wednesday 27 February, Renfrew Town Hall, Committee Room 11am - 8pm

Here is the confirmation email that our CoConvenor, John, received:

"On 25 February 2019 at 11:08 Andy Mayo <Andy.Mayo@local-transport-projects.co.uk> wrote:

Hi John,
Thanks for getting in touch.

I  can  confirm that the consultation events are still taking place

- a  presence is required for all those who have had a leaflet who may not go  on social media.
You are correct in that the events are intended to present a range of options.
I have copied in Alastair Scott who is the Council lead for the project.
Hope the above is of use. "

Here's a link to a very comprehensive blog by GoBike supporter, Chris Russell: https://medium.com/@chrisrussell_80229/renfrew-to-shieldhall-cycling-proposal-80f70c71a9e6?sk=c51ab2d8d72b02fdd8022476fad32085

Please do get along if you can to the events. BIKELASH is alive and well in Renfrew where under 40% of the population have access to a car. And just what is it about these councillors who ignore government policy to get people out of cars and onto public transport and bikes, who ignore pollution and the ills it causes, who ignore the health issues sitting in a car bring about and who ignore climate warming? Do please get along to give a bit of balance and reasoned argument for good quality cycle infrastructure.