1 min read

Consultations, Consultations: make sure your voice is heard!

Glasgow City Chambers

Glasgow City Council is consulting, and we have responded to the following:

Improving bus access to the new hospital (QEUH) in Govan, details on our Consultations page for both Berryknowes Road and the Manse Brae area on the south side.  Both these consultations close on 11 December; please object to the closing up of Manse Brae at its junction with Carmunnock Road with no through way for cycles.  The council's proposals may be seen at: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=4216

Mandatory 20mph speed limit in the city centre, again our letter is on our Consultations page.  This consultation closes tomorrow, ie 30 November, so if you haven't done so already, please do write in and support this proposal.

There are 2 further public consultations ongoing, to which we encourage you to respond.  The first is for Victoria Road on the south side, coming north from Queens Park.  There was a public drop-in session on 26 November, and the proposals, particularly for a cycle lane on either side of Victoria Road, are very promising.  However, there is no firm proposal for extending into the city centre and the council seem reluctant to use the route already popular with cyclists, ie Eglinton Street.  Please point these things out when you respond.  You can see the proposals and the survey on the city council's consultation page.

The second is for the renewal of the Sauchiehall and Garnethill areas of the city, extending westwards to take in part of the area adjacent to Woodlands Road.  There are some very adventurous proposals, including covering over part of the M8 in a rather long consultation document; this, and the very short survey are given on the same consultation page.  The proposals include a far bigger emphasis on walking and cycling, which we should welcome.