6 min read

Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.

Consultations Digest Issue 9, 15 May: Cycle Lanes and Hazardous Access to Glasgow City Centre plus Dangerous Roundabouts in East Renfrewshire.

East Renfrewshire Council are asking for views on both the Eastwood Toll Roundabout( A77/A727), (pictured left) and the Spiersbridge Roundabout (A727/B769) (Item 1.1) and in other news, yes that’s right, Glasgow City Council are unable to give us cycle lanes along Bridge Street to get us to the Clyde (Item 3.1).

As well as this we have some exciting news from Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council, who are looking to make their area active travel friendly!  Let’s hope it catches on (Item 1.7).

1. Current Consultations

1.1  Eastwood Toll Roundabout (A77/A727) and Spiersbridge Roundabout (A727/B769), East Renfrewshire

Eastwood Toll Roundabout, during our Insert Loved One Here Campaign, pictured left.

We have been sent this letter asking for our input – Dangerous-Junction-letter-to-consultees-final-10-May-2018  – which begins “East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) will shortly be undertaking a cycling safety review at the Spiersbridge and Eastwood Toll Roundabouts. This is being funded by Sustrans’ Tackling Dangerous Junctions programme.” This is good news and we will be responding with our views before their review date of 4th June. If you would like to contribute to this, please get in touch either on the GoBike Slack Consultations Channel or by e-mail to consultations@gobike.org Alternatively you may also wish to respond directly to the address on the letter.

We welcome this review, however the analysis of Strava and accident data by GoBike member Bob Downie, shows us that while these roundabouts could be improved, nearby roundabouts within the Glasgow boundary, attract even more accidents. The images to the left show heatmaps of cycle accidents (1999-2013) overprinted on Strava use (2014). “The Glasgow City Council roundabouts of Auldhouse, Pollok and those on Shieldhall Road stand out as bulls-eyes with Auldhouse the absolute nightmare.” 

So, let’s help East Renfrewshire to improve their roundabouts and then we can ask Glasgow City Council just what it is doing about its roundabouts. Has this Council decided to take advantage of the Sustrans’ Tackling Dangerous Junctions programme? And other local authorities? They should all be jumping at this funding.

1.2 South City Way, Glasgow, closes 22 June


As per the Consultations Extra published on Thursday 10 May, Glasgow City Council are consulting on the South City Way, currently under construction from Victoria Park North, with public events on Monday and Tuesday this week.  We’ll be analysing the documents carefully and will be submitting our response well in advance of the 22 June deadline.  We’ll update you before the closing date.


Spring 2018 Consultations – SCW A3 poster-1


1.3 Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, closes 18 May

We told you about the proposals for Queen Margaret Drive in our last Digest 8 and consultation closes this Friday, 18 May. So, if you wish to voice your views do look at the on-line consultation, http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/qmd or write into the City Council about this scheme, initiated by the local traders. Queen Margaret Drive is a link from the busy Maryhill Road to Byres Road (we are still waiting for this consultation, due very soon) and down towards Partick. Here’s the letter we have sent in:   GoBike Queen Margaret Drive comments 150518

1.4 Parking around Ibrox Stadium, closes 25 May

This consultation was included last time too in Digest 8 and we have now written in to support the restrictions on “park-where-you-will”. Who knows, they might even find some space for cycle lanes!  Here’s our letter: GoBike Ibrox Stadium Event parking letter 150518

1.5 Event Day Parking at Celtic Park, closes 01 June


Well, they couldn’t just restrict parking at Ibrox, could they?  So here is the e-mail that we received:


The Council propose to consider the introduction of the above named Traffic Regulation Order. Please find enclosed a copy of the press notice of the proposed Order, relevant map, statement of reasons, detailed report and FAQs.

Details of the proposals will also be available on the Glasgow City Council website at www.glasgow.gov.uk/saferparking

As stated in the attached documentation, any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should send details of the grounds for objection in writing to 231 George Street Glasgow G1 1RX or by e-mail to saferparking-celticpark@glasgow.gov.uk by 1 June 2018.”

And here are all the documents showing what is proposed: CelticPark & Emirates Arena Press Notice  Celtic Park and Emirates Arena FAQs  09.01_-_Draft_Report  08.01 – Statement of Reasons  Celtic Park and Emirates Arena – Proposed Event Day Parking Scheme – Plan 1  Celtic Park and Emirates Arena – Proposed Event Day Parking Scheme – Plan 2  Celtic Park and Emirates Arena – Proposed Event Day Parking Scheme – Plan 3  Celtic Park and Emirates Arena – Proposed Event Day Parking Scheme – Plan 4  Celtic Park and Emirates Arena – Proposed Event Day Parking Scheme – Plan 5 & 6  One of the plans was too big to include on our wordpress site so you will need to go to the City Council’s website for that, but unless we hear from you all to the contrary, we’ll be submitting a letter of support similar to the one above for the Ibrox area.

1.6 Woodside, Glasgow, proposed 20mph speed limit, closes 15 June

We put all the details of this in our last Digest 8. 20mph is proposed for the area bounded by Maryhill Road, Garscube Road, the canal and New City Road. GoBike supports Mark Ruskell, MSP’s bill for 20mph as the default speed limit in built-up areas and our concern with this piecemeal approach is the lack of consistency in speed limits and the lack of enforcement. Our response to this will be completed soon.


1.7 Yorkhill and Kelvingrove Community Council, Glasgow, Cycle Village Proposal, Consultation Events 09 and 13 June


Yes, we’ve been saving the best until last!  Kelvingrove and Yorkhill Community Council are holding two consultation events at Bike for Good, Kelvinhaugh Street, on proposals to make their area active travel friendly!  Let’s hope other Community Councils do the same.  Please look at the website link:  https://yokecoco.wordpress.com/cycle-village-proposal/  and the Facebook event details:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1696830773727735/  and:  https://www.facebook.com/events/129858041119799/



2. Upcoming Consultations

2.1 Byres Road 

Yes, we are still waiting for this – and the suspense is almost getting too much. Please watch our communications closely for any last minute consultations that come out.

2.2 Parking in Lenzie, East Dunbartonshire

We’re expecting details of a Traffic Regulation Order through the post (yes, Royal Mail post) quite soon.

3. Consultation Feedback

3.1 Clyde Place and Tradeston Traffic Regulation Order


This is Bridge Street in Glasgow, looking north from Nelson Street, with five, yes FIVE lanes of traffic. The two on the left, blocked off to through traffic, are used for parking, as is the lane on the right, leaving only two lanes open for southbound traffic. Under the latest TRO, it is proposed to have three lanes of southbound traffic and two lanes of car parking, with no explanation as to why this extra lane capacity is required, and no valid explanation as to why there can’t be a northbound or even a southbound contraflow cycle lane too! Here’s the letter we’ve submitted: GoBike Tradeston Clyde Place comment and partial objection letter 010518 and here is the text of the e-mail that we got in reply:  LES response 110518  We are less than happy!

3.2 Govan Water Row redevelopment

We aren’t quite clear as to when this closes as it’s part of an ongoing redevelopment plan for Govan.  All of the details are in our last Digest 8 and we have now replied, hoping that the area, soon to be connected to Partick with a new cycle/pedestrian bridge, will be an active travel friendly place. see: GoBike Govan Water Row comment 150518

So, lot’s to take in, folks, but do let us and the local authorities know your views.