2 min read

Consultations: new and forthcoming in Glasgow, with even more speed cushions proposed for Santa's sack

Consultations: new and forthcoming in Glasgow, with even more speed cushions proposed for Santa's sack

Here's a picture of the brand new Broomhill School and the City Council propose to make the road going up to the right on the picture one-way.  But have they considered active travel and all the work other bits of the council do to encourage children to cycle to school?  We fear they haven't.  So our letter to the council, GoBike Consultations Broomhill One Way 21 Dec 2017 about this plan, broomhill one way tro plan TRO201701501 confirms that we are happy with their proposal, provided that they maintain two-way cycling!  Let's hope that we are lucky with this one.

The closing date for comments on this proposal for Broomhill is 12 January so you have time to get your views in, if you wish.

We have also responded to proposals to install speed cushions on Millbrae Road in Langside.

Here's Glasgow City Council's plan of these speed cushions: Millbrae Road plan and you can see that the cushions are proposed for the full width of the road, but, they will be building the footway out at each speed cushion.  Now while this helps pedestrians to cross the road, what does it do for those of us on bikes?  The buildouts push us out into the road, ie into the motor traffic and then the speed cushion just adds that extra bit of gradient onto what is already quite a steep hill going north.  The council says that the "scheme is aimed at improving road safety by reducing vehicle speeds and discouraging rat-running."  It certainly doesn't look as if it will improve road safety for people cycling.  Our response is here: GoBike Consultations Millbrae Road Speed Cushions 21 Dec 2017 and the closing date for comments is next Friday, 29 December, so, if you have time between opening presents and eating mince pies, do please get your comments in to the council on this.

Soon we will be responding to Glasgow's proposals to "calm" Bredisholm Road in Muirhead/Crosshil, G69 and we have just heard that there are plans afoot for Jura Street, just off Paisley Road West opposite Bellahouston Park (but apparently no cycle highway along Paisley Road West just yet!) and under the City Deal there are proposals for the redevelopment of Collegelands Calton Barras, see:  https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=20033  We'll keep you posted on these.