1 min read

Court of Session: No, City Chambers: Yes. Yorkhill


We have decided against proceeding with an appeal to the Court of Session for Glasgow City Council’s proposals for Yorkhill.  We got some very brief, but to the point (and free) advice from a solicitor about the cost, not only of the application, but also engaging a solicitor and advocate.  We are also aware that there would be a further cost, for those of us who live in Glasgow, for the City Council to defend our appeal!  A further thing that we did learn from the solicitor is that successful  civil litigation has been brought against local authorities who have contravened the Traffic Signs Manual and cyclists have been injured at the location.  We do not want such accidents to happen in Glasgow and we have written to Councillors Alistair Watson, Matt Kerr and Frank McAveety to ask them to beware failure to comply with the manual.  Our letter may be seen here: http://www.gobike.org/campaignsconsultations/consultations

Have we lost face as a result of what might be seen as a climb-down?  Possibly.

Have we learnt from this?  Very definitely.

Do we need a better grasp of legal matters?  Yes, and if there is someone out there, reading this or someone you know, who could help us, please get in touch.