1 min read

Evidence Doth Maketh the Facts

You may have noticed recently that the GoBike website has had a swanky new make over - and very pleased we are with it too. Thank you loads to our hard working web group volunteers for helping out with it.

One new resource we've added on there is an Evidence section packed full of publications, statistics, fact and figures for the most discerning of debaters and anecdotal myth naysayers. So if you are planning on diving back into the dreaded world of facebook comment debates, if your petrol blinkered argumentative cousin has been invited for christmas, or if you have plans to sit yourself as expert on controversy seeking late night news chat shows, head on over there and

check it out

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he next time you are looking for what percentage physical activity can reduce the risk of stroke, dementia, heart disease, and some common cancers (it's 30%) or how many people a lane can carry in cars per hour (2000) compared to on bikes (a whopping 14000) or indeed, how many fatalities in the last ten years have been caused by people jumping red lights on bikes (0) and in cars (5), you know what to do. Head over to our Evidence resource and get quoting. 

The Evidence page came about as a result of a conversation on slack. From there a group of members decided to pull together to gather this resource. Thank you so much to them. If you have more to add, would like to be more involved in this or a whole host of other ways, please drop one of our convenors an email and we will get you set up on slack, and a part of the GoBike member conversation.