3 min read

GoBike Campaign Success

GoBike Campaign Success

We have seen a massive turn around by the council this week following our campaigning for a segregated cycle lane for Byres Road (woop woop and yay for everyone involved!) and so to celebrate we thought it would be timely to highlight the campaigning we have been involved in over the last year or so.  A whistle stop tour for now, but look out for our new website coming soon, with more info.

After months of lobbying behind the scenes with the designers and council departments working on the Byres Road redesigns, when the final plans went to public consultation were still not good enough, we took to the streets to insist that Paint is Not Protection.

We supported the campaigning of the most incredible local campaign, Space for People Byres Road, who worked by pushing local councillors, and by showing visually how much better Byres Road could be for people.

We rode to bring a tea break of tattie scones and tea and coffee to the builders of the South City Way to thank them for building such amazing infrastructure on Victoria Road.

We took more local councillors on tours of their wards.

We took the Insert Loved One Here campaign to the streets to highlight the infrastructure in our area where you just wouldn't want to see your loved ones, but as a special treat for valentines day, we also love bombed the good stuff.

We collaborated with CarFree Glasgow, Bike for Good, and Free Wheel North, to bring the first ever World Car Free Day event to Glasgow, and hosted our GoBike parking bay parklet at that and the Braeside Street play outside day.

Our annual twitter #glasgowcycleinfraday went down a storm once again, with followers highlighting hunners of infra issues needing improved, that we can pass over to the council.
We continued to support another member led local "mini-campaign" South City Way Friends as they continue to head off any bikelash during the build of the new South City Way.

We came out in support for radical council proposals to pedestrianise George Square.

And there is more in the pipeline. Thank you everyone for getting involved.