1 min read

GoBike! Hustings 16 March: one month to go


We go to the polls in May and it’s just one month today, four weeks tomorrow, until 16 March when we hold the first ever GoBike! Hustings at the Admiral Bar, 72a Waterloo Street, Glasgow.  Our 6 candidates are now confirmed and they are:

  • Claudia Beamish, Labour MSP for South Scotland list;
  • Cat Boyd, RISE candidate for Glasgow list;
  • Robert Brown, Liberal Democrat candidate for Glasgow list;
  • Patrick Harvie, Green Party MSP for Glasgow and Green Party co-convener;
  • Sandra White, Scottish National Party MSP for Glasgow Kelvin;
  • Brian Whittle, Conservative candidate for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley.

and the event will be chaired by Glasgow-based journalist, Pennie Taylor.

Doors open at 7pm, the event starts at 7:30 and you can book your (free) ticket at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gobike-hustings-tickets-7815340895

The event is not restricted to GoBike members; indeed we hope to attract a large audience, with visitors encouraged to join on the night to support the work of the campaign.

Booking a ticket will help us plan the event, and you can also e-mail your question to: hustings@gobike.org  We can then compile questions, and can even include your question if you are unable to attend.

Further details of the event are on our Hustings page.