1 min read

GoBike Hustings - a Success!

GoBike Hustings - a Success!

Here's the panel from last night's Hustings getting ready for the debate.  From left, Anna Richardson, SNP, Robert Brown, LibDem, Tricia Fort, GoBike Convenor in the centre, Christy Mearns, Greens and Martin McElroy, Labour.

Questions ranged from should local authorities use their own money for cycle schemes rather than getting funding via Sustrans to why don't we reduce danger on our roads to do our councillors need a car parking space at council offices and more.  It was a busy, informative evening.

If you were there or not, you can still ask your council candidates searching questions, see the guide on the Walk, Cycle, Vote website: http://walkcyclevote.scot/what/  There is information on all your candidates on this excellent website.