2 min read

Happy New Year GoBikers!

Let’s hope that 2021 allows us to cycle further afield and with more people but, in the meantime, here are some things to consider:

Join GoBike (if you haven’t already)
Why? Joining gives you access to our Slack channels, where you can discuss and progress all sorts of things pertinent to GoBike’s actions and campaigns.
Joining, just by the addition of your membership, strengthens GoBike’s arm when campaigning and negotiating for better cycle infrastructure.
Is it affordable? For the majority of people it certainly is. A mere £5 per year, to support our campaigns for good cycle infrastructure.

Respond to consultations
GoBike publishes a fortnightly Digest of local consultations affecting people who live in the area around Glasgow and along the River Clyde. By writing in to the authority issuing the consultation you are adding to the influence of those of us who support active travel.
On a monthly basis we publish a Digest of Scottish and UK consultations that impinge on our rights as people who support active travel and public transport.
If you don’t respond then the motor lobby wins.

Campaign with us
We campaign for protected cycle lanes that extend for meaningful journeys and help us negotiate such daunting features as roundabouts. While things are slowly improving there is still a long way to go before anyone and everyone will feel comfortable about replacing the protection of a car with the joy and freedom of cycling.

Cycle with us to look at the infrastructure we have
Well, not just at the moment, given all the Covid 19 restrictions, but we do normally have a led ride on the first Sunday of the month that we can guarantee will take you somewhere new.
Hopefully, though, you have seen the blog we put out on 20 December? To allow you to see the current cycling infrastructure, including the Covid 19 pop-up lanes, our ride leader, Andy, proposed 3 rides to cover most of Glasgow.
Our intention was for as many as possible to ride these routes on Sunday 03 January, ie tomorrow. Weather permitting, this is still the aim, but if you do venture out on Sunday, or any other day, do please take every care to avoid the ice and do wrap up warm.

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