1 min read


Have you got a couple of hours free every month? Would you like to make Greater Glasgow a nicer place to cycle around? If so we need you! GoBike is a volunteer organisation; none of us is paid, we get no public funding and any money we have comes from you, our members. We do what we do because we believe life will be better if we have better cycling infrastructure. Do please read on to see just how you, yes you, could help.

We really need some more volunteers for our committee to be able to continue the work we have been doing over recent years.

The committee meets every two months for two hours on a Tuesday evening. At the moment, we do that virtually, and it is likely to continue virtually for the foreseeable future.

We are particularly looking for volunteers for these roles:

1) Co-convenor

John, one of our co-convenors, is stepping down at the AGM, so we are looking for someone with a bit of time to support our other co-convenor, Thomas. This role would include chairing the regular committees meetings (mentioned above), creating policy positions for GoBike in consultation with the wider committee and leading our campaigning work.

2) Consultations co-ordinator

This role would involve working with our three existing volunteers to identify key consultations we would like to respond to, communicating with the wider membership body to recruit a member to draft the response, answering questions about the process, and signing off the response.

3) Hustings organiser/manager

With the elections for the Scottish Parliament in May next year, we wish to repeat the success of our hustings for the previous parliamentary election in May 2016 and the local council elections in May 2017. This would include creating a plan for delivering the hustings, likely to be online, but with some planning for an in-person event, if circumstances allow.

Please get in touch with one of our co-convenors to discuss the opportunities above via convenor@gobike.org and/or come to our AGM on Thursday 19 November to find out more about the volunteer opportunities at GoBike.

Thanks in advance!