3 min read

Not 1, but 3, Infrastructure Rides for January!

Many of us have sorely missed the monthly GoBike rides, planned and led by Andy Preece, but cancelled to prevent the spread of Covid 19, in line with government restrictions. However, we have an abundance of new infrastructure in Glasgow because of these very restrictions (although, sadly, some of it might only be temporary - unless we campaign to keep it!)
To encourage us all to get out to see these new facilities we are delighted and very grateful that Andy has come up with not one, but three rides.

All three have been planned to start from the usual point, the pagoda type shelter at the north end of Bell's Bridge but feel free to start and stop to suit yourself. The now annual infrastructure ride, led by Andy, would normally take place on the first Sunday in January, starting at 10am but obviously these rides may be downloaded and ridden at will. However, it would be good if, weather permitting,  as many of us as possible form small groups and cycle one (or more) of these routes on 03 January.

The routes may be downloaded to your cycle computer or as a pdf, but do make sure you have a good idea of where you are going before you set off.

With each ride we note features or hazards that you should be aware of. However, if you cycle regularly around Glasgow, or indeed elsewhere, you will know that you have to keep your wits about you when out on your bike.

Family enjoying the freedom of Kelvin Way

Northwestern: https://cycle.travel/map/journey/194902 - 20 miles
featuring: Kelvin Way, Colleges Route, Lincoln Avenue, Great Western Road (both ways), Claypits Local Nature Reserve (LNR), Garscube Road, Sauchiehall Street, George Square, Candleriggs, Clyde Street/Broomielaw/Lancefield Quay

Be aware of:
Potentially busy road around Congress Way gyratory (note that GoBike objected vociferously when this road layout, with no consideration of cycling, was introduced) potentially busy roads Argyle Street, Highburgh Road, Crow Road, lack of cycle protection on Great Western Road around Duntreath Avenue flyover junction, busy road Great Western Road beyond end of protected cycle lane, busy roads Fulton Street, Panmure Street, Possil Road into incomplete cycle track Garscube Road, busy junction with left turners Clyde Street at Glasgow Bridge.

Note that:
The canal path at Stockingfield Junction will be open until 04 January, but from an infrastructure point of view the diversion route is more interesting, so Andy has left it in.

Northeastern: https://cycle.travel/map/journey/194907 - 22 miles
featuring: Anderston Bridge, Sauchiehall Street, Garscube Road, Claypits LNR, Bilsland Drive/Hawthorn Street, Wallacewell Road, Robroyston Station, Cumbernauld Road/Provanmill Road, Langdale Street, Dennistoun Low(ish)Traffic Neighbourhood, Clyde Gateway, London Road (both ways), Clyde Street/Broomielaw/Lancefield Quay

Be aware of:
Potentially busy road around Congress Way gyratory (note that GoBike objected vociferously when this road layout, with no consideration of cycling, was introduced), join Skypark path at layby on expressway sliproad, steep hill upwards West Campbell Street, steep hill downwards (including Give Way junctions) Scott Street, incomplete cycle track and busy roads Garscube Road into Possil Road, right turn off busy road after bend Panmure Street, uphill busy road Hawthorn Street around expressway junction, leave Atlas Road at pedestrian crossing dropped kerb at Hawthorn Street junction for path up to Campsie Street, busy road Stanburn Road, busy junction with left turners Clyde Street at Glasgow Bridge

Bengal Street, 5 years ago. What's it like now?

Southern: https://cycle.travel/map/journey/194909 - 14 miles
featuring: Govan-Cardonald Quietway, QEUH-Bellahouston Quietway, Dumbreck Road, Bengal Street, White Cart Route, Battlefield, South City Way, George Square, Gordon Street, Anderston Bridge, Lancefield Quay

Be aware of:
Awkward crossing across Shieldhall Road at Cowden Street, use the shared footway and pop-up cycle lane on right-hand side of Dumbreck Road, busy road Grange Road into Langside Road and Queens Drive

These three rides, between them, cover most of the Glasgow Covid 19 pop-ups, but exclude the Argyle Street at Central Station contraflow section since it didn't fit neatly into any of the three. Each contains a bit of the city centre, although some is duplicated over different rides, but this gives options for starting and finishing the rides, or combining them.
