1 min read

Pavement Parking, Further action please on Holyrood Bill consultation!

Many thanks to those of you who have written to David Mundell and who have shared the previous post on Facebook.  However, the Footway Parking and Double Parking (Scotland) Bill was introduced to the Parliament on 20 May 2015 and has been referred to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee for consideration at Stage 1.  It  is a members' bill and Sandra White MSP is the member in charge, as well as the Constituency MSP for Glasgow Kelvin.

The bill is currently out for consultation at: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/91535.aspx

There is an option to give evidence or to complete a short survey; the survey gives lots of options for giving your views and is open until early November.

Please respond and give your views.

Previous post for reference:

Pavement parking Scotland

Yesterday evening, 22 September, the Cross Party Group on Cycling, chaired by Alison Johnstone, MSP (Green) met at Holyrood, and a presentation was given by Stuart Hay of Living Streets Scotland on the Responsible Parking Bill, being brought forward by Sandra White, Glasgow Kelvin constituency MSP (SNP).

Stuart explained that it currently not illegal to park on a dropped kerb, hence cars may park on the dropped kerbs at the end of cycleways, and while it is illegal to drive on a footway, the driver must be


to drive onto the footway; no action will be taken if the vehicle is parked on the footway!  The bill also tackles double parking, which adds danger to the roads for cyclists but also, critically, impedes the passage of emergency vehicles.

Further detail is given on the Living Streets website

Please scroll down the page on their website and click on the blue box to

e-mail David Mundell, the Secretary of State for Scotland to support this bill.

GoBike was represented at the Cross Party Group by the Convenor.  Other groups represented are: Spokes, Pedal on Parliament, CTC, Sustrans, Cycling Scotland and Road Share.