Consultation Digest Issue 70: 29 September 2020: Who are we designing streets for?
Our feature photo this issue shows the star of the film "Gone With The Wind", Olivia de Havilland,
Consultation Digest Issue 69, 15 September 2020: What price public opinion?
It was hoped that today's Digest would be shorter than previous ones, until 5, yes 5, new speed
Consultation Digest Issue 68, 01 September 2020: Humps all the way in Glasgow and in North Lanarkshire it's Roads, Roads and more Roads
Glasgow City Council have found 3 more areas that don't yet have speed cushions - why can'
Consultation Digest Issue 65, 21 July 2020: What's happened to Pavement Parking? Proposals approved but not enacted! Plus a request to contribute to the Streets for All Glasgow Commonplace Map, and more.
Cycling around the city reminds us that GoBike supported the proposed ban on pavement parking in Scotland and we supported
Consultation Digest Issue 64, 07 July 2020: Lockdown eases and we see some positive changes!
From the feature photo with this Digest you will see that it is getting easier to cycle to Paradise! It
Consultation Digest Issue 63, 23 June 2020: Have you put your comments on Commonplace yet?
There has been much publicity about the measures that are required or being considered to cope with the current COVID-19
Consultation Digest Issue 62, 09 June 2020: Your views are needed!
Lots and lots of requests for your views in this issue but, before you get your fingers tapping on that
Consultation Digest Issue 61, 26 May 2020
There are 2 new items and the first is news of progress with the redevelopment of Motherwell Train Station, with