2 min read

Thank you GoBike !

Thank you GoBike !

I am standing down as GoBike co-convenor this week and I wanted to say a big thank you and goodbye from me. After a year and a half in the role it's time for me to move on and let others take up the fight.

Glasgow is finally making big strides ahead in the world of active travel. But as campaigners on the inside, we know that the fight is bigger than ever, and that this can make campaigning harder when the rest of Scotland looks in and sees some good work materialising here. It took us years to win a positive turn around for Byres Road and now we return right back to the start again on the very next road, on University Avenue. Glasgow has decades of catching up to do and the fight against regressive attitudes is still very real.

I've had a real education in the last 18 months and I'd like to pass on some advice based on what I've seen that might help:

You are spending your free time making things better for everyone - you are amazing. Try to follow suggestions up with actions - you are more able than you think. Try first to find the positives and then work out where the balance lies. If you can help out more, do make that offer - it will be very welcomed. If you're helping too much, take a step back. Be encouraging to each other. And know that even when you think you've lost, you will have made a difference.

It really has been a whirlwind and a rollercoaster year and a half for me. In that time I've learned tons about campaigning, politics, infrastructure, and I never thought I'd ever say this, I've even found I'm interested in road engineering. I've learned mountains about myself, and about all those extraordinary other folk out there doing their bit to make the world a better place. I've realised that we do all have the power to directly affect change, and that power is stronger when we work together. I've had disappointments with trust. And felt frustrations with injustices. I've felt overwhelmed and burdened with responsibility. But none of that compares to how amazing it feels for me to know that I've been a part of something beautiful that has made our future better. And that's GoBike, and everyone in it.

So thank you everyone who's been a part of my crazy time as co-convenor. I'm not going far, I'll still be helping out in the background, so let's keep this fire burning.

Iona x

For Hazel