19 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 25, 10 January 2019: Happy New Year with more progress on the South City Way, good news about Byres Road and feedback from Argyll and Bute and North Lanarkshire

Consultation Digest Issue 25, 10 January 2019: Happy New Year with more progress on the South City Way, good news about Byres Road and feedback from Argyll and Bute and North Lanarkshire

For our first Consultation Digest of 2019, we have the details for the South City Way to reach across the Clyde, the promise of segregated cycle lanes on Byres Road and a great reach out to some news from Helensburgh and Motherwell. Lots, lots more in this mega-issue as desks were cleared for the end of 2018 and Glasgow, certainly, ups its game. Even Pollok Park gets a mention, so do read on.


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. Glasgow City Council, Maxwell Drive and Bruce Road, Traffic Calming, still time to get comments in.
  2. East Dunbartonshire Proposed No Waiting & No Loading At Any Time Restrictions on Westerhill Road, Bishopbriggs, closes 28 January 2019
  3. The Scottish Parliament, Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) Bill Survey, closes 28 January 2019
  4. **NEW** Glasgow City Council (South City Way) (Gorbals Street) Order 201_, closes 01 February 2019
  5. **NEW** East Dunbartonshire Council, Maxwell Avenue Traffic Calming, closes 01 February 2019
  6. Scottish Law Commission Automated Vehicles consultation closes 08 February 2019
  7. Glasgow Strategic Development Frameworks for the River Clyde and Govan Partick, close 08 February.
  8. East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan, closes 11 February 2019

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

  1. Glasgow, Pollok Park and the Burrell Collection
  2. Glasgow, Byres Road cycle lanes!

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. Glasgow City Council Minor Works programme
  2. Glasgow Elmbank Street one-way update
  3. Argyll & Bute Council, delay to Helensburgh to Dumbarton Cycle Route
  4. Glasgow Byres Road Cycle Design Workshop, 20 December 2018
  5. East Dunbartonshire Council, Newdyke Road, Kirkintilloch, Traffic Calming
  6. Celtic Park and Ibrox, Event Day Parking
  7. North Lanarkshire Council, Motherwell Station and Muir Street, City Deal funding
  8. GoBike Infrastructure Ride, Sunday 06 January

Section 1: Current Consultations, in date order for responses

1.1 Glasgow City Council, Maxwell Drive and Bruce Road, Traffic Calming, still time to get comments in.

Bruce Road, showing the "existing 750mm paved channel for cyclists" that we wish to be improved.

This consultation was issued on 14 December, with a closing date 21 days later, ie 04 January, but the council officer dealing with the proposals told GoBike that, since it is not a Traffic Regulation Order but a community consultation, views will be accepted for some time. Don't delay, though, get your comments by next week, if you can. These roads are on the Pollokshields boy-racer circuit, so there is a need for vehicle speeds to be managed, but we also want to encourage cycling and walking. Here's the letter that GoBike sent in last Thursday: GoBike Maxwell Drive Bruce Road response 030119 and here are the plans the Council sent us: Plan for Maxwell Drive and Bruce Road Maxwell Drive speed table details Bruce Road speed table spec

Maxwell Drive, showing the advisory "cycle lane" on the outside of parked cars and in the door zone. GoBike is looking for the lane to be next to the footway and separated from any parked cars by orcas or similar. Please do write in and support us on this.


East Dunbartonshire Proposed No Waiting & No Loading At Any Time Restrictions on Westerhill Road, Bishopbriggs, closes 28 January 2019

We informed you of this proposal in our last Digest just before Christmas, Item 1.4 and the GoBike response in support of this proposal will be developed soon.

1.3 The Scottish Parliament, Restricted Road (20mph Speed Limit) Bill Survey, closes 28 January

Here's a repeat, from our last Digest, Item 1.5 of the reasons for a 20mph default speed limit:

  1. Consistency from town to town across Scotland - drivers will expect to drive at 20 not 30mph unless there is signage that allows them to drive at speeds in excess of 20.
  2. Consistency within towns - drivers will expect to drive at 20mph unless there is signage that allows them to drive at speeds in excess of this. Currently there is a lack of consistency, with some proactive communities aiming to protect their schools and their local residential areas with a 20mph limit. There is an increasing number of city areas where local authorities are imposing a 20mph limit to make places more people-friendly and to encourage active travel.
  3. Reduction in signage - as urban speeds go up and down there is signage at each change in speed and this will be reduced if the default speed is 20mph. Local communities will see the benefits of a lower speed limit and will resist moves to increase a limit to 30mph.
  4. Reduction in pollution – as motor traffic moves at a lower, but importantly, more consistent speed, vehicle emissions will be reduced as there is less requirement to accelerate away from traffic lights. See link, (a), below
  5. Reduced danger to pedestrians – it is widely recognised that a vehicle travelling at 20mph is less likely to kill or seriously injure a pedestrian with whom it collides, than if it is travelling at 30mph or more.
  6. An improved environment for cycling – the speed differential between a motor vehicle and a bicycle is reduced from a factor of 3 or 4 to a factor of 2 or less. Bicycles can regularly travel at 10-12mph and more people will feel confident of cycling on road alongside motor traffic moving at no more than 20mph.
  7. A reduction in motor traffic within towns – drivers will tend to use the outer ring roads where speed limits are 30mph or higher rather than a more direct route through an urban centre.
  8. A reduction in congestion – as more drivers avoid urban centre
  9. s and those who do travel within urban areas move at a more consistent speed, with less need to overtake etc.
  10. Improved compliance, monitoring and enforcement of the speed limit – a consistent speed limit of 20mph, rather than one that changes across an urban area, will encourage compliance by drivers and ease any monitoring and compliance to be done by the authorities. See note (b) below.
  11. Reduction in the requirement for “traffic calming” – local authorities are finding it necessary to install traffic calming measures, usually speed tables or cushions, to reduce motor traffic speeds to no more than 20mph. This expensive practice will not be so regularly required with a default speed of 20mph (Note that traffic calming can cost in the region of £60k vs £1k per km for speed limit signage).

(a) – see point 4 above – this link from a contribution to the Guardian newspaper provides interesting reading, including this quote:

“Research in Germany has shown that the greater the speed of vehicles in built-up areas, the higher is the incidence of acceleration, deceleration, and braking, all of which increase air pollution. German research indicates that traffic calming reduces idle times by 15%, gear changing by 12%, brake use by 14%, and gasoline use by 12% (Newman and Kenworthy 1992, 39–40). This slower and calmer style of driving reduces emissions, as demonstrated by an evaluation in Buxtehude, Germany. Table E-1 shows the relative change in emissions and fuel use when the speed limit is cut from 50kmh (31mph) to 30kmh (19mph) for two different driving styles. Even aggressive driving under the slower speed limit produces lower emissions (but higher fuel use) than under the higher speed limit, although calm driving produces greater reductions for most emissions and net fuel savings (Newman and Kenworthy 1992, 39 –40).”

The AA have carried out tests, see this article, to support a view that lower speed limits raise fuel consumption and hence pollution, although there is no mention of the reduced acceleration and braking when driving at a steady speed of 20. However the overriding concerns should be to reduce the severity of accidents and to encourage the switch to active travel. This article, “Speed reduction methods to promote road safety and save lives” gives a good summary of what can be done.

(b) – see point 9 above – Enforcement is an issue, as it is with ALL speed limits, from 20 - 70, but, like smoking and drink driving, the public mood must change. However, some enforcement will be needed and, given the other benefits – fewer and less-severe accidents, for example, Police Scotland and/or our Local Authorities should be funded accordingly.

Do remember the MSP briefing that Mark Ruskell sent to us,  SaferStreetsMSPbrief and please contact your MSP, particularly if they are on the Rural Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee (John Mason (Shettleston), Richard Lyle (Uddingston & Bellshill)  Jamie Greene (West of Scotland Region)) or the Cabinet Ministers who might have the final say,  (Nicola Sturgeon (Glasgow Southside), Humza Yousaf (Glasgow Region), Derek Mackay (Renfrewshire North & West) and Aileen Campbell (Clydesdale)) to ask them to support this Bill.

1.4 Glasgow City Council, South City Way, Gorbals Street, TRO, closes 01 February 2019

We're a little late getting this to you; it arrived in the GoBike inbox on 07 December, but you will surely have been busy with the festivities and now you have time to consider the merits of this proposal. The  section currently under consideration is from the 5-ways junction at Cumberland Street/the Brazen Head pub down past the Citizens Theatre and the Central Mosque to just north of the Clyde at Clyde Street/the Clutha pub.  Here's the email we received from Glasgow City Council:

"Dear Sir / Madam

The Glasgow City Council (South City Way) (Gorbals Street) Order 201_

The Council propose to consider the introduction of the above named Traffic Regulation Order.

Please find enclosed a copy of the press notice of the proposed Order, relevant map, statement of reasons and detailed report.

Details of the proposals will also be available on the Glasgow City Council website at www.glasgow.gov.uk/proposedtro.

As stated in the attached documentation, any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should send details of the ground for their objection in writing to Group Manager, Sustainable Transport, Exchange House, 231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX or by email to land@glasgow.gov.uk by Friday, 01 February 2019.

Yours faithfully

Andy Waddell, Director of Operations, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability"

The documents that accompanied the email are here: Plan 1 Plan 2 Report South City Way (Gorbals Street) SCW -Gorbals Street- Advert Statement_of_Reasons

The plans are based on Option 2, if you remember that from the consultation event held at the Citizens, but if not, the drawings may be seen on the SCW website. The cycle route on Gorbals Street is bi-directional on the west side, while on Pollokshaws Road and Victoria Road there are two one-way lanes.
At Cumberland Street bikes going north will continue on the west side, bikes coming south either wait for the cycle traffic phase or, taking care, cross the junction (obviously this is not official guidance) and cross to the east side on Pollokshaws Road.
For cars at Cumberland Street there is no access north into Gorbals Street; it's a bus, cycle, taxi gate - curiously shown as 35m long and in yellow on the plan. Victoria Bridge, further north, is too narrow for cars as well as buses, taxis and cycles so the decision has been taken to divert them at Cumberland Street.
On Gorbals Street, cars coming from Cleland Street may go left or right; this is primarily to allow vehicle access and egress from the Citizens' Car Park. This is why, on the plan, the red southbound bus cycle taxi lane becomes black south of Cleland Street - it's open to all traffic.
Note that Bedford Lane has been closed to traffic in a previous TRO.
The cut-across the open area south of Cleland Street stays in these plans with access to and egress from the 2-way cycle lane, but this open area might be changed in the future if more railway arches are used.

GoBike's view is that this proposal is fairly uncontroversial and our response will be sent in later this month. Do put your views in though, to ensure continued support for the cycle lane.

1.5 NEW East Dunbartonshire Council, Maxwell Avenue Area, Bearsden, Proposed 20mph Speed Limit Zone and Installation of Five Round Top Road Humps, closes 01 February

In response to vehicle speeds on Maxwell Avenue, which runs past Westerton Railway Station, being significantly  over the 30mph limit, East Dunbartonshire Council propose to extend the current 20mph limit to both the north and south. In response to requests from residents, the 20mph limit will be extended to include the nearby near residential roads: Dirleton Gate, Wheatfield Road, Deepdene Road, Monreith Avenue, North View and Stirling Avenue. The letter we received from EDC is here, Maxwell Av and the plan they sent is below:

At each road hump, according to the letter, "a 750mm pedal cycle bypass will be provided on each side of the road hump." This is better than nothing, but is it adequate? 1.2m is provided in some places.

We have now received assurance that such communications will be sent electronically in future.

1.6 Scottish Law Commission, Automated Vehicles consultation, closes 08 February

This was Item 1.6 in our previous Digest  with the link to the consultation here and, with no obvious reference to cycles, it's one to which GoBike will be putting a response. There's an assumption that existing driving laws are adequate, which is debatable.

1.7 Glasgow Strategic Development Frameworks for the River Clyde and Govan Partick, close 08 February.

Again, this was in our previous Digest at Item 1.7, and GoBike is currently developing a response. If you have views on this (or any other of the consultations we bring to your attention) do reply to the consultation and, to help GoBike with our response, email them to consultations@gobike.org

1.8 East Dunbartonshire Council, Local Development Plan, closes 11 February

This was Item 8 in our previous Digest and the link to the EDC website is here. Some of you might have been to one of the workshops or consultation sessions? If so, do please let GoBike have your views at consultations@gobike.org We will have a further update before this closes.

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations


Glasgow, Pollok Park and the Burrell Collection

Most people will be aware that the Burrell Collection is currently closed for refurbishment, but the opportunity is being taken to revise access to Pollok Park. GoBike member, Richard L, alerted us to this  and two documents that are currently available: Transforming Pollok Country Park - Project Update December 2018 Pollok Country Park A  Here are a couple of excerpts:

We are told that "

formal pre-planning consultation with the public will begin at the end of January 2019 which will last for a period of 12 weeks and include two public meetings in Pollok Community Centre and in Pollokshaws Burgh Hall"

and "

Positive feedback has included:
  • Restricting cars in the central area of the park and prioritising pedestrians and cyclists has been widely considered a good idea
  • Support for a new car park at Nether Pollok due to a general need for more parking provision
  • A bus route into the park and improvements to Pollokshaws West train station have been regarded as good ways to encourage public transport use and increase ease of access into the park
  • Support for enhancements to main walking/cycling routes and improved access points into the park
  • Support for signage on main routes to enable visitors to orientate themselves
  • Support for a shuttle service connecting the car park, train station and main attractions"

So it's looking pretty positive but do have a look at the two documents and watch out for the formal consultation and public meetings.

2.2 Byres Road Cycle Lanes

Great news - GoBike and Space For People Byres Road have been informed that a Traffic Regulation Order for changes to Byres Road, including segregated cycle lanes, will be issued shortly by Glasgow City Council. We will let you know as soon as this arrives. See Item 3.4 below for details of the "Cycle Design Workshop" we attended with Glasgow City Council.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Glasgow City Council, Minor Works

Correspondence with GCC started when GoBike members expressed concern at works being done to the shared path at Piccadilly Street/North Street under the M8 and was mentioned in Digest 24 item 3.2. We have now heard again from the Council with this information:

"Thanks for your interest in the Minor Cycle Works I refer to your email from 14th of December.

I can confirm  lining works will commence, once all areas of Minor Works are complete. This is to reduce the cost so the lining works can run as one continuous contract.

With regards to the Minor Cycle Works Projects that have recently taken place these are as follows:

  1. Avenuepark Street: Cycle cut through island -  to allow ease of bike traffic along this road; installation of cycle racks
  2. Kelvinside Avenue: Cycle cut through, opening up the fence to allow ease of access to the Forth and Clyde Canal / Queen Margaret Drive
  3. St Rollox Brae: Dropped kerbs to enable ease of pedestrian and cycle movement
  4. Kirknewton Street: Dropped kerbs to enable ease of pedestrian and cycle movement
  5. Piccadilly Street: Raised Speed Table to slow vehicular traffic
  6. Millnpark Street: Cycle cut through island, to allow ease of bike traffic along this road
  7. Scotland Street West: Cycle cut through and street furniture, to improve access for bikes and small place making features alongside cycle racks
  8. Kirkwood Street: Pavement build out and cycle racks
  9. Barfillan Drive: Cycle cut through to improve cycle access
  10. Mosspark Boulevard: New path to allow ease of access to Bellahouston Park at Balloch Gardens
  11. Bonnyholm Avenue: Removal of fence at bridge – replace with bollards to improve cycle flow through this route

In terms of ones that are programmed for the new year are as follows:

  1. Shields Road: Ramp reduced to allow improved drainage at this location
  2. Kennishead Road: Dropped Kerbs
  3. Doune Gardens: Cycle cut through
  4. Cycle parking: 100 additional Sheffield stands City wide"

So, as we have pointed out before, Glasgow City Council does respond to concerns, so please keep writing in. The address to use for minor works is sustainabletransport@glasgow.gov.uk

3.2 Glasgow Elmbank Street One-Way

Correspondence with Glasgow City Council has now been ongoing for almost two years since we responded back in February 2017 to the proposals for the Sauchiehall Street area. GoBike's concern is about the lack of any access from Bath Street to Sauchiehall Street now that both Elmbank Streethas been made one-way southbound. Here is the latest reply from GCC, dated 20 December 2018:

"I refer to your objection to the above named Traffic Regulation Order and can advise that your objection was reported and considered. However, the Council have decided under its scheme of delegated functions to proceed with the proposal as advertised, with the addition of “prohibition of driving (except pedal cycles)” within the two-way cycle lane and the amendment renamed to Amendment No.18A (previously Amendment No.18).

The Order was made on the 20th November 2018 and an advert was placed in the Evening Times on 30th November 2018 stating that the Traffic Regulation Order has been made.

I realise that this may not be the outcome you wished for, however, with regards to the contraflow cycle lane in Elmbank Street, due to the close proximity of vehicles, either parked or loading/unloading and the high volume of traffic, it was deemed to be unsafe for cyclists.

With regards to your observations with regards to cyclists coming from the cycle station at Charing Cross station, that is out with the scope of this amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order. "

This sketch demonstrates the concern. Nibs have now been constructed to protect the parking and loading bays on this northern part of Elmbank Street. There is a possible route via  the very poorly surfaced and lit Sauchiehall Lane east from Elmbank Street to Holland Street, and then north on Holland Street once it returns to northbound one-way on completion of the works. However, this does not answer the question as to why the possibility of a contraflow cycle lane has been written off when just a few cars are allowed to park and the multi-storey car park behind the King's Theatre has empty spaces? We are pursuing a solution.

3.3 Argyll & Bute Council, Helensburgh to Dumbarton Cycle Route delayed

GoBike member, Derek Y, alerted us to this sorry tale, see the press report here from the Helensburgh Advertiser and here is a link to the stushie in Cardross about the cycle link. It's tragic for those people who live in or between the two towns and wish to avoid cycling on the A814 and it's all very disappointing for those of us who wish to cycle out to Helensburgh without doing a big detour to avoid a busy road. Here's a link from eight years ago showing the preferred route. What a positive improvement it could make.

3.4 Glasgow Byres Road Cycle Design Workshop

You might remember that last month we told you that Iona and Tricia from GoBike and Euan and Iain from Space for People Byres Road had been invited to a "Cycle Design Workshop" with Glasgow City Council? This took place on 20 December and was attended by the City Council's Convenor of Sustainability & Carbon Reduction, Anna Richardson, Matt from Sustrans, and the staff from DRS and LES (or rather the Infrastructure and Environment Neighbourhoods and Sustainability team as they have been quietly changed to) responsible for the design.

The good, in fact, very good, news is that segregated cycle lanes are to be provided! To make Byres Road a people-centred place all users will have to make compromises from the ideal, but the City Council have made great moves forward from where they were with the original consultation. They are speaking to all users and we were told that the amended design will be issued at the end of this month. It will be followed by a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and this will be critical; we will need to consider what has been done to improve the environment and make our voice heard.

3.5 East Dunbartonshire Council, Proposed Traffic Calming Measures - Newdyke Road, Kirkintilloch, closed 04 January

This proposal was in our previous Digest Item 1.3 and we have now responded with this letter: GoBike Newdyke Road Traffic Calming Letter 030118

3.6 Celtic Park & Emirates Arena, and Ibrox Stadium, Event Day Parking, Objections require a Public Hearing

Back in May 2018 we supported plans, see the press notices issued at the time: CelticPark & Emirates Arena Press Notice and Press Notice to restrict event day car parking around these stadiums. Local residents are inconvenienced by all the vehicles touring their streets looking for parking places, active travel is disrupted and it would be much better if more people traveled to these stadiums by public transport, supporter buses or even walked or cycled. Here are the letters we submitted: GoBike Celtic Park Event parking letter 290518  and GoBike Ibrox Stadium Event parking letter 150518

We have now received two very similar messages from the City Council to say that, because of objections to the proposals, public hearings are to be held. This is disappointing but it does show the power and financial backing of some of the objectors.

"Dear Sir / Madam

Please see the correspondence below sent to all those who objected to the (Ibrox Stadium) (Event Day Emergency Routes and Parking Zone) Order.

In summary, due to the type of objections received, the statutory process being followed requires a mandatory public hearing to be held.

Yours faithfully

Andy Waddell, Director of Operations, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability


Dear Sir / Madam



I refer to the above and your previous objection in relation to this proposed Order.

During the consultation period, objections to the proposed scheme were received that require a public hearing to be convened. The hearing will be conducted by an independent reporter and the provisions for such a hearing are set out in the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (as amended) (“the Regulations”).

Following appointment of the Reporter, he or she will determine the precise format of the public hearing. However, in the meantime under regulation 9(1) of the above, I am required to notify you of your right to be heard at that hearing.

If you wish to be heard in support of your objection you are required to confirm this in writing to Andy Waddell, Director of Operations, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, Exchange House, 231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX or email saferparking-ibroxstadium@glasgow.gov.uk . Your written request must be received by this office no later than 5.00pm on Friday 25 January 2019.

Yours faithfully

Andy Waddell, Director of Operations, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability"

Let's hope that similar powerful interests do not delay the works in Byres Road and it does become a place for people, not cars.

3.7 North Lanarkshire, Motherwell Station and Muir Street

GoBike member, Derek Y, told us of this City Deal consultation that we had missed detailing changes beinging made around the railway station in Motherwell. Here's the link with this promising quote:

"Funding was approved by Glasgow City Region City Deal in April to progress designs for:

  • A high-quality bus, train and bike
pdf icon

transport interchange on Muir Street [1Mb]Opens new window

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Park and ride expansion [1Mb]Opens new window and

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improved car parking at Pollock Street [402kb]Opens new window

  • Improvement to walking and cycling routes."

GoBike has now contacted North Lanarkshire Council for updates, but do let us know if you see anything that you think we should know about.

GoBike Infrastructure Ride, Sunday 06 January 2019

On the first Sunday of January, 32 GoBike members and friends, followed GoBike ride leader, Andy Preece on a 17 or so mile tour of Glasgow to look at the infrastructure we have commented on and some that we haven't. Some of those people are pictured here, at the high point, literally, at the Queen's Park flagpole. Here's the loop the loop route that we took to see things from both sides in some cases:

The ride covered the three current City Ways. The early West City Way over the Bridge to Somewhere and a mix of infrastructure to Kelvingrove, the South West City Way and the long-awaited South City Way (which still has lots of work to do). We cycled along the first of the city's "Avenues" on Sauchiehall Street, which is still a construction site, and we traversed three of the city centre's contraflow lanes. If you don't know where they are, do get out and see them.

The first one we went on, in the southern part of Blythswood Street,  makes a very handy connection on the one-way northbound for cars section from Cadogan Street to Holm Street, but see the photo, left, for its current state.

The building site continues its encroachment around the corner, the first section of Holm Street. This is quite a new section of contraflow and was done, as far as we know, to continue the link towards Robertson Street, avoiding traffic lights and Argyle Street,

Continuing on, past the fence, the double yellow lines become single, begging the question as to whether this is a part-time cycle lane, part-time car park!

We'll be following this up with Glasgow City Council, but the message is - do get out and use these short cuts that have been made available. Howard Street, to the south of the St Enoch Centre, frequently has cars parked on it, but the more we use these routes the better they will become. While there is lots yet to do in Glasgow, there are some good bits of cycle infrastructure out there and just about everyone on Sunday's ride saw something new, or that they hadn't seen before.

So, well done if you have read to here! The next Digest should be back to a Tuesday, so expect it on 22 January. This one was delayed slightly by a change of web server, but we are confident that GoBike now has a sound web site and all systems are go for what looks like being a busy 2019.