14 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 32, 16 April 2019, Glasgow's South City Way nudges forward, Zebra Crossing survey, more on Byres Road, and read on for disappointments but also good news

Consultation Digest Issue 32, 16 April 2019, Glasgow's South City Way nudges forward, Zebra Crossing survey, more on Byres Road, and read on for disappointments but also good news

We have some interesting new proposals for you this time, from parking changes to allow a new cycle lane at Speirs Wharf to pedestrian crossings to climate change. Also, fascinating feedback that demonstrates a lack of overall compliance with aspirations for active travel, with contraflow cycling denied yet again in the west of Glasgow and ongoing concern about University Avenue. Read on!


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. **NEW** Glasgow, Port Dundas, Controlled Parking Zone Order 2002, Variation No 3, Speirs Wharf, closes 19 April
  2. East Dunbartonshire Council, Lenzie - Waiting Restrictions , closes 22 April
  3. Glasgow Pollokshaws Road/Eglinton Street Traffic Regulation and Parking Control, closes 24 April
  4. North Toryglen green space and active travel designs, event Monday 15 April, open on-line until 30 April.
  5. ** NEW** Edinburgh Napier and Transform Scotland, Pedestrian Crossing Facilities User Survey, closes 10 May
  6. **NEW** Glasgow Climate Change Survey, closes 31 May

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

Nothing new coming forward that we are aware of.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. Glasgow Broomielaw District Regeneration Framework
  2. North Lanarkshire Council Local Development Plan
  3. Glasgow, Blythswood Street and Holm Street contraflow lanes
  4. Glasgow Byres Road Design Workshop
  5. Glasgow, University Avenue
  7. Glasgow Avenues, Sauchiehall Street and others Consultation Event
  8. Glasgow, Doune Gardens - fixed, or is it?
  9. Renfrewshire, Glasgow Airport Improvement Area, Design and Construct contract awarded.

Section 1: Current Consultations in date order for responses

1.1 **NEW** Glasgow, Port Dundas, Controlled Parking Zone Order 2002, Variation No 3, Speirs Wharf, closes 19 April

This is one that almost slipped through the net but was rescued from the inbox just in time!
Here's the email received from Glasgow City Council on 22 March:


 Dear Sir / Madam,

The Council propose to consider the introduction of the above named Traffic Regulation Order.
Please find enclosed a copy of the press notice of the proposed Order, relevant map, statement of reasons and detailed report.
Details of the proposals will also be available on the Glasgow City Council website at www.glasgow.gov.uk/proposedtro.  
As  stated in the attached documentation, any person wishing to object to  the proposed Order should send details of the grounds for objection in  writing to Stephen McDonagh, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability,  Exchange House, 231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX or by e-mail to  land@glasgow.gov.uk by Friday 19th April 2019.

That doesn't tell us much but the first paragraph of the Report does:

  1. Reason for the proposal: Glasgow City Council proposes to implement a new two-way segregated cycle track on the north side of Craighall Road, linking proposed works on North Canal Bank Street with proposed improvements to the pedestrian and cycle link between Speirs Wharf and Garscube Road. This will incorporate a new signalised junction at Speirs Wharf and Craighall Road, providing a safe environment for pedestrians and cyclists to cross an otherwise busy road.

So that's a lot better isn't it? But, before you ask, no we haven't been given sight of the plans for the segregated cycle lane. However, it's a move in the right direction - best to support it. Here's the GoBike letter of support.

The supporting documents are here: Advert/Press Notice,  Report, Statement of Reasons and the Plan (showing only the parking changes)

1.2  East Dunbartonshire Council, Lenzie - Waiting Restrictions , closes 22 April

Our response to this consultation was submitted on 01 April and here's the confirmation reply:
"Good afternoon Tricia
I acknowledge receipt of your email and would like to thank you for taking the time to respond.
Fiona Stirling"

If you haven't done so already, and you know this area do please reply before the 22nd. Here are the details.

1.3 Glasgow Pollokshaws Road/Eglinton Street Traffic Regulation and Parking Control, closes 24 April
Eglinton Toll

We mentioned this first in our last Digest, Digest 31,  Item 1.8. The documents are the Advert, the Plan, the Report and the Statement of Reasons.

Here's the wording of the Report:

"This order will amend the existing ‘Glasgow City Council (Eglinton Street, Pollokshaws Road, Allison Street, Calder Street, Kilmarnock Road, Thornliebank Road, etc.) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1998’ parking and no waiting/no loading and unloading restrictions on the existing western footway along Pollokshaws Road and Eglinton Street. This corridor will support and enhance ongoing regeneration of the surrounding area, manage parking and promote active and sustainable travel
Development of the route will provide links to a network of existing walking and cycle routes spanning the city and surrounding areas, serving: parks, shops, academic, leisure and cultural establishments along and close to the core route helping make cycling and walking the most convenient modes of transport over short distances."

Thus it is one that we should all support to ensure that the South City Way may be built. The email from the City Council was in our last Digest, Digest 31, and the email address to send responses to is: land@glasgow.gov.uk.   The GoBike response will be going in soon.

1.4 North Toryglen green space and active travel designs, Monday 15 April, open on-line until 30 April.

This was a new item, 1.6 in our last Digest, Digest 31 and, if you didn't get along to the event yesterday, you can still respond on line from 15 - 30 April. Here's the link:  
https://www.urbanroots.org.uk/workshops/northtoryglen This is a neighbourhood programme of improvement so do please support it if you know the area.

The event yesterday was excellent, with attendees ranging from the Traffic and Transportation Engineer from South Lanarkshire Council to young children from the local nursery. The proposals include better cycle and walking access across North Toryglen plus park areas with activity equipment for young and old. It will become far more than a housing scheme with derelict land around it, for more an interesting and desirable place to live and to visit.

1.5 **NEW** Edinburgh Napier and Transform Scotland, Pedestrian Crossing Facilities User Survey, closes 10 May

Here's one that arrived on paper in some flyers inside our newspaper (yes a paper paper!) and allows the use of my zebra crossing photo again!

Here's the survey link:  https://crossingsurvey2019.questionpro.com

The survey is being done by the Transport Research Institute of Edinburgh Napier University and Transform Scotland (of which GoBike is a member).

It's an easy survey to do so do please complete it.

1.6 **NEW** Glasgow Climate Change Survey, closes 31 May

Here's another survey that we heard about from the Tweet above and that GoBike member, Greg, also told us about. It's at:  
https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ClimateChange2019/  so do please complete it.

Helpfully, Greg provides some information from Extinction Rebellion: "The questions asked are not multiple choice and require some  thought so we've put together a list of suggestions to help people  complete the form. They are just suggestions so please do pick and  choose, customise your answers, add in your own thoughts. The  suggestions can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KKgT9ats_8yp9r5GTvvbDcCOJ9JcnitaaC271xjdol4/edit?usp=sharing

There are lots of ideas in this document so do please put those brain cells to work and tell the City Council what they need to do - and what we, as citizens, need to do.

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Glasgow Broomielaw District Regeneration Framework

We finally got our response in for this consultation - and hope you all did the survey! Here's the letter we submitted on 05 April and here's the response we got - within minutes or submission:

"Thank you very much for making the time to read and respond to the Framework document. I will ensure that your comments are fed into the consultation process.
Best regards

Let's hope we see the transformation this framework promises.

3.2  North Lanarkshire Council Local Development Plan

Here's the letter we submitted just in time on the closing date, 05 April, for responses. (See previous Digests at: https://www.gobike.org/consultations for details. We received this automated response soon after submission:

"Thank you for your email. Please accept this in acknowledgement of receipt and please note  that we will contact you should further information be required.
If you wish more information on the Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan, please  see our website:
Local Development Plan Modified Proposed Plan<http://www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=32484> "

3.3 Glasgow, Blythswood Street and Holm Street, contraflow lanes

You might remember that in Digest 25, (in the final item) after the GoBike Infrastructure ride on 06 January we reported on the blocked contraflow lanes on these two streets? After two emails to the City Council and no response, it can now be seen that some improvement has been made; see this series of photographs, taken 07 April, going south down Blythswood Street:

On Holm Street, around the corner, things aren't quite so good, with the fence horizontal rather than vertical and, along at the Robertson Street end we still have the part-time contraflow, part-time car park situation. We must, though, be grateful for a wee bit of progress? We have been trying to push the council to make cycling and walking diversions around works policy more effective and hope we will soon reach a status that won’t require us to complain to them about every individual instance before improvements are made.

3.4 Glasgow Byres Road Design Workshop

We were euphoric after a meeting with the City Council just before Christmas, see Digest 25, Item 3.4, where we were told that, despite previous denials, there is room on Byres Road for segregated cycle lanes. However, things have slipped; we were told the design would be completed in January with a Traffic Regulation Order following soon after. We heard nothing until then being invited to a Design Workshop, which finally took place on 21 March.
Here are the notes from the meeting, which were sent to attendees. Our Co-Convenor, Iona, who attended, sent back this response:
"Thank you for taking the time to gather this info and for sending it through. We are concerned that the record holds an inaccurate bias within the feedback of section '3. Cycle Infrastructure' and would like to request that it is corrected. The notes state that
“There was very little consensus in relation to measures proposed to improve the cycle friendliness of the street. The decision to include segregated cycle infrastructure was not supported by a number of stakeholders who felt that the benefits to cyclists were           outweighed  by disadvantages to other users of the street. There was particular  concern in relation to loss of on-street parking, localised narrowing of footways and the fact that the introduction of an additional kerb line will make it more difficult to cross the street.’
but the notes don't make any reference to the support in the majority for the segregated cycle lanes within the voting, which showed that 3 tables were in support and only 1 in opposition.
We accept that the voting results are included within the report, however we have seen how evidence can so easily be overlooked when people are asked to give up space for active travel, and that those who oppose it can shout loudest, without necessarily being in the majority. It is therefore really important that the majority support for the segregated cycle lanes shown in the voting is also reiterated within the text.
Could you please confirm that the record can be amended to balance this correctly?

Another point to make is on the legitimacy of including the question of support for the segregated cycle lanes at all. Being that we agree that the transport hierarchy mandates that space for cycling needs to be included in redevelopment schemes, that   question shouldn't need to be asked at all. We wouldn't ask  "should there be pavements" or "should there be a road".

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Let's hope there is no back-tracking on what we were told in December!

3.5 Glasgow, University Avenue

There has been NO consultation on the proposals for University Avenue, just the almost final nails in the coffin for what was once a flagship cycle route for the City Council, ie the Colleges Cycle Route linking Glasgow Caledonian University to Glasgow University and then out to the old Strathclyde campus at Jordanhill.

See our post of 12 April for our latest update on this sorry tale.


Back in February, and reported in Digest 27, Item 1.6 we reported on the proposals for introducing a 20mph speed limit in this area. Back in 2017, Hyndland, Hughenden and Dowanhill West were brought into the city's restricted parking zones and streets were made one-way to facilitate "legal" parking, but with no exemption for bikes - despite the default position given in Cycling by Design. GoBike submitted this letter supporting the 20mph but deploring the cut in permeability for bikes.

We received this response on 04 April:


Dear Ms Fort


Thank you for your support for the above named traffic regulation order.
I  note your comments reiterating GoBike’s aspirations for one-way roads  with exemptions for cycling which was related to the Hyndland, Hughenden  and Dowanhill West (Traffic  Management and Parking Controls) Order 2019 however, this is unrelated  to this Order.
As  previously advised, once the parking controlled zone and associated  20mph speed limit zone scheme have been introduced and ‘bedded in’ the  Council will have a better  understanding of the parking demands and associated traffic movements.  Any cycling improvements, including one-way except cycles could be  considered as part of a future strategic cycling strategy which would  require amendments to the existing parking control  scheme and would require to undergo the statutory traffic regulation  order process.
Your  support will be considered and included within the final report to the  Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Sustainability. Once a decision  has been taken in regards to these proposals I  shall write to you again and advise of the outcome.

Yours sincerely"

This really does make a mockery of using design guides and having a policy of encouraging active travel. It's another point to put in your response to the Climate Change survey advertised in Item 1.6 above!

3.7 Glasgow Avenues, Sauchiehall Street and others Consultation Event

Last week one of our members went to a Consultation Event about Sauchiehall Street and the other Avenues proposed for Glasgow (with City Deal funding). Here's the feedback from what seems to have been a disappointing  experience:

"Today I went to the Sauchiehall and other avenues event.   A friendly lady from the community engagement company (Icecream, icebox?  Something like that) was there and an Engineer from the company doing the streetscape. They had the usual post-it-notes on a street map for feedback on Sauchiehall St.  This work should finish “soon” but when I was there zero construction was happening.

The only information they had on the other avenues was a timeline chart.  Argyle St planned to start work May 2020 but this might change as traffic modelling by the council is not complete.  Cathedral St work planned to start May 2022 but traffic modelling work is not done  so no renders to show.  No updates for George Square as traffic modelling work is not done  so no planning can be done (You might start to notice a trend here)

There was supposed to be a council planner there but he was not there at 1300.  I was there for a while, left for a coffee and went back and left again at 14:00 but still was not there.

Only 1 other member  of the public was there when I was. He expressed total frustration with another round of consultations (Just build it! Was the best phrase) . Overall a total waste of everyone’s time but a nice box ticking exercise I guess."

What a shame but then, just what is happening now with Sauchiehall Street?

3.8 Glasgow, Doune Gardens - fixed, or is it?

Over 18 months  ago Alasdair and Tricia from the GoBike committee toured Hillhead and Maryhill wards with City Councillors Jane Morgan and Martha Wardrop, GoBike member, Steph, tells us that the cut-through for bikes on Doune Gardens has been fixed. Let's hope that this arrangement does stop parked cars blocking access for bikes, as the previous arrangement did. The before version is below, with the cut-through blocked and the only access via the footway, see here on the right:

However, although it might be better for a standard bike, will it take a tricycle or a cargo bike? Here's some guidance for "Making Streets Better: A Guide to Filtered Permeability" from City Infinity. It's also on the Design Guides page of the GoBike website, at:  https://www.gobike.org/cycling-info/design-guides

3.9 Renfrewshire, Glasgow Airport Improvement Area, Design and Construct contract awarded.

Here's an email that should have been in the last Digest, sorry, but some good news from Renfrewshire:

"GAIA construction contract approved.

The  design and construction contract for the Glasgow Airport Investment  Area project has been approved for awarding to Wills Bros Civil  Engineering Limited.

Councillors on the Finance, Resources and  Customer Services Policy Board approved the £21million construction  contract to the Motherwell-based company.

The Glasgow Airport Investment Area  project is jointly funded by the UK and Scottish Governments through  the £1.13billion Glasgow City Region City Deal and will see new roads,  bridges, cycleways and footpaths being built to connect into a site at  the centre of the emerging Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS).

The construction contract award was also subject to approval of the Full  Business Case by the Glasgow City Region Chief Executives Group – this  approval was given on the 28 March.

Final procurement procedures are now being completed, with construction  work set to start this summer and be completed in 2020 on the enabling  infrastructure and environmental enhancements underpinning AMIDS - a major innovation district being developed in Renfrewshire.

Abbotsinch Road will be upgraded and realigned, and a new bridge  spanning the White Cart from Wright Street to an approach road off Arran  Avenue, offering access for cyclists, pedestrians and Wright Street  businesses. There's also a new cycle and pedestrian bridge crossing the  Black Cart and an off-road cycle link between Abbotsinch Road and the A8  Greenock Road.

This will improve connections into a 52-hectare site next to Glasgow  Airport, which is already confirmed as the location for the National  Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) and the Medicines Manufacturing  Innovation Centre (MMIC).

The construction work will ensure the site is ready to welcome its new  tenants and provide the perfect investment opportunity, focusing on  innovation, research and advanced manufacturing.

Planning Permission in Principle

Future development at the innovation district also took a major step  forward with the granting of planning permission in principle.

Renfrewshire Council's Communities, Housing & Planning Policy Board  approved an application for planning permission in principle on 26 March  2019.

The planning permission in principle  addresses common planning, environmental and statutory requirements for  the land and establishes the appropriateness of the proposed uses: a  business park with a focus on advanced manufacturing and research &  development.

This helps streamline the planning process for future developers, making the site more attractive for investment.

The site has already attracted its first tenants in the form of two new  national innovation centres; the National Manufacturing Institute  Scotland (NMIS) and the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC)  which will be the catalyst for the development of Scotland's advanced  manufacturing and life sciences sectors, providing support for  businesses of all sizes and connecting all of Scotland's engineering  universities and colleges.

Further information on investment opportunities can be found at www.paisley.is/amids and further information on all of our City Deal projects can be found on our website at www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/citydeal. "

Always good to end on a high; let's hope we have more good news in a fortnight's time.