8 min read

Consultation Digest Issue 35, 28 May 2019 with some new feedback, but no new consultations, giving you time to respond to the issues that are still current

Quite a concentration on parking in this issue, with waiting/loading restrictions proposed for Bearsden, Laurieston and University Avenue, but also important access proposals for 6 schools in Glasgow plus an update on the workplace parking levy and measures to reduce congestion in Glasgow City Centre. Where would we be without car parking? Do read on ....


Section 1: Current Consultations

  1. TODAY, University of Glasgow Campus Development Meeting, 28 May 18:00hrs
  2. Glasgow (School Streets, Glasgow) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) (Experimental Traffic Regulation) Order 201_. closes TOMORROW, 29 May
  3. Glasgow Climate Change Survey, closes 31 May
  4. East Dunbartonshire Council, Order - West Chapelton Avenue & Crescent, Bearsden - No Waiting & No Loading Restrictions, closes 03 June
  5. Glasgow, Laurieston Phase 2 20mph Speed Limit Order 20_, closes 07 June
  6. Glasgow, Laurieston Phase 2 Trafffic Regulation Order 20_, Waiting and Loading, closes 07 June
  7. Glasgow, University Avenue and University Place, Traffic Regulation and Parking Controls, Order 201_, closes 07 June
  8. Glasgow, University Avenue and University Place, 20mph Speed Limit Zone, Order 201_ closes 07 June

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

  1. Glasgow, Battlefield, on-line public consultation 04 - 14 June and drop-in event (invitation only!) 06 June

Section 3: Consultation Feedback

  1. Glasgow, Battlefield ongoing design works - update
  2. Workplace Parking Levy, outcome of recent consultation
  3. Glasgow, City Centre Congestion Improvement response

Section 1: Current Consultations, in date order for response

1.1 TODAY, University of Glasgow Campus Development Meeting, 28 May 18:00hrs

This was noted in Digest 34, Item 1.2, which you should check for the full details, but here are the essentials:
Venue: Wolfson Medical Building (Yudowitz Seminar Room 1) on University Avenue.
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Tickets: not required, but attendees were asked to register via Eventbrite. Here's the link:   https://www.eventbrite.com/e/campus-development-public-engagement-evening-tickets-61683780849?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

1.2 Glasgow (School Streets, Glasgow) (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) (Experimental Traffic Regulation) Order 201_. closes TOMORROW, 29 May

Digest 34, Item 1.3 gives all the details for the proposed road closures around the time of the school day start and finish times for the 6 schools to be included in the pilot: Bankhead, Broomhill, Hillhead, Lourdes, Our Lady of the Rosary and St Blane's. If you wish to comment then please email saferparking@glasgow.gov.uk. GoBike's letter of support is here.
This is a good move by Glasgow City Council to cut down on the so-called "school run", depriving children of a bit of fresh air and exercise on their journey to and from school. If you have time before tomorrow afternoon, please do write in to add your support - but perhaps send your email to landservices@glasgow.gov.uk since the safer parking email failed when the GoBike letter was sent in!

1.3 Glasgow Climate Change Survey, closes 31 May

Final chance this week to respond to this survey from Glasgow City Council. There's lots of room for you to put your views in so do please get typing!

1.4 East Dunbartonshire Council, Order - West Chapelton Avenue & Crescent, Bearsden - No Waiting & No Loading Restrictions, closes 03 June.

Details were in Digest 34, Item 1.5 and here are the documents from East Dunbartonshire: Traffic Order and Plans. If you wish to comment then write to:  The Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer, Legal Services, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, G66 1TJ and you may email your comments in to: Fiona.Stirling@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

Here's GoBike's letter of support.

1.5 Glasgow, Laurieston Phase 2 20mph Speed Limit Order 20_, closes 07 June

Laurieston, to the south of the Clyde, is being redeveloped with some very pleasant-looking housing, as we told you in Digest 34, Item 1.6 and Glasgow City Council, in another piecemeal application of 20mph in the city, propose a 20mph speed limit. Oh that they had the resources to enforce it, but we will be supporting the measure. Here's our qualified letter of support.

1.6 Glasgow, Laurieston Phase 2 Trafffic Regulation Order 20_, Waiting and Loading, closes 07 June

Item 1.7 in Digest 34 gave all the details for this measure, but there are 2 concerns:

  1. There appears to be a dire shortage of people who carry out enforcement of road traffic offences in the city, leading to many, many infringements
  2. The official language around parking, waiting and stopping is confusing, as you will have seen if you read our recent blog-post "It's time for ACTION on University Avenue" so it means that people will stop, but perhaps not wait, or park - but it's still an obstruction for people cycling or trying to cross the road.

According to one guide this road marking means  "You may stop to load, unload or for passengers to get in or out of the vehicle providing there are no signs saying so. Double yellow lines mean that there is to be no waiting at any time unless there are signs that specifically specify seasonal restrictions. "
Confusing or what? No wonder so there are so many lawyers advertising to help drivers accused of road traffic offences.

GoBike is supporting the measure but pointing out our concerns in this letter.

1.7 Glasgow, University Avenue and University Place, Traffic Regulation and Parking Controls, Order 201_, closes 07 June
Standard parking in the non mandatory University Avenue painted cycle lanes.

Our concern about this proposal was given in both Digest 34, Item 1.8 and in our blog-post "It's time for ACTION on University Avenue" and we will be submitting our objection prior to the 07 June deadline. If you support what GoBike is doing then please add your voice by emailing Andy Waddell, Director of Operations, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, Glasgow City Council at land@glasgow.gov.uk

Do please sign our petition! It's at:  https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/make-university-avenue-safe-for-cycling#signature-form

1.8 Glasgow, University Avenue and University Place, 20mph Speed Limit Zone, Order 201_ closes 07 June

Digest 34, Item 1.9 gave the details of this proposal for another piecemeal 20mph zone in the city and our concerns with this are about both the piecemeal nature of 20mph implementation in the city and enforcement. We will be submitting our letter of grudging support before the closing date, but we do wish drivers would observe traffic regulations - for all our sakes.

Section 2: Forthcoming Consultations

2.1 Glasgow, Battlefield, on-line public consultation 04 - 14 June and drop-in event (invitation only!) 06 June

We tell you below, in the next item, that work is progressing on the design for Battlefield.
  On Thursday 6  June Sustrans are inviting "local residents, businesses, and groups who use the  area along Langside Road, Grange Road, and Queen’s Drive to attend a  focus  group at Queen’s Park Bowling Club to view design proposals for this  space. The proposals incorporate cycle segregation and look at improving  pavement widths, bus stop locations, and simplifying junctions. Please  find a postcard invitation attached with further  details. The event is between 5 pm until 8 pm where you can drop-in and  view the proposed designs and leave your feedback. Refreshments will be  available too.  
The designs will also be available online for the wider public to comment from 4th to the 14th June through the Sustrans project website" - https://battlefieldproposals.commonplace.is/.


Section 3: Consultation Feedback

3.1 Glasgow, Battlefield ongoing design works - update
Design Option 1 for Battlefield, with the old hospital site on the left of the picture.

The working group, including GoBike member, Eachann, is still meeting to discuss proposals for Battlefield and the southwards continuation of the South City Way. The latest news we have is that Sustrans will now concentrate on Design Option 1, linking Battlefield Rest to the old hospital site, see:  
We are told that "Further  design work will also take place on Langside Road and Grange road to  connect the South City way with Battlefield. An update on this design  work and the engagement around this will be provided at the next  meeting." This meeting will take place in the first week of June.

3.2 Workplace Parking Levy

In Digest 34, Item 1.10, John Finnie, MSP's request to support the Parking Levy was outlined - hopefully some of you added your voice to the consultation, since it's now closed. The results are out with almost 3 in 5 of us backing the levy, according to this report:  
However, while John Finnie was concerned about Tory opposition, the same newspaper  voices SNP opposition too. Aah, the vagaries of politics, but let's just hope that we do get some of these motor vehicles off our streets.

3.3 Glasgow, City Centre Congestion Improvement response

Back in February, in Digest 28, Item 1.3 we gave details of Glasgow City Council's proposals for "Congestion Improvement" (a curious term, but never mind) and we have, in this email of 14 May, received the outcome of their consultation:


Dear Sir / Madam


I  refer to your support of the above named Traffic Regulation Order and  can advise that your support was reported and considered. The Council  have  decided under its scheme of delegated functions to proceed with the  proposal as advertised.

The  Order was made on 8 May 2019 and an advert was placed in the Evening  Times on 13 May 2019 stating that the Traffic Regulation Order has been  made.

Please  note that the new signage, which will replace the existing signage, may  be installed prior to the effective date (Sunday 30 June 2019).  However,  whilst the new signage would show the existing restrictions applying on  a Sunday, enforcement of the new restrictions will not commence until  Sunday 30 June 2019 at the earliest.

Should you require any further information on the above named Order please contact my assistant John Telfer on 0141 287 3723.

Yours sincerely" etc

So, who knows, we might get an improved city centre out of this. It's a step in the right direction, at least.

So, a short issue for you this time but we might be back in business full-time in a fortnight.